PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 501: Grab a student

Ye Lang saw Lin Chuqi's appearance and felt that he really had to fight for this person next time.

Ye Lang: This person looks good, writes words well, and sings well. This is totally suitable for this show.

"I won't say much, I just want to ask you if you want to come to our Shengshi Moyin Circuit, I can help you make a piece of your own."

"You, you are like this again, use your talents to seduce others."

Yang Mi couldn't help but spit out Hua Chengyu.

"Hahaha, there is no way, that's all I can give them."

"Then I won't say much, do you want to come to my prosperous and unique track, my track is also suitable for you, and I can help you make a piece of your own."

Both Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng used their talents to shoot Lin Chuqi.

Ye Lang: I rely on. Both of them used this method to grab people. Then they can do what I can. No, I have to show what I don't have.

After thinking for a while, Ye Lang smiled and said to him: "Lin Chuqi, do you play games?"

The sudden change of Ye Lang's painting style surprised both Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng.

"Teacher Ye, what is the problem with you."

"Your question is beyond the scope of our program."

Although Ye Lang knows these and this problem is very strange, I guess that I can rely on the game, and this will win this person.

And this person's own profile says that the track he wants to go to is Shengshi Moyin Track.

Ye Lang wanted to use his unique method to win over this person.

Lin Chuqi smiled and nodded, "I like it very much. My dream is to be able to play games with Teacher Ye Lang."

After seeing him nodding, Ye Lang immediately asked: "Then do you often play? If you come to my track, I can also create a unique song for you. We usually can't play games, relax. Relax, how do you feel?"

"Ye Lang, you are robbing me too, but it says that they are coming to the Shengshi Moyin Circuit."

Ye Lang laughed, "He is so handsome and it's good to come to my prosperous beauty track."

"I never thought that you would come out and grab someone with me."

"You can't destroy the dream of a person who plays a game. Dreams are great."

Hua Chengyu sighed with anger, "Just now you asked him if he could use other instruments, and if you want him to perform another instrument, I should understand that you are also a dangerous person."

Ye Lang is really funny when he sees Hua Chengyu who is a little angry when he is afraid of being robbed.

"Teacher Hua Chengyu, don't worry, maybe people stick to their heart and want to go to your Shengshi Moyin Circuit?"

"If you don't come out, I will have a chance and stole my welfare."

After Hua Chengyu finished speaking, Ye Lang and Wu Qingfeng both laughed.

"But I really think that Lin Chuqi looks better the more he looks, you haven't posted your own video on the Internet again."

Yang Mi suddenly asked. Ye Lang was still arguing just now. The three of them stopped and looked at Lin Chuqi.

Lin Chuqi smiled shyly and nodded, "Yes, I have posted videos of myself singing on some platforms."

"No wonder, I just saw a few fans behind them holding cards with your name."

Lin Chuqi was ashamed of her head when Yang Mi said so.

"I actually have an identity as a game anchor."

Ye Lang was a little excited when he heard that he was a game anchor.

"It's a coincidence. I am also a game anchor. In the future, we can play games together and connect microphones together."

When Hua Chengyu heard Ye Lang say this, he suddenly felt that he had a greater crisis.

"I can also learn to play games hard and play games with you."

When Hua Chengyu said these words, he felt a little humble.

"Hahaha, Teacher Hua Chengyu, don't be stubborn, it seems that your people cannot be kept."

Wu Qingfeng patted Hua Chengyu on the shoulder and said with a smile.


"I can't compete with the two of you now. One is the original choice, and the other is to have better welfare. I have nothing and I am not worthy to fight with you."

After Ye Lang heard it, he laughed, "Really, I think it's good for you to come to my prosperous beauty track, and we can still win the championship together."

Lin Chuqi laughed when Ye Lang said this.

Ye Lang looked at him, shaking his eyebrows, and the camera on the big screen was facing him again.

Although only slightly shaking his eyebrows, the fans below screamed.

Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng looked at the fans behind with a bit of surprise, with a dazed expression.

"what's happening?"

"Brother, don't fight Ye Lang. Even if you win the fight, you won't be able to fight so many people."

Ye Lang smiled, and Lin Chuqi also smiled.

"But I still want to know, what happened just now?"

"I just shook my eyebrows at Lin Chuqi."

Yang Mi said with an idiot.

Hua Chengyu looked at Ye Lang suspiciously, "A shake of the eyebrows can cause such a big scream, what can you do?"

Ye Lang smiled when he saw Hua Chengyu watching him, "No, I didn't do anything."

"Then you shake one more and let me see."

When Ye Lang heard what Hua Chengyu said, he shook his eyebrows again.

This time, the pink underneath screamed again.

Hua Chengyu was scared to cover his ears by the scream, "It really is."

Hua Chengyu then saw Yang Mi smiling idiotically on the side, "Look at Sister Mi, seeing her smiling idiotically."

When Yang Mi heard Hua Chengyu talking about herself, she covered her face, "Where is it? And they are so handsome."

Ye Lang lowered his head a little shy after hearing this, although he was praised by many people for being handsome.

Moreover, the fact that he is handsome is also an undoubted fact.

But being praised in front of so many people is still a bit unbearable.

"Okay, all three mentors gave Lin Chuqi the badge, and now it's up to Lin Chuqi to make the choice."

"Lin Chuqi will continue to choose his original intention to go to the Shengshi Moyin Circuit, or go back to the Shengshi Beauty Circuit for more benefits and to complete his game dream?"

Ye Lang and the three of them all looked at Lin Chuqi expectantly.

After a while, Lin Chuqi slowly said a few words, "I, choose, go, Ye Lang's prosperous beauty track."

"Okay, congratulations to Mr. Ye Lang for getting another student, and now the instructor will bring the badge."

So Ye Lang stood up and helped him put on the badge.

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