PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 502: The first round of rules appears

After a few hours passed, the students basically came up once.

There were also people sitting behind Ye Lang, but Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng were still one or two members behind.

After the last student performed, Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng still did not choose him.

The last student also went to the pending area.

"Now all the students are there, the performance is over."

Hearing that all the students had finished their performance, both Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng were a little surprised.

"It's over, it's all gone."

"It's all gone."

"Now only Mr. Ye Lang's Shengshi Beauty Track is full. The Shengshi Moyin Track is still two people short, and the Shengshi Unique Track is still four people short."

"Now your track is full."

Hua Chengyu turned his head to look at the students they chose behind, and the people behind Ye Lang were full. Both he and Wu Qingfeng were still a few positions behind.

Ye Lang nodded, "Yes, thank you for your concession, let my students fill up so soon."

Hua Chengyu smiled helplessly, "If you hadn't robbed me halfway, I guess it's full now."

"Hahaha, the concession has been made."

"Now, two tutors are invited to choose the students in the pending area."

After hearing the host's words, Ye Lang sat in his seat with peace of mind and put on an expression of watching the show.

"Wait a minute, let's discuss it first."

Hua Chengyu said to the host.

"Then please wait for the students in the pending area."

After Mao Buyi finished speaking, Ye Lang and the others stepped up and were shut down by the director team.

Ye Lang and Wu Qingfeng leaned towards Hua Chengyu.

At that time Mao Buyi and Yang Mi also walked over and walked behind the three of them.

"Qingfeng, which ones do you want?"

"Well, I'm still thinking, you, you only need two people, which two do you want."

"I haven't figured out what two people I want?"

Where did Ye Lang look at the two of them, a little puzzled that he would choose those students.

Suddenly, Hua Chengyu looked at Ye Lang, "Ye Lang, how do you think the six people should be divided?"

Ye Lang took the list he had put on the table and handed it to Hua Chengyu and the others.

Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng were shocked when they saw that he made a simple record of every student who came out on the list, which was based on the repertoire and style they performed.

"Wow, you can actually remember such details, too great, right?"

"I just watched their performance, and I almost fell asleep at the end. I didn't expect you to have the energy to record these."

"I'm also bored, just remember it."

Hua Chengyu took Ye Lang's list, "It just so happens that I watched too many shows, and I almost forgot what they were performing."

Ye Lang smiled and pointed to the name of the person above, "I think this student, he is still very good, and it is more suitable for teacher Hua Chengyu's track. His explosiveness in the middle of the song is still quite good."

Hua Chengyu nodded, "I was thinking about this person just now, Qingfeng, what do you think?"

"This person is actually quite good at singing. She is also on my list, but I also feel that he is not suitable."

"Teacher Wu Qingfeng, I think the student number 59 is suitable for your track."

Mao Buyi who was standing behind suddenly said.

After Wu Qingfeng heard it, he looked at the student number 59. After taking a look, he found that the student was already on his track.

"It's already on my track."

Mao Buyi was a little puzzled when he heard it, "Then who are the remaining six students now?"

Ye Lang picked up the pen in his hand and circled a few students Mingzi, "Now there are six of them."

Mao Buyi looked at it, "Most of the six students seem to be more suitable for Mr. Ye Lang's track."

"Yes, how many people from this season are all running to his track."

When Ye Lang heard this, he laughed, "Maybe they all want to play games!"

Hua Chengyu laughed after hearing Ye Lang's reply.

After Wu Qingfeng looked at the information of the remaining six people, he pointed to two of them, "These two, I can, Cheng Yu, do you want it?"

"It's okay, I can give it to you if you want."


"The remaining four depend on their own luck."

After several minutes of discussion, Ye Lang and the others returned to their original state.

"Now that the three instructors have discussed it, six trainees from the pending area are invited to play."

After Mao Buyi finished speaking, the six students in the pending area walked up.

"Hello teachers."

"Now I have to invite instructor Hua Chenyu and instructor Wu Qingfeng to choose."

Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng looked at each other, not knowing who wanted to start first.

After Ye Lang saw it, he said, "Well, you two rock paper scissors. If you see who wins, you will choose first."

"Yes, two wins in three games."

So Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng started rock-paper-scissors there.

In the end, Wu Qingfeng won.

"Teacher Wu Qingfeng chooses first."

Wu Qingfeng first chose one of the members, and then Hua Chengyu chose.

After two rounds, the members of Huachengyu Circuit were full.

The remaining two students all went to Wu Qingfeng's track.

After the students of all three tutors were full, the recording of this session was almost over.

"The students of the three tutors have been selected, so now I will announce the requirements for the first round here."

"In the first round of selection, there will be three shows from each track, and the songs of each show are ready for everyone."

"Wow, so fast?"

Wu Qingfeng was a little surprised.

After the three songs came out, the faces of the students behind were not very good.

The three songs arranged by the director group are still somewhat difficult for the students.

Because their styles are relatively single, there are at least two or three styles in the son's song.

"These three songs are a program scheduled for every track."

"Each viewer has a vote to vote for the show he likes. The three tutors each have two votes. The tutor's votes cannot be voted for the show on the track."

"In the end, the winner is the one who has the most votes, and the last three shows with the few votes are eliminated directly."

After hearing this rule, the students behind them all stared.

"Directly eliminated!"

Wu Qingfeng said in disbelief.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.