PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 503: Dig a hole for myself

The emergence of this rule, on the surface, is to test the level of cooperation of those students, but in fact, what is to be tested later is the distribution of teachers to their students.

"The show crew is a bit big this time."

Hua Chengyu said happily on the side, "This makes me look forward to their performance."

"I'm looking forward to it too."

Ye Lang glanced at the students behind, and I had begun to show a scared expression.

Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng also found that the students behind were afraid of expressions, especially those who were in the pending area just now.

Ye Lang smiled at the people on his track, "Don't worry, I will save you."

After hearing the words of their instructor, those students at Yelang Circuit changed from fear to confidence.

"Beauty in the Flourishing Age, Beauty in the Flourishing Age, Beauty in the Flourishing Age."

After Hua Chengyu saw Ye Lang saying this to his students, he also said to the students behind: "Don't worry, we will not leave any of them."

"Prosperity Magic Sound, Prosperity Magic Sound."

Wu Qingfeng saw that the two instructors next to him had also encouraged his students, so he encouraged his students, "We can also win, and none of them will leave."

"The prosperous age is unique..."

More than a hundred students on the scene were calling for their track.

Fans at the scene are also calling for their idol track.

After a while, the students called the call, and their voices gradually became quieter. Mao Buyi took advantage of this moment and said, "Today's program ends here. Thanks for your hard work, everyone who fell A week’s time, you can prepare the show."

"Going back tonight, take a good rest! We will prepare the show from tomorrow."

Ye Lang said to the students behind.

"Take a good rest tonight, see you tomorrow."


Hua Chengyu and Wu Qingfeng also spoke to the students behind.

The students behind cheered.

After the three of them had finished speaking, Ye Lang went off first.

After Ye Lang left the field, he was very happy, but his face was still very calm.

Ye Lang: Finally, finally, it's over. I almost vomited after watching their show. I promised to join this show, just to dig a hole for myself!

When Ye Lang was complaining about the show, he saw Hua Chengyu's face with a happy expression, even walking.

Ye Lang was a little surprised when he saw him.

Ye Lang: This, too, obvious, is it all so superficial?

After seeing Hua Chengyu's appearance, Ye Lang looked at Wu Qingfeng next to him to see if his appearance was as obvious as Hua Chengyu's.

Ye Lang turned to look at Wu Qingfeng next to him. Wu Qingfeng was talking to Yang Mi happily.

Hua Chengyu walked to Ye Lang's side, "Ye Lang, are you going to the hot pot together tonight?"

Yang Mi, who was next to him, heard eating hot pot, and her whole person instantly became energetic, "Eating hot pot, are you going to eat hot pot?"

"Sister Mi, are you going?"


Ye Lang looked at them and felt that he couldn't fit into their circle.

Ye Lang: Then you go eat hot pot, I might as well go home and play with my Xiao Lang.

"Ye Lang, how about you, are you going?"

Ye Lang pretended to be embarrassed and smiled, "I may not be able to go. Is there still something to do in the studio?"

"Wow, it's so late, you have to go to your own studio."

"No way, there are still things there. If I need to go, I have to go over it. I'm really sorry."

Hua Chengyu was still very happy, and put his hand on Ye Lang's shoulder, "Oh, it's okay, what's the matter with this? We also often refuse other people's dinners because of some things. They all work in this industry and understand."

When Ye Lang heard him say this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

Ye Lang: Wow, I didn't expect them to be considerate of others. Although I really don't want to go to dinner with them, they didn't say anything, it's not bad!

Ye Lang followed them to tidy up, and by the way, he changed his clothes into ordinary clothes, and Ye Lang also removed the makeup on his face.

When Ye Lang went out, he saw that the sky outside was already dark, and there were not many vehicles left on the road.

Ye Lang was a little surprised after seeing this scene.

Ye Lang: Damn, why is it so dark? what time is it now? How many hours did we record? When I first came, it was big noon!

Ye Lang took out his cell phone with a look of astonishment and checked the time on it.

The time displayed on the phone has reached more than midnight.

Ye Lang: What? How come it's midnight so soon? Am I going to cross it?

Ye Lang stood there and looked at the screen of the mobile phone lit in the dark with a look of astonishment.

When passing staff saw Ye Lang, they smiled and said hello.

"Teacher Ye Lang."

Fortunately, Ye Lang was wearing a peaked cap, and the staff passing by did not see the expression of astonishment on his face.

Those staff members are always curious why Ye Lang is standing there still, they thought Ye Lang was waiting for someone.

After a while, Ye Lang reacted, don't look at the information on the phone, and see if Li Yu has sent it.

Ye Lang read all those messages, and none of them came from Li Yu.

Ye Lang: It's already this point. Will that fool Li Yu wait for me in the studio? He won't be so foolish, right? If he leaves, he should send me a message.

At this time, Ye Lang had found the side of his car and sat in the driving position.

Ye Lang looked at the information on the phone again, could it have missed some of Li Yu?

Ye Lang also opened WeChat to see if he had called himself or if he had missed any messages.

After Ye Lang watched it again seriously, he still didn't see that Li Yu had any information about him going first.

Ye Lang couldn't help it. It was so late at this point. Let's call and ask. Don't wait until Li Yu is still waiting for herself in the studio.

So Ye Lang called Li Yu.

The phone rang a few times before being connected.


Li Yu from the other end of the phone had a slightly lazy voice.

"Li Yu, where are you now?"

"Well~ I am at home now."

Li Yu answered in a daze.

"Oh, you are home, where is Xiao Lang?"

Hearing Ye Lang asking where Xiao Lang was, Li Yu only became energetic and realized that the person calling was Ye Lang.

"Ah, Ye Lang?"

"if not?"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.