PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 511: Lost confidence

"I am more curious about Ye Lang's performance on the track."

After hearing what Yang Mi said, Ye Lang asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because you are a prosperous beauty track, you have more handsome guys on the track."

After hearing Yang Mi's reason, Ye Lang could only answer politely: "Ms. Yang Mi's opinion is really different from others."

"The clothes of your people on the track are also very nice today."

Yang Mi said, still looking at the students sitting behind Ye Lang with a smirk.

"Now we need three instructors to decide the order of appearance of the first song."

Mao Buyi said suddenly above.

Ye Lang: The order of appearance! Didn’t the director team decide? I think other people in the last season decided the order of appearance by the director according to the lottery. How did we decide this year?

Hua Chengyu was also surprised at the side, "Did we decide by ourselves? Didn't you decide last year?"

"Yes, this year, we chose to determine the order of the students' appearance on your tutor."

After Ye Lang heard them, the three looked at each other.

"Sister Mi just wanted to watch the performance of Master Ye Lang's track. Would you like Master Ye Lang first?"

Hua Chengyu looked at Ye Lang with a smirk.

Ye Lang: I'll go out first! This is absolutely impossible.

After the rehearsal, Ye Lang had no confidence in his student's performance. If he were the first to perform, he would definitely lose.

Ye Lang quickly brainstormed.

"Does Mrs. Hua Chengyu really want us to go out first? Since Mrs. Yang Mi wants to see it most, shouldn't it be the last one?"

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid that after seeing those handsome men in Shengshi Meiyan, I won't see the rest of you."

Yang Mi of Hua Chengyu, who had always been supporting, suddenly helped Ye Lang somehow.

Ye Lang was a little surprised when he heard Yang Mi speak for him.

Ye Lang: Could it be that my beauty in this prosperous age is amazing to her.

Ye Lang quickly removed Hua Chengyu's idea of ​​pushing him to appear first while Yang Mi was still talking to him.

"Or, as a senior veteran, Mr. Hua Chengyu would set an example for us newcomers first."

Hua Chengyu didn't expect Ye Lang to push the first person to him so quickly, and stood there with an awkward smile.

Hua Chengyu saw that Yang Mi didn't help him this time, so she looked at Yang Mi, "Sister Mi, do you have any good ideas?"

After Hua Chengyu called Yang Mi, Yang Mi's emotional intelligence was still very high, knowing that no matter who she said she would be the first to appear, she would offend him.

So Yang Mi pretended to look at the students on the three tracks behind them, "I think everyone is ready, or you can decide by drawing lots."

"Yes, I agree."

Wu Qingfeng, who was sitting next to him, watched Hua Chengyu and Ye Lang evading each other's first appearance, and his special fear was finally pushed to his head.

When Yang Mi just said this idea, she immediately agreed.

Ye Lang and Hua Chengyu, seeing that Wu Qingfeng had agreed to Yang Mi's idea, couldn't say anything, they also agreed.

"Then I will be your witness."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, she took a piece of paper from the director team and tore it apart.

"Well, the three of you instructors will take a draw, whichever is the first to play."

Ye Lang looked at the three small **** of paper in Yang Mi's hands, and took one casually.


Before the paper ball in Ye Lang's hand was opened, he heard Hua Chengyu yell next to him.

At this look, I got one.

Ye Lang and Wu Qingfeng felt relaxed when they heard Hua Chengyu's call.

"Teacher Ye Lang, how many did you get?"

Wu Qingfeng deliberately asked Ye Lang.

Ye Lang also played with Wu Qingfeng, "I got 3, teacher Wu Qingfeng, how about you?"

Wu Qingfeng smiled wistfully next to him, "I'm so lucky, I got 2."

Ye Lang smiled and looked at Hua Chengyu, "Couldn't Teacher Hua Chengyu be the winner?"

Hua Chengyu looked at the note in his hand and laughed helplessly.

"Oh, what are you afraid of."

After Hua Chengyu finished speaking, she stood up and waved to the colleges behind.

"Come on, we are not afraid."

After this sentence came out, the students behind began to booze.

"It seems that Teacher Hua Chengyu is very confident."

Wu Qingfeng laughed at Hua Chengyu mercilessly beside him.

In fact, Hua Chengyu didn't have a heart yet, because he didn't come during their rehearsal.

I don't even know their stage effect, let alone confidence.

But Hua Chengyu still pretended to be very happy, "We are not too scared. We will let you see what is the most handsome then."

This sentence made the students who booed in the back more passionate.

The students of the first performance of Huachengyu Circuit have already gone backstage to prepare.

"Please invite Shengshi Moyin track students."

The lights on the scene dimmed instantly, and only a beam of light hit the two students on the stage.

Ye Lang looked at their performances as they did during rehearsals, and he didn't have much advantage.

Ye Lang saw what was originally his most promising track, so it looked like that.

After Hua Chengyu and their trainees performed on the track, Ye Lang had greater confidence in his trainees.

Then came Wu Qingfeng's track appearance. Their track performance was completely different from the previous one.

The performance of the Shengshi Moyin Circuit is more volatile, while the performance of the Shengshi Duxiu Circuit is relatively flat.

After they praised the two tracks, Ye Lang started to smile in his heart, but on the surface he still looked blank.

Ye Lang: It turns out that they are only at rehearsal. They look better. When they are on stage, they are similar to rehearsals. They are not particularly amazing. It seems that we have the first place on the track.

The people who arrived at the Yelang track appeared, unfortunately, the first one from Yelang and their track turned out to be from Xiaoyan's group.

The people in their group were the most nervous group before the start of the game, and now they are the first group to play on the track, and they will definitely be more nervous now.

After Ye Lang saw a few of them, his self-confidence just disappeared instantly.

Ye Lang: What a coincidence, they actually went up first.

Ye Lang had just had a calm expression on his face, but at this time he became a little panicked.

Ye Lang said silently in his heart, "Yan Yan, don't make mistakes at this critical time."

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