PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 532: Frog suicide

Hearing what Ye Lang said, everyone was surprised.

"Little b hasn't found his baby frog after looking for it for a long time. In the end, he really judged that his baby asked me to run away from home to experience life in society."

"Little b was very sad at that time. He was talking about his frog every day."

Ye Lang knew when everyone was quiet. Everyone was already listening to his story.

"Are you curious about where the little b's frog went? I'm also curious about where the frog went?"

Netizens were once again confused by Ye Lang.

what? What do you mean?

You don't know the result.

Is the ending of this story like this?


Ye Lang ignored the suspicions of netizens and just continued to tell his story.

"After about a week or so, that little b has completely come out of his sadness of losing the frog. As usual, little a will ask us to go to the secret base with him, because he will continue to get his warm water. Experiment with cooking frogs."

Ye Lang said this, thinking of something, he became happy.

When the netizens saw Ye Lang suddenly laughed, they sometimes began to suspect that Ye Lang was making up a story by himself, and some thought that the story had reached its climax.

What are you laughing at?

This laugh makes us feel terrible.

Why did you suddenly laugh? Isn't it over?

Ye Lang smiled and shook his head after seeing all kinds of suspicious barrage.

"The most exciting part of the story is here."

Hearing what Ye Lang said, everyone became quiet.

"That day, we followed Xiao A to our place as usual. When we got there, we saw Xiao A's usual can of frogs, and there was a white frog inside. All of us were surprised."

It was really stolen by little a.

Little a is too dishonest!

"That frog was not a steal from Little A. Little A's canned food is always in that place. It can only be said that the frog went to Little A's can by himself."

"At that time, Xiao B was so excited to die when he saw his frog, but he didn't seem to want to come out with the frog, and stayed quietly in the can."

The frog wanted to commit suicide.

The frog wanted to experience the feeling of being boiled in warm water.

Frog: No, I want to be cooked, I want to contribute myself, hahaha.

I ask myself to think about the boring life of my own life, no, I have to contribute myself.

Ye Lang saw the sudden change of the barrage style of netizens and was amused by them.

"Hahaha, your barrage is too funny!"

"That frog, we still don't know how he found that canned food, it might have the smell of those brothers before him!"

"Little b has been catching it all the time, but every time he made it and put it on the grass, the frog would jump in by himself again. I don't know if it was because he felt safe inside or he really wanted to commit suicide."

Netizens also began to talk on the barrage, and they seemed to be very interested in the strange behavior of the frog.

After Ye Lang said so much, he took another sip of water.

"After seeing the strange behavior of the frog, Xiao B finally had no choice but to let it stay in the can, but this would affect Xiao A's experiment."

"In the end, Xiao a decided to do half of the experiment that day, and let Xiao B hold his baby frog in that can."

"But something that we never thought of. After Xiao A caught fire, we were all busy with our own affairs, and finally heard Xiao A's surprised cry."

What's wrong, the white frog jumped in by himself and another cooked it.

Has the white frog become the frogman? Are you planning to save the boiled brother?


Netizens' brains really exceeded Ye Lang's expectations, and Ye Lang also laughed. These strange ideas are really not what ordinary people can come up with.

"You are so weird, you thought you were making a movie, even the Frogman came out."

"Didn't we all go to our own affairs? When Xiao A went to find the stick and came back, we saw a white frog lying beside his fire."

Yeah, it turns out that the frog wants to warm himself up when he is cold.

The frog felt that he was too ineffective as a frog and should be brave like a moth fighting a fire.

Does that frog think he is a moth?

But where did little b go? Shouldn't little b be taking care of his baby frog?

Ye Lang finally saw a good question asked by a netizen, so he continued.

"Yes, you should be curious about where Xiao B went. I went to help his frog find food. When Xiao A found that his frog was already lying next to the fire, Xiao B hadn't appeared yet."

Ye Lang seemed to have begun to remember Xiao B's sad expression, and sighed silently.

"Little a picked up the frog's corpse next to the fire. You have to look at me in surprise. How do you explain this to Xiao B? What can I do?"

"When Xiao A picked up the frog's body again, Xiao B came back happily. At that time, he had just arrived after the frog in Xiao A's hand and had the same surprised expression as Xiao A."

Little b thought it was small a who killed it, right?

Little a is going to be back.

Little a is miserable.

"Little a is also stunned when he is standing there. I don’t know how to explain to him. I look at them with a stunned expression. According to the situation of Xiao B at the time, how should I explain? I don't believe our words too much."

No, Ye Lang, you are also a novelist anyway, so why can't you tell a story with your own talents?

Ye Lang doesn't need to persuade Xiao B with his mouth, but can believe in Xiao B by relying on his own handsome principle.

When Ye Lang arrived, everyone said that he was able to convince Xiao B to believe this fact, a little surprised.

Ye Lang: Why do everyone think that I have a role in this story? In this story, I just watch them in the form of a third party.

So Ye Lang hurriedly explained: "Well, there is no part of me in the story. The final explanation still has to be explained by Xiao A."

what? It's not Ye Lang that you are going to explain, then they might have a fight.

Relying on Xiao a to explain by himself, I guess he would not believe anything about Xiao B.

Little b must have thought it was a little a who killed him.

Ye Lang saw that they all agreed that Xiao A and Xiao B had a conflict because of this incident, and now they still fight, and their hearts are already laughing.

Ye Lang shook his index finger, "That's wrong, you are all wrong, little a and little b did not quarrel, and little a and little b did not fight."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.