PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 534: Narcissistic system

It was the first time Ye Lang heard the system praise himself so shamelessly.

Ye Lang pretended to make a vomiting sound: "System, I haven't seen you for a few days, how can you become so shameless?"

"Host, what are you talking about, isn't I just like this?"

Ye Lang couldn't bear the appearance of the system, so he quickly turned off the system panel.

Ye Lang: Did the system take the wrong medicine today? I suddenly said such shameless words.

After Ye Lang thought of what the system said today, he couldn't help shivering.

"Ye Lang, the Bureau of Ancient Affairs wants to buy the story you broadcast live."

Ye Lang was a little surprised when he heard Li Yu suddenly say this.

Ye Lang: What? Is it so fast? Didn’t I just play live?

"What are you talking about? Story bureau, shouldn't they be liars?"

The Story Bureau is also the largest story company in the country. In the Story Bureau, there are less than a billion stories in it.

In the story bureau, the stories of various historical figures are collected, as well as the stories of various modern great men.

For fairy tales, the Story Bureau ranks first. They sell tens of billions of fairy tale books every year.

What surprised Ye Lang was how such a big company and such a famous story bureau could have such a boring story.

"Are you sure it is from the story bureau, shouldn't it be a fraudulent call?"

Ye Lang confirmed to Li Yu once again that he heard it.

"That's right, the boss of their company just called and said that they wanted to buy this story."

"Really? The boss of their company called by himself. You are a scam call. How could it be that his boss called by himself for such a big company."

Hearing what Ye Lang said, Li Yu also felt reasonable and suspected that the call was a fraudulent call.

But some Li Yu still believed the phone a bit, because the words on the phone didn't look like a liar and could be made up casually.

"But, Ye Lang, I still think it's really possible that his boss called."

Ye Lang heard Li Yu say this, "Then think about it, the boss of the Story Bureau, if you don’t check it online, do you know what he looks like? In their company's large and small incidents, I haven’t seen their company. The boss, how could it be possible to call me personally because of a little story about me?"

Li Yu nodded after hearing what Ye Lang said, and felt that it was a fraudulent call.

Ye Lang: The liar on the phone is also weird. If he wants to swindle, he doesn't have to check the information.

"Be careful when answering the phone in the future. Be careful of those scammers. Now the tricks of scammers are getting better and better."

Li Yu was already very angry at this time. Just now, he was still happy that a big company like the Story Bureau came to work with Ye Lang, but he didn't expect to be a liar in the end. This gap is really unacceptable.

Li Yu said angrily: "I'm so angry, I'm going to make a call and scold him."

Li Yu left angrily.

The employees in the company saw Li Yu happily entering Ye Lang's office, and then angrily walked out of Ye Lang's office, and they were all suspicious.

"Have Li Yu and Boss Ye quarreled?"

"Impossible, isn't the relationship between the two of them very good?"

"What else? The status is still there, and quarrels are normal."

Li Yu ignored what the employees were talking about, and ran to the side of the phone angrily.

Li Yu’s company made the call just now.

The person on the phone was obviously happy, and then Li Yu called, "Hello, what did Teacher Ye Lang say? Do you want to cooperate with our story bureau?"

When Li Yu heard the person on the phone say "our story bureau", his anger became even more intense.

"Liar, don't use this kind of tricks anymore. Don't think that we can't tell you that you are a liar. The story is that you can pretend to be casual. Who do you think you are? The story bureau gets this name, we will think you are real, you are so ridiculous, tell you, don’t call you again, if you see your phone, don’t say I didn’t tell you that I would treat you Polite."

Li Yu hung up angrily after scolding.

When the employees in the company saw Li Yu's appearance, they understood the cause of the matter and realized that the suspicions they had just made were wrong.

After Li Yu finished scolding that person, he felt more comfortable, as if he had avenged him.

Li Yu has transformed from his angry expression into a happy smile.

After a while, Li Yu had forgotten that incident and started talking happily with the employee next to him.

Ye Lang was shocked when he heard Li Yu yelling at the fake story bureau in his office.

Ye Lang smiled and shook his head, "At first I thought Li Yu was a sane person, but he didn't expect him to be angry all his life, but this is what he looks like."

Ye Lang was also a bit pitiful for that liar, and didn't find the right person.

"Teacher Ye Lang, are you busy?"

Li Dan still smiled and opened the door of Ye Lang's office.

Seeing Li Dan's smile, Ye Lang felt that there was something else, and couldn't help being a little scared.

Ye Lang: I finally want to take a break. Maybe something will happen. Looking at the expression on Li Dan, something will definitely happen.

Ye Lang had already imagined all kinds of things that Li Dan would say in his mind, and he had already begun to prepare.

Li Dan's small eyes had already formed a gap in his laughter, and with a little bit of blessing recently, his face looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Hehehe, Teacher Ye Lang, I have a big news to tell you."

Ye Lang: Great news! What's the news? Any news recently?

Ye Lang already showed his own wry smile, "Is it good news or bad news?"

"It must be good news, big news, is there any bad news?"

Ye Lang said twice in his heart, fearing that this big news is a big bad news.

"Then tell me, what's the good news?"

"Teacher Ye Lang, you have to be mentally prepared."

Ye Lang was already mentally prepared after you pushed open the office door.

"Teacher Ye Lang, the people in the story bureau said they want to cooperate with you."

Ye Lang was a little shocked when he heard Li Dan say this.

Could it be that the liar transferred and called Li Dan?

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