PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 535: Real Story Bureau

"Li Dan, are you deceived too?"

When Li Dan heard Ye Lang's question, he looked at Ye Lang dumbfounded.

Ye Lang thought that Li Dan hadn't heard clearly, so he repeated what he said just now.

"No, I'm not deceived, why do you ask?"

Ye Lang laughed. He didn't expect that as an actor on a talk show, he should have a clearer mind than others, but he didn't expect that the routines of the company's film, Li Dan, hadn't seen clearly.

Li Dan saw Ye Lang mocking himself there, and didn't understand why Ye Lang laughed suddenly.

"Teacher Ye Lang, what's the matter? Why do you say I was cheated?"

Ye Lang laughed and tears were about to come out at this time, "Li Dan, I thought you were a very smart person, but I didn't expect you to be quite confused in some aspects."

After hearing what Ye Lang said, Li Dan couldn't understand even more, and his small eyes were full of big doubts.

"Why are you like Li Yu, you feel that such a big story bureau will take the initiative to call because I live such a small story and say to cooperate."

Li Dan, after hearing Ye Lang's words, the doubt that had just turned into a look of surprise.

"Do you dare Li Yu also someone called him and told him that he was a member of the story bureau, and said that he wanted to cooperate with me. The liar here is also true. Before I lied, I didn’t even check what the role he was. Kind of person?"

Li Dan eased from his surprise just now, "Li Yu received a call, no! I just heard the boss in the story bureau say that he wants to cooperate with you and asked me to come over and ask you, why, he Also called Li Yu."

Ye Lang didn't laugh again when he heard it, "Don't you two have received a call from the same liar?"

Ye Lang: Well, I laughed so hard at me. Why both of them are not online today? This is the funniest thing I have encountered today.

Ye Lang wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and laughed, "Or I will call Li Yu in, and you two will confront each other."

Ye Lang picked up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Li Yu. After receiving the message, Li Yu ran in quickly.

"Li Dan, you have also received a call from that liar. I tell you, if Ye Lang hadn't told me that a liar back then, I would have thought that we would really cooperate with a big company."

Standing there, Li Dan looked at Li Yu in shock and looked at Ye Lang.

"Liar, how do you know that person is a liar?"

"Isn't that obvious? What company is the story bureau? You've seen his boss appear several times before. As such a hidden person, how could he take the initiative to call?"

Li Dan, after understanding why Ye Lang and Li Yu both said that he had received a call from a liar, he laughed loudly there.

"Teacher Ye Lang, you just said I was confused, but I think you are more confused than me."

Li Yu heard what Li Dan said about Ye Lang and looked at him in shock.

Ye Lang also looked at Li Dan with a dazed face and smiled and cupped his belly.

Li Yu: Wouldn't Li Dan just see that the other party is a liar now? How can he be stupid than me, and say he is a talk show actor.

Li Yu looked at Li Dan, sighed with worry, and patted Li Dan on the shoulder.

"Li Dan, it's okay, I have already called and scolded him."

Li Dan had just smiled into slit eyes, and suddenly looked at Li Yu, "You called and scolded back!"

When Li Yu saw the egg that had been squinting, his eyes suddenly widened, but he was so scared that he took two steps back.

"That's right! After hearing Ye Lang's analysis just now, I became more and more angry. How could I let a liar cheat, so I called back and scolded."

Li Dan laughed again, and kept patting Li Yu while laughing, "You can do it yourself."

Ye Lang kept smiling while watching Li Dan there, and he became even more puzzled.

Ye Lang: Li Dan took crazy laugh medicine today. I laughed here for so long. I don’t know. I thought we were talking about talk shows.

After Li Dan laughed there for a while, he gradually stopped and looked at Li Yu's surprised expression.

"Li Yu, let me tell you, you really scolded the wrong person this time, and the other party is really the boss of the story bureau."

"You can pull it down! Wouldn't you be with that liar?"

Seeing Li Dan's affirmative expression, Ye Lang began to feel that this matter was a bit wrong.

"No, do you know why you are so sure of us?"

Ye Lang couldn't help but ask at this time, "Li Dan, don't you know him!"

Ye Lang didn't ask in a questioning tone at this time, but in this shocked tone.

Li Dan snapped his fingers and nodded, "Yes, call the boss of my True Story Bureau."

Li Yu was shocked at this time, "What! Is it really him? Are you sure? How do you know that the other party is him?"

"Let me ask you if the voice of the person who called is a little bit mature, the tone of speech, that is to say, stop, say, stop."

Li Yu thought for a while and nodded, the expression on his face could no longer be described in words.

"That's right, that one is the boss of the story bureau."

When Ye Lang heard this, he frowned, "Why did he call such a person who rarely appears in front of the public?"

"No wonder, no wonder he called me and told me to persuade Mr. Ye Lang that he really wanted to cooperate with you."

Li Yu was still immersed in the shock just now, and was even a little unsure that what Li Dan said was true, "I'm really sure that this person is really the boss of the story bureau."

"That's right, because he also called me before. The two of us usually discuss some stories together and are already friends. How could I forget that I still have such a big friend."

When Li Yu heard this, his whole body was almost suffocated, "Damn, then I just called and scolded him, am I going to die?"

After Li Dan and Ye Lang heard them, they went there and smiled secretly.

Ye Lang saw that Li Yu was already panicking there, "It's okay Li Yu, since he can be the boss of the story bureau, there must be a certain measure, he must not care that you just scolded him."

"If I really cooperate with him in the future, how should I face him."

Ye Lang still doesn't quite believe that a company with such a big story bureau, and they have strict review of the stories published by their company, why would they come to cooperate with him?

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