PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 536: Greet in person

"Are you really sure that the story bureau really wants to cooperate with us? And what is it to cooperate with?"

Li Dan nodded affirmatively, "I promise with my personality that the Story Bureau really wants to cooperate with Teacher Ye Lang."

Ye Lang: Does the Story Bureau really want to cooperate with me? Could it be that my warm water boiled frog really moved him? This is also a bit ridiculous.

Ye Lang was a little unbelievable. Just because he told a short story live, he was able to get the cooperation of the Story Bureau.

"He told me that after reading Teacher Ye Lang's book, he had been thinking about cooperating with Teacher Ye Lang. He happened to see Ye Lang's live broadcast today and decided to cooperate."

Ye Lang solved his doubts and nodded, "Li Yu has just called and scolded him back. It is estimated that he has now withdrawn, the idea of ​​wanting to cooperate."

"Ah! Just now, I thought he was a liar just now, so I called and scolded him back. I'm sorry, Ye Lang."

Ye Lang shook his head, "It's okay, it's just a cooperation. It was just because I made a mistake in my own analysis that you thought he was also a liar, and the biggest mistake was me."

Li Dan heard the conversation between Ye Lang and Li Yu and looked at them with a little surprise.

"Isn't it? He should have called me after being scolded by Li Yu just now, asking me to come and persuade Ye Lang to say that he really wants to cooperate."

Li Dan scratched his head and laughed again, "I was still wondering why I was asked to persuade Mr. Ye Lang. For such a famous company, everyone begged to cooperate with him. How could Mr. Ye Lang not want it? What about cooperation?"

Ye Lang: Misguided, misguided, I didn't expect that for the first time in my life I would suffer Waterloo, I just have the aura of a hero in me!

Ye Lang smiled helplessly, "If the people in the story bureau really want to cooperate, it's not impossible."

The next day, people from the Story Bureau came to Ye Lang's studio.

The posture of the boss of the story bureau is indeed different. Although he is a small person, his temperament can still be seen as a different person.

If such a famous company wants to come to cooperate, it is the boss of the other person who came in person, and Ye Lang must come out to meet him.

Looking at the boss of the story bureau, Ye Lang remembered that he was scolded by Li Yu yesterday because of his misunderstanding, and the more he felt sorry for him.

Ye Lang: Had it not been for Li Dan's help to contact us yesterday, it is estimated that the cooperation of this large order would be in vain.

After seeing Ye Lang, the people who came to the story bureau were shocked by Ye Lang's face. After seeing Ye Lang for a few seconds, they came back and shook hands with Ye Lang.

Yang Yong, the boss of the story bureau, looked at the extremely delicate and handsome man in front of the facial features, and always felt that it was worthwhile to come from it personally.

Yang Yong: Sure enough, as Li Dan said, Ye Lang is really a handsome guy who has been rare in a century, and his temperament is so tight.

Ye Lang smiled slightly, "Mr. Yang, I was really sorry for your misunderstanding yesterday, and Ye Lang is here to make up for you."

Yang Yong laughed, "It doesn't matter, after all, it's normal to call me suddenly and a little misunderstanding."

At this time, Li Yu, who was standing behind Ye Lang, was too scared to look at Yang Yong's eyes.

And the smile of Ye Lang just now changed the assistant who was standing behind Yang Yong into a smirk and looked at Ye Lang secretly.

Ye Lang subconsciously glanced at the assistant behind Yang Yong, who happened to look at Ye Lang, his face suddenly flushed, and he lowered his head and smiled shyly there.

Ye Lang led Yang Yong and the others to the conference room, and Li Yu helped them all pour tea.

When Li Yu was holding water to Yang Yong, he suddenly met Yang Yong, and his calm heart trembled, almost shaking his hands and letting the water down.

When Yang Yong saw Li Yu look like this, he lowered his head and smiled slightly.

Ye Lang felt that Li Yu was a bit embarrassed at this time.

Ye Lang: Li Yu is an idiot. I just met Yang Yong with him this morning. To be calm, don't show fear, or you will lose the face of our studio.

After Li Yu finished the water, he saw Ye Lang looking at him with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and he lowered his head in shame.

"Teacher Ye Lang, I wanted to cooperate with you a long time ago. After reading your article in the early stage, I thought you were a rare wizard."

Ye Lang smiled politely at him, "I also heard that President Yang is also a talented person who can make poetry in five steps. I have the honor to have a while today."

"Hahaha, Teacher Ye Lang joked. I am just a hobby. The story bureau is also my personal favorite."

If it hadn’t been for Li Dan told Ye Lang yesterday that Yang Yong’s story bureau was just a small company established for his hobbies. In fact, he still had a large company in China. Ye Lang would have thought that Yang Yong had only a story bureau. Such a big company.

Ye Lang: Sure enough, great people are different. You can build such a big company just by your own preference.

Yang Yong glanced at Ye Lang and cut to the subject directly, "To be honest, I saw the live broadcast of Mr. Ye Lang yesterday. I also wondered, can I get the copyright of your story from Mr. Ye Lang?"

Ye Lang: The story I had yesterday was just a little story from when I was a kid, and he didn't expect that he could still see it.

Ye Lang was a little unbelievable, "Ms. Yang liked the story of yesterday?"

"Yes, our company also publishes some children's books. I think the story of Teacher Ye Lang yesterday has a good reason, so I think..."

Ye Lang knew that the main purpose of his coming was just for the boring little story of yesterday, and his three views had begun to change drastically.

Ye Lang: I'm such a boring story, he can actually afford it.

"That's just a short story from when I was a child. I didn't expect it to be appreciated by someone with a high literary talent like Mr. Yang. It's really fortunate for Sansheng."

After Ye Lang's flattery, Yang Yong smiled a little happily.

"Teacher Ye Lang, you also know literature, and you know that when you meet a talent, you want to catch it. We should all think like this?"

Ye Lang was already smiling at this time.

Ye Lang: Not bad, not bad, just like you, when I meet a person as good as you, why should I seize the opportunity to cooperate with you!

Ye Lang still maintained his demeanor on the surface, but smiled and nodded.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.