PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 544: Teammates with voice packs

Li Yu and Xiaoxi still maintained the surprised faces just now.

The two of them originally thought that they called Ye Lang to speak a little more, and to give some more explanations to the comments on the Internet, which would reduce some topics, but they did not expect that this method would add more questions to him.

Ye Lang smiled and looked at Li Yu and Xiaoxi. Both of them must have regretted that their intestines were blue now.

"Then, what is the meaning of participating in this interview."

Ye Lang had already seen from Li Yu's face that he had to regret and collapse.

"We got some opportunities to explain, and we got more topics."

Xiaoxi was already sitting in the back, so sad that he didn't want to talk.

Ye Lang saw that both of them were very disappointed, so he could only smile and looked at the past scenery outside the window.

Ye Lang: I didn't expect that the two of them would care so much about this matter. They would dare to receive some announcements without telling me in the future.

Inside the car, except for Ye Lang's happy mood, both of them were in a depressive atmosphere.

Ye Lang is very indifferent. After all, he can turn a blind eye to those problems on the Internet, but Li Yu and the others are different. The media will find them and ask them some things.

This is also one of the things Li Yu and the others worry most, and they can only explain to the media politely.

In the next few days, Ye Lang did not fight with black fans on the Internet like the previous few days, because the system always automatically reminded him that his heroism had not been completed.

Ye Lang was a bit uncomfortable being annoyed by the system recently, and there was no other way but to quickly finish the heroic fight.

Ye Lang opened the exciting battlefield once.

But this time, Ye Lang was tired of the loneliness of a person playing the game, so he directly let the system match.

Prior to this, since the name Ye Lang used before was known to everyone, he changed his name.

The system helped Ye Lang match three teammates, and all three teammates closed the wheat once they entered.

Ye Lang hadn't planned to communicate with his teammates in the beginning, but now that he meets three teammates who are all closed, he feels even more happy.

Ye Lang also asked the system to randomly select a map for himself this time.

Entering the birth island, based on the surrounding environment, it can be judged that the system has selected a desert map for itself.

The birth island is still as lively as before, many are beating each other, and some are running around in front of Ye Lang.

The voices of netizens will never be less after all kinds of openings on the birth island, and they are still very noisy.

It's the same on the plane, all kinds of voices declaring war, and people singing.

But Ye Lang still hasn't seen his teammate turn on the microphone.

Ye Lang: Oh, this system is really good. I actually matched three such good teammates for me.

While Ye Lang was still boasting about the system's goodness, and his heart began to be happy, he heard a very official voice.

"Everyone, where do you jump?"

This is their No. 3 teammate turning on the microphone.

But Ye Lang was still reluctant to turn on the microphone to communicate. He just marked the location of Ibo City on the map and told the teammate that he wanted to jump where.

Teammate No. 3 didn't know if he understood Ye Lang's meaning. As the plane entered the map, Ye Lang heard the official voice again.

"Please turn on the microphone to communicate."

"Please turn on the microphone to communicate"


The teammates on the number have been saying these words frantically, and they are still that kind of very gentle girl's voice, using a very official tone, but it is very similar to those navigating in the car.

"Fuck, is number three a voice packet?"

Ye Lang saw the No. 2 teammate open Mai again, and said in disbelief.

"Please turn on the microphone to communicate."

"Everyone, jump there?"

The No. 3 teammate didn't seem to hear what the No. 2 teammate said, and they were still talking these two sentences.

Ye Lang deleted the place he marked, and clicked the mark again.

Ye Lang originally thought they hadn't seen it, but he didn't expect a few of them to parachute with Ye Lang.

Seeing that the plane was getting closer and closer to Ipo City, Ye Lang no longer gave them the opportunity to discuss and jumped directly.

Because in Ye Lang's heart, there are really more places there. If he really wants to be a chivalrous man, as long as he doesn't beat them personally, he can earn more people for his chivalry.

Ye Lang is no exception to this time. He is still the first person to reach the destination by parachuting.

Ye Lang and the others went to the ground and scattered to find something.

Ye Lang and the others were obviously the first to go down, but the number three teammate was still talking non-stop.

"help me."

"Oh, come and save me."

"My dear teammate, come and save me."

Even though the Miyoshi teammates said such things, the one is still the same as before, special official, without any emotion.

The teammate of No. 1 finally couldn't help it, and turned on the microphone, “I’ll go, let’s go, No. 3 is the voice pack! The tone is exactly the same.”

"Come and save me, three brothers, come and save me."

"Listen, even the tone of calling us to save him hasn't changed."

Number Two also turned on the microphone, "What's wrong with the number? Why do we keep calling us to save him? Didn't we come down first and didn't hear gunshots. Where is she?"

Ye Lang discovered that the No. 2 sign on the map had been parked there at this time and hadn't moved from the beginning.

By this time Ye Lang and the others had searched several houses.

"Why hasn't the number three been moved? Isn't he a personal phone?"

"How is it possible? Are the man-machines equipped with such a high level now, accompanied by voice packets."

"Let's take a look! See what happened on the third?"

Ye Lang originally planned to go and see what happened on the 3rd, but when he heard that the two of them were going to see the 1st and the 2nd, he turned back.

Ye Lang continued to search some houses next to him, holding some things.

Ye Lang: Well, this desert map is really poor. As long as it doesn't fall into a good place, only those few things can be seen.

After Ye Lang has searched a few houses since landing, he still uses only level two configuration, and can't find a higher level at all.

The grab in his hand also took an M16A4 and carried a crossbow.

"Hey, why is the number three missing? Isn't it here that is shown on the map?"

Ye Lang saw on the map, the positions of the three teammates were almost overlapped.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.