PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 545: Stuck teammate #3

"Number three, where are you?"

"Does the number three have a stealth function?"

Ye Lang heard the words of the other two teammates, and thought it was a bit strange, so he ran in their direction.

"Come and save me, brother number two, it's just me."

"I want to save you too, but you told me, where are you?"

Ye Lang saw two people running around on the map, No. 1 and No. 2, but still couldn't find her.

"I'm on it, save me."

"We looked for it above, but I haven't seen you! Are you wearing a stealth suit?"

"There is no invisibility suit. I am stuck. Save me."

"Where is the card, voice pack."

its stuck! Ye Lang remembers that I myself got stuck once before, but that time it seemed that something I was carrying got stuck in the window.

Ye Lang: It doesn't make sense. If he gets stuck in the window, how could it be possible that No. 1 and No. 2 can't see him? Besides, he got stuck as soon as he jumped off.

"Fuck, number three is stuck on the roof."

The brother on number one said in surprise, and then there was a burst of laughter.

"Don't laugh at them, they will get angry."

"You have a voice packet, why are you angry?"

"I'll go, how did he get stuck on it!"

Don't let the person who heard number two at this time also be surprised.

"How can I save you?"

Ye Lang heard the surprised sounds of the two of them, and he became even more curious about where the number three was and how it caused them to be so surprised.

"Hahaha, why don't we give up on you, small voice pack."

"Oh, don't give up on me, come and save me, little brother."

Ye Lang felt even more awkward when he heard that No. 3 still said this sentence without emotion.

Ye Lang ran to their place, but also did not see the single number.

Ye Lang saw that both No. 1 and No. 2 were raising their heads, and then raised their heads up.

Ye Lang was surprised to see the No. 3 parachute hanging in the middle of the house, and he was hung there.

Ye Lang: I wiped it, how did this number three hang there? This is the first time I have seen this kind of big scene!

But at this time, two people, one and two, were laughing mercilessly.

They circled below and watched the number three hanging on it.

"Give up, give up! We can't save her."

"Let's go on the 4th! Let him hang there and divide."

After Yela was relieved from the shock just now, she also burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, the luck of this number three is also too good? Parachuting can also hang in the middle of the room, he is too amazing?"

Ye Lang had already begun to smile with his belly in his arms, tears were almost coming out.

Ye Lang ran into the house and ran to the top of the building.

Although No. 1 and No. 2 didn't understand why Ye Lang had to run above, they also followed Ye Lang and ran to the roof.

The three people who ran upstairs all laughed at the same time looking at the parachute hanging there.

When Ye Lang saw such a scene, he really laughed to death.

Ye Lang walked to the side of the fence to see if he could save No. 3 from where he could save one.

"Come and save me, three little brothers, come and save me."

No. 3 still uses her unsentimental voice packet, and keeps calling for her.

"Fourth, stop struggling, let's go, he can't be saved by looking like this."

No. 1 and No. 2 were still smiling, and they kept jumping upstairs of the two buildings where Bridge No. 3 lived, as if they were showing off.

"Number four, let's go! He is hanging here, and we can't do anything."

Ye Lang still didn't quite believe that, since the game could catch people, there must be a way to save him.

"Ah ah ah, don't go, save me first."

"Sorry to the number three, we are not careless to save you, but we are powerless!"

"Let's go quickly! Maybe someone over there will search it later, and we will be wiped out by the group."

Ye Lang was still running around there, watching if he could save the upper number.

Ye Lang: Fortunately, I was afraid that my teammates would not be able to help me well, so I parachuted into a relatively remote place. If there were people here, the number three would have become a box.

"Or on the 3rd, we let you end this game early, and you don't have to stay here forever."

The meaning of number two is that I didn't throw mine myself to kill my teammates.

"Don't, little brother, you can save me quickly."

"Before you die, we want to ask you, are you a voice packet? Can you say something to us normally?"

After speaking on the second, he already had a grenade in his hand.

After Ye Lang heard the grenade, "Hey, yes, maybe the grenade can save his life, how could I forget this?"

But Ye Lang didn't pick up the grenade just now, and now he knows that there is a grenade on the second.

But if you want to talk about the number three, you have to turn on the microphone to communicate with him. Ye Lang still doesn't think so much about this. What if his identity is exposed?

Ye Lang: Or let the number three die first, anyway, it doesn't matter that there is one less person.

However, when I thought about it, my purpose of playing the game this time is to be a hero. If you can't even save your teammates if you die, what else is there to talk about being a hero?

"You speak to us in a normal tone. If you are really a girl, maybe we can still find a way to save you."

Number One is still comaming Number Three, jumping between the two buildings.

Ye Lang saw that No. 2 was holding a grenade and was about to throw it at No. 3.

Ye Lang quickly turned on the microphone.

But when Ye Lang turned on the microphone, he heard the sound of the safety bolt of the grenade being pulled out by No.2.

"On the second, you big pig's hoof, don't blow me up."

"Oh, is it still a person?"

At this time, Number Three had returned to his normal voice, and said this sentence excitedly.

Ye Lang said excitedly: "Wait, I know how to save her."

I don't know whether it was because I heard the voice of a normal person on the 3rd, or heard that Ye Lang knew how to save her, and the grenade on the 2nd was immediately thrown into another place.

"Is there a way to save her on the fourth?"

"Yes, maybe if you put a grenade next to the one where her parachute is stuck and blow up the parachute, it should be possible to save her."

"Really? Would you like to try it on the fourth?"

"But, I didn't find a grenade just now."

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