PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 546: The voice is recognized

"Number one and number two, take a look at the number four, and you know how to save me, then look at you two, you two will remember it for me."

The voice of No. 3 at this time has returned to normal, but his voice is still very similar to that of the official one just now.

Ye Lang guessed that the number three might just want to pretend to play with the three of them, but he didn't expect that he would be stuck in the house as soon as the umbrella fell.

When No. 1 heard what No. 3 had just said, he was full of threats and said, "Since you let you down and you want to hit us, then forget it? No. 4, we still don't want to save her."

"How could the number four be like you? Ruthless and unjust."

"Oh, you can hear clearly just now. No. 4 is a person without a grenade. He can't save you now."

Before No.3 was rescued, No.1 and No.3 began to fight.

Ye Lang heard gunshots not far away from them, and felt that if he wanted to save No.3, he had to save it as soon as possible. After all, the three of them are not particularly equipped now, I am afraid Can't match others.

"Anyone of you has a grenade, hurry up on the number three, and if someone comes later, we will be done."

"I do not have."

"I have, you can blow up the number four, I will give you a grenade."

Number Two ran to Ye Lang's side and threw down a grenade. "I only have this grenade. The one just was wasted."

Ye Lang picked up the grenade, "You two get away first! Don't be blown up later."

After Ye Lang saw Ye Hao No. 1 and No. 2 run away, he ran to a far place, and he really turned to the grenade towards the place where No. 3 got stuck.

After the "bang" exploded, No. 3's parachute really burned, and No. 3 landed safely.

"Yeah, it's really just him. The luck of Number Three is really good."

"On the third, you have to thank the brother on the fourth, otherwise you would have died under the grenade of the two of us."

"Thank you No. 4 for your life-saving grace, I must hurry up to find something."

Maybe the grenade was heard by the people around, and Ye Lang heard the gunshots more clearly.

"It looks like it was the person who was attracted by the grenade, and we are probably running towards us."

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he jumped down and followed the third.

After all, No. 3 hasn't landed until now, and now he only has a pistol in his hand, and the surrounding rooms have been searched by the three of them.

The more Ye Lang heard the gunshot saying that he was near them, he felt like he was coming next to them.

Ye Lang felt that No. 3 was still bravely running forward with a pistol, and he might become someone else's trophy later.

"Number three, wait a minute, let me give you the gun in my hand! Don't run forward anymore, there should be a lot of people in front."

After hearing the number three, he laughed happily, "Really?"

"Well, I also have a crossbow here."

After hearing what Ye Lang said, the number three was picked up by Ye Lang rudely and threw it down.

Ye Lang also very intimately threw all the bullets in his backpack to her.

"Number four, come back with number three, I have already seen people."

No. 1 and No. 2 are still on the logistics that just got stuck on No. 3.

So Ye Lang listened to No. 2 and ran in their direction.

Ye Lang heard more and more gunshots, and became more focused, "Are there many people?"

Ye Lang's solemn cry made the good number three who was still shrinking Ye Lang so scared that he stopped talking.

No. 1 and No. 2 did not reply to him either.

Ye Lang: What's wrong, why don't you return to me, are they all dropped? Still did not hear what I said.

So Ye Lang tried to say another sentence, "What? Are there many people here?"

Number One suddenly became excited, "You, are you, are you Ye Lang, the big boss who stimulates the battlefield."

"Ah, do you think so? When I just listened to his voice, I was stunned."

"plus one."

"Really? Number four, are you Ye Lang?"

Ye Lang had begun to take this game seriously, but he didn't expect it, but he was heard by everyone.

Ye Lang heard them asking himself if he was Ye Lang one by one, so he stopped talking.

"No? When I saw that Tuan Tuan was playing games with Ye Lang, he didn't seem to have this name!"

"Are you stupid number one? Isn't the name changeable?"


Ye Lang's three teammates are no longer focused on those who ran over to beat them, but care about whether their No. 4 teammate is Ye Lang.

Ye Lang ran next to them, still silent, leaving the three of them guessing.

Ye Lang followed Number Two, lying in the corner of the fence upstairs.

Ye Lang said that when they met, they changed their perspective, and indeed saw people searching in several houses not far from them.

Ye Lang and the others were all lying there, waiting for them to come slowly.

In addition to hitting each other, those people kept asking Ye Lang their direction.

Although they have been watching each other's actions, the three teammates have been discussing the topic just now.

Ye Lang had already closed the Mai long after they found out, and he had already laughed out loud.

When Ye Lang and the others were separated by one building from those people, Ye Lang, you saw them running around on the second floor of that building.

Ye Lang squatted up, picked up the crossbow that had been on his back, took aim, and knocked down a teammate of the opponent.

After the fight, you should get down immediately. When you see the opponent's teammate coming to rescue him, don't squat up again and let his teammate shoot an arrow.

Ye Lang knocked down another person again.

No. 3 suddenly said in surprise: "Wow, I can guarantee that No. 4 must be Ye Lang, the person who can use the crossbow like this, there is no second person in the entire national server except Ye Lang."

"I also think so, especially the voice just now, it's really special."

Ye Lang heard them guessing their identities again, and shook his head helplessly.

Ye Lang: Didn't they hear my voice when I was discussing how to save the number three? I simply said three words and they could hear my voice. What a strange phenomenon.

"Why didn't I pay attention to his voice when he was discussing that he wanted to save me? If it weren't for the sound of question number two, I really could not hear it."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.