PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 558: Restore the scene

Ye Lang can already think of himself taking the initiative to call his phone number with Hua Chengyu’s mobile phone in his mind.

After Ye Lang reflected for a while, he still didn't quite believe Hua Chengyu's words. He remembered clearly that he went home after eating hot pot with them that night. Why was he still drunk.

Even if I was drunk, why didn't I have a headache the next morning? This is a bit unreasonable.

Ye Lang: Impossible, impossible. If I was drunk, why didn’t Yu Yi who brought me back tell me that night? If I remember correctly, Xiaoxi was not free that night and I took him. Went together.

Ye Lang shook his head, "Impossible, how could I be drunk that night? Didn't you make up this paragraph yourself?"

"Oh, if you don't believe me, you can ask the people who were there that night, or you can ask your assistant."

Indeed, Ye Lang rarely saw Yu Yi, and he didn't say anything when he met him the next day. If he was really drunk, he would definitely tell him the next day.

"Have you forgotten? When you woke up the next morning, I asked you how you woke up today, and you told me there was nothing. I was still wondering, you were drunk the night before and woke up, why? Does your head hurt at all?"

Ye Lang remembered that, the next day there were indeed several people who came to ask him how he was. At that time, he was still wondering why he suddenly came to ask himself.

Ye Lang was just guessing at the time that maybe they would ask themselves what they thought of the recording of the show as soon as the recording was over.

But I didn't expect that, in fact, I was the only one being asked, and the question was not what I thought, but because I was drunk the day before.

Ye Lang frowned and became a little worried, worried that he would do something strange that night and ruin his image that night.

"I, I didn't do anything except give you my phone number that night?"

"Believe what I said now."

"Then did I do anything else?"

"It seems that your little assistant hasn't told you about this anymore, because I'm afraid you will lose face."

When Ye Lang heard Hua Chengyu, the expression on his face was even more shocked.

Afraid of losing face! What else happened? I have never been drunk before, and I don't know what I will do after being drunk.

Ye Lang: No way? I won’t be that night. What embarrassing things did everyone do?

Ye Lang was already a little panicked at this time. He originally had a good skin and a standard image of a good man. He wouldn't have been ruined that night!

"Hurry up and tell me what else did I do that night?"


Ye Lang was completely holding his breath at this time, and the luggage was not ready at all. He had to listen to Hua Chengyu to tell some silly things he did that night.

"It's nothing. Everyone didn't know that you were drunk at first. It was only after the sentence you told me that everyone was surprised to find that you were drunk."

"What about the back? What about the back?"

Ye Lang could now accept the phone number he had given to Hua Chengyu himself, but he wanted to know what else he did besides this.

"There is no more, you just keep telling me, if you are bullied in the game, tell you, you have to cover me."

When Ye Lang heard him say this, he could remember that he was swearing this string of words to him by patting his chest.

Ye Lang broke his face and sighed.

Ye Lang was already crying in Ye Lang's heart, and it was a shame.

Ye Lang: It was terrible. The first time I participated in a program like this, it ended in such an unimaginative way! And it was still so long before I was told that there was such a thing, my image!

Hua Chengyu could already guess Ye Lang's current situation after hearing this incident, and his stomach hurts with laughter.

Hua Chengyu: He must be very broken now, a good handsome image, since he is drunk in front of us.

Hua Chengyu thought for a while. It was not him that was the most embarrassing person on the scene that night, so he felt that he had to comfort him.

"Don't worry! There was even crazier than you that night. You were not the only one who was drunk at the scene."

What Ye Lang heard from Hua Chengyu said that there were other people who were drunk. As long as he was not the most embarrassed person among the drunk people that night, his image would be saved.

"Really? Who else?"

"Director He Jiu, he is better than you."

Ye Lang was instantly happy when he heard it, and there was something more outstanding than himself. It seemed that he was not the worst one that night.

Ye Lang remembered that night when He Jiu was sitting next to him. The two of them were talking and drinking Erguotou, but later he couldn't remember what happened to him.

Ye Lang's gossip heart has also risen, and he really regrets that he drank the fragments that night, otherwise you can see how the big star is drunk.

Ye Lang asked excitedly: "Then you can restore to me the situation that night."

"Hahaha, nothing. They are all common scenes. He was drunk once when he had dinner with Teacher He Jiu, but that night, you were also involved in the thing he was drunk."

Ye Lang became excited when he heard that there was something about him.

Ye Lang: Damn, why, there was me in the incident of his drunk? Then why did you just tell me that there is nothing left.

"It's okay when you are drunk. Except for the things you told me that shocked everyone, you usually sit there quietly watching the hot pot boiling hot. Teacher He Jiu is different."

"How come it's different."

"We don’t know what you two said before. We only know that you two were there, drinking Erguotou and talking. Later, when he got drunk, he took your hand and kept telling you some of his experiences. With some advice, I cried when I was in love."

Ye Lang: I'm crying. Teacher He Jiu is crying. Shouldn't I cry with him? Will we two cry together in pain?

Ye Lang started to panic, afraid that things would make me follow what I thought.

"Teacher He Jiu is crying!"

"Teacher He Jiu was originally a sentimental person. He looks like this and everyone is used to it, but you are."

"Why is there still me? What did I do?"

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