PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 560: What are you doing

Ye Lang was relieved after listening, he was still very confident in his talents.

After Hua Chengyu solved the purpose of calling, he hung up the phone for working reasons.

Ye Lang also hopes to hang up soon. After all, Hua Chengyu is usually a person who doesn’t know how to find a topic after talking about this topic. Ye Lang himself doesn’t want to continue talking, Hua Chengyu. The time to hang up was just right.

"Teacher Ye Lang, the people in the story bureau said, if you have time, you can go over and take a look. They have written the story."

When Ye Lang saw Xiaoxi, he remembered what Hua Chengyu had said about being drunk, "Xiaoxi, when I finished participating in the Star of Tomorrow, nothing happened?"

Ye Langao looked at Xiaoxi with a stern expression on his face.

Xiaoxi thought that he had caused something serious again, and his feet were already shaking a little, and tentatively replied, "No! Teacher Ye Lang, did you see something on the Internet?"

Ye Lang saw Xiaoxi's look at a loss, and he was a little surprised, "Don't you know?"

Xiaoxi looked at Ye Lang with doubts and shook his head.

Ye Lang: Impossible! Yu Jia will tell her about such a big thing, and she must be hiding it from me.

"Didn't Yu Jia tell you anything about the dinner on the night when the filming of the last episode ended?"

Xiaoxi frowned and thought for a while, but still shook her head, "No!"

The expression on Xiaoxi’s face changed from just being confused to a look of gossip, "What happened that night? Is there any big news?"

Ye Lang: Since you don't know the shameful things, I won't tell you anymore.

Ye Lang pretended to wave his hand casually, "No, just ask."

Xiaoxi didn't believe it anymore. He felt that something must have happened to Ye Lang's sudden question. He couldn't restrain his gossip, or wanted to ask what happened that night?

"What the **** is it? Teacher Ye Lang, please tell me. Maybe I can still see it when I surf the Internet. I am better than you in this respect!"

Xiao Xiban tempted Ye Lang to tell the story.

Ye Lang: Yeah, this employee is a bit crazy!

Ye Lang looked at Xiaoxi with an expression that had nothing to do with you, "Don't ask anything you don't know, you are the most gossiping, it is better to work hard."

When Xiaoxi heard Ye Lang say this, he nodded on the surface and listened to the boss's instructions.

But in fact, she was ready to run to ask Yu Jia, because when she just heard Ye Lang say Yu Jia, she was ready and she was going to ask him about his preparations.

Xiaoxi looked at this situation, Ye Lang wouldn't tell him anything, Dao didn't know how to behave seriously in front of him.

"Teacher Ye Lang, when would you go to the Story Bureau to read your story? They said that by the way, they could discuss the cover shooting."

Ye Lang: Story Bureau, the story written by the company that sells the most storybooks in the country every year, I still use me to read it. The writing talent of their company's employees may be higher than mine.

"Don't you worry about the text written by the story bureau? What else do you need to look at? The cover shooting, just go and read it!"

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he felt that if the cover let Xiaoxi look at it, this would not happen.

Although Xiaoxi was born as a girl, her taste is always peculiar. The things he chose will definitely make Ye Lang very difficult to deal with.

So Ye Lang hurriedly added: "You take Li Yu to see the content to be shot on the cover, he has a much better vision than you."

When Xiaoxi heard Ye Lang's gaze so obviously opposed to him, he made a "tasteless" expression on his face.

Ye Lang understood his expression naturally, "Isn't it? Don't you think you have good taste?"

"That is, if it wasn't for Ye Lang, your own face is good-looking, if you look good no matter what you do, it is the face of an ordinary person, then some of my choices will make her look new in front of others."

After Ye Lang heard it, she looked at her and smiled coldly.

Ye Lang: I'm still quite confident. To call her a bit of terrible taste, and to make people look new in front of her, it is indeed possible, but it is not good-looking.

"You should do your job well! Also, in a few days I should go to card-to-pair games. You'd better not give me any weird activities recently."

Xiaoxi was shocked after listening, "What?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Didn't the director call you before?"

Xiaoxi's whole body collapsed. He didn't expect that the director actually called Ye Lang, and Ye Lang agreed without his consent.

Xiaoxi sighed, "How can this director be like this? I told him clearly, you don’t have time, and you call to force you to participate. Teacher Ye Lang, is he threatening you with what happened to the star of tomorrow? promise?"

Ye Lang saw Xiaoxi's angry look, heard her speak some language that he didn't understand, and looked at her in disbelief.

Xiaoxi shook her head and patted Ye Lang with a "rest assured, leave it to me" expression, "Teacher Ye Lang, don't worry, as your assistant, I should protect your life. I will call and scold now. That director, he left his phone number last time."

"I'm telling you, this director has already seen that I didn't agree, don't ask someone for your phone number. Didn't you just ask what happened that night when the star of tomorrow ended? He must be in contact with that director It’s just to use this to coerce you to participate. This is the despicable behavior of these show directors."

Ye Lang shook his eyebrows. He didn't understand what Xiaoxi was thinking at all, but was startled by Xiaoxi's behavior.

Ye Lang: Ah, this little girl, when did she get so courageous? Is she drunk today? Why is she a little abnormal? But the imagination has increased a lot.

Ye Lang stretched out a finger to support Xiaoxi's hand on his shoulder, and then kept a little distance from Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi, are you drunk today? Or are you taking the wrong medicine? Why do you feel weird?"

Xiaoxi looked at Ye Lang in surprise, and then said to Ye Lang happily: "Teacher Ye Lang, look at us like this, are we getting closer? Am I more responsible for you?"

Ye Lang showed a non-smiling expression on his face, "What are you doing?"


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