PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 570: Hua Chengyu is ours

Jialin heard this, and the host suddenly asked the audience below, and said in surprise: "Do you have to do this? After torturing Shen Xing, come and abuse me."

The host smirked, "Didn't all the photos come out? Then ask."

In Ye Lang’s eyes, Jia Lin’s young photo was really beautiful. At that time, she was thinner and her facial features looked very three-dimensional. The two pear vortices on her mouth still made her smile sweet Sweet look.

Ye Lang: I didn't expect that the two people in front of me were so good-looking when they were young. Maybe I really did like Jialin said that when I was old, they would become like Shen Xing.

Ye Lang now thinks about how he looked when he was old, but he was a little scared.

After Jialin had compared the appearance of her and Deng Xiaoqi by the host, the fans underneath naturally shouted the name of her idol.

Deng Xiaoqi ran to hold Jia Lin at this moment, and patted her on the shoulder, "Sister Lin, you look better than me now."

Deng Xiaoqi's words are completely perfunctory, and everyone can see that Jialin now can't compare with Deng Xiaoqi, a young girl.

Jialin pushed Deng Xiaoqi away, her face was still harmonious, and she smiled and said, "Deng Xiaoqi is too fake."

Then Jialin touched her little braid tied to one side, and said in a very arrogant tone: "Although I know, even if I am older, I am a goddess of many people, alas, no way, beautiful woman That's the trouble."

After Jia Lin finished speaking, she hugged herself and laughed loudly.

Ye Lang and the others were also amused by them.

After comparing their looks, they will start the show.

This program basically means that the future guests will be divided into two teams with the regular guests on the stage, and then some small games will be played, and the winning team will give some small rewards.

Because Ye Lang and Deng Xiaoqi were two flying guests, they naturally fell into a group.

But there are four regular guests on their show, so someone must come over to Ye Lang.

The host began to group them, "Because our theme today is, I have a beautiful voice, and it is about music, so today Hua Chengyu wants to form a group with the guests."

Because before Hua Chengyu was a group of fixed guests, he was suddenly separated, and the only person in the group where they fixed the guests was also separated.

Shen Xing said excitedly: "Director Wu, what do you think? Give the other one of us who is engaged in music. If you want us to lose, just say it."

Yuan Yina, who had rarely spoken at first, also said very collapsed: "Hua Chengyu, why did you betray us? Sister Lin, what shall we do?"

Jialin also followed Shen Xing and said, "Director Wu, you secretly took our young photos to compare with others. It is so obvious that we should lose. You will remember it today."

There are three music players on Ye Lang's side. Hearing it, the other party is talking about the director angrily, which is naturally very disappointing.

"Well, now the two teams think of a slogan first."

After Ye Lang listened to them, the two teams discussed their own slogans.

After a while, the first round of the game began. Before the start, both teams need to shout their own slogans.

In the group of regular guests, they looked at Ye Lang angrily and shouted: "Huh, we can do without you."

When Hua Chengyu heard their slogan, she knew she was talking about herself, and collapsed on her knees, "Sorry! It was arranged by the director, otherwise I won't have a job."

Ye Lang squatted down and patted Hua Chengyu on the shoulder, smiling and comforting, "It's okay, brother, there are us."

"Well, what is Ye Lang's slogan on your side?"

Ye Lang pulled up Hua Chengyu on the ground, "Brother, although you don't need you over there, our momentum cannot be defeated."

Ye Lang and the three of them looked at each other right. After Deng Xiaoqi called 321, the three of them shouted together: "We are the most beautiful."

After Ye Lang and the others finished speaking, Jia Lin covered her face and said in surprise: "Ah, they are mocking our face just now."

Yuan Yina don't pat Jialin's shoulder quickly, "Sister Lin, we can't persuade, we can't lose with aura."

Jialin stopped her chest when she heard it, and said, "Huh, a few small tender meats, just want to compare with me, I can single you out."

Ye Lang saw that Jia Lin had finished this sentence very proudly, but after that, the whole person immediately got up and laughed.

The first game begins. It is a game that tests tacit understanding. You draw and I guess.

For the group of regular guests, who have filmed so many episodes together, the degree of tacit understanding is higher than that of Ye Lang and his group.

Hua Chengyu looked at Ye Lang and Deng Xiaoqi, and wanted to give the guests more shots.

When Ye Lang saw him like this, his heart began to panic.

Ye Lang: Hua Chengyu, shouldn't you be so unreliable? After all, our group of people with a relatively high degree of understanding is the two of us. Is it possible that you want me to go with Deng Xiaoqi.

When Hua Chengyu looked at the two of them and when he met Ye Lang, he saw a hundred unwillingness in his eyes.

Deng Xiaoqi didn’t know if he could see the unwillingness in Ye Lang’s eyes, or if he really didn’t want to take it, and said to Ye Lang and the others: "Go on, you two, you two have at least photographed the star of tomorrow together, how is the tacit understanding? Say it's better than me."

Ye Lang: Fortunately, you can see this. Otherwise, if you want me to go up with you, the two of us must be unable to answer a single question.

It seemed that this method was also what Hua Chengyu wanted in his heart, so he nodded happily and looked at Ye Lang.

Going up with Hua Chengyu, Ye Lang was naturally willing, and his eyes were almost full of light, "Okay, let's go two of us."

After Ye Lang and the others went up, the other party sent Jialin and Yuan Yina.

When Jialin saw Hua Chengyu, she pretended to be unconvinced and said: "Oh, Hua Chengyu has found a partner when she is there, and she has asked someone to come and fight us!"

Hua Chengyu laughed when Jia Lin said this to herself.

Ye Lang put his hand on Hua Chengyu's shoulder, with a very domineering look, and said, "Why, sister Jialin, Hua Chengyu is ours now."

When Jialin saw Ye Lang's domineering look, she excitedly said to Yuan Yina next to her: "Wow, so handsome!"

Ye Lang and the others were also amused by her unusual reaction.

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