PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 591: Finally please leave the Buddha

After the bodyguard finished speaking, Liu Qianfeng frowned slightly.

The expression on Liu Qianfeng’s face looked like something was happening, but it was not about Ye Lang and the others. Ye Lang was a little happy after seeing it.

Ye Lang: Is there something? Is it going to leave? Hurry up.

Sure enough, when that bodyguard straightened his back and stood up, Liu Qianfeng smiled politely and said to Ye Lang, "I'm really sorry, I have things to leave first, and talk if I have time."

When Ye Lang heard him say this, he almost jumped up with joy.

Ye Lang stood up, with the happiest smile on his face, "It's okay, it's okay. If Liu always has something to do, please go!"

This is indeed the voice in Ye Lang's heart, if yes, go quickly.

Ye Lang looked at the man in front of him and showed a little bit of disappointment. Could it be because he couldn't say a few more words to his daughter?

Although Ye Lang had some doubts in his heart, he was particularly happy to see him leave again.

Liu Qianfeng proactively extended his hand to Ye Lang, "I hope you can consider our cooperation, and I also hope to have a cooperation with you."

After Liu Qianfeng finished speaking, he actually cast a serious look at Ye Lang, as if saying, "You must agree to my request for cooperation."

Ye Lang: Does he really want to cooperate? Is it because of Konishi? Is it because of my great personality?

Ye Lang smiled and nodded, "I will think about it. Thank you for your personal visit."

After Ye Lang happily shook hands with him and said goodbye, he planned to send him out of his studio.

When Liu Qianfeng was about to leave again, he looked at Xiaoxi with a little worry, "You work here, but you have to do it well, and don't cause any trouble to others."

"Okay, okay, I see, if you have something to do, you can leave as soon as possible. I will delay people from doing things here."

Ye Lang heard Xiaoxi saying so impatiently. Although it was a little pitiful that Liu Qianfeng was so unwelcome by his daughter, he was already smiling crazily in his heart.

Liu Qianfeng nodded, beckoned to his daughter and walked away.

Ye Lang returned to his office again, and felt that the air in his office was never as refreshing as this time.

Ye Lang: I finally got this big Buddha away, so happy.

Ye Lang showed unconcealable happiness on your face after you went to the office, and you didn't notice Xiaoxi following him in.

"Teacher Ye Lang, do you really want to cooperate with my dad and them?"

Ye Lang was startled by the sentence that suddenly floated behind him, "When did you follow up?"

Ye Lang patted his chest, rejoicing that when he first came into the office, he didn't overexpress himself happy.

"I have been behind you since just now! Do you really want to work with my dad and them? They are very cunning."

Ye Lang: Your dad just left, why are you asking me such a question? I'm all happy once, what's wrong? Forced to throw the troubles to me.

But fortunately, Liu Qianfeng is not there, and Xiaoxi has not inherited his father's insidious and cleverness. Without his father's presence, it would be easy to play tricks with her.

Ye Lang raised the corner of his mouth more than 45 degrees and looked at Xiaoxi, "Didn't you just tell Mr. Liu confidently that the decision is yours? What do you think?"

Xiaoxi frowned, still looking like Liu Qianfeng frowned just now.

Ye Lang remembered that when Liu Qianfeng was about to leave, he looked at his eyes, as if expecting him to cooperate with him.

Ye Lang: Well, although you really want to cooperate with me and help me put this decision in your daughter's hands, if your daughter does not agree, nothing will involve me, and you will not be angry with me Right!

Since Liu Qianfeng's departure, Ye Lang has really been in a very good mood. He looks very good at everything.

Xiaoxi actually stood there seriously thinking about whether to agree to the question of cooperation, but this kind of appearance made Ye Lang a little uncomfortable, because he couldn't fully express his inner happiness.

"Isn't there any endorsements that have been spoken? Didn't you speak any forms of endorsements? Why are you so anxious? When the decision is made over there, the notice is given to you. You can take a look at it and think about it. "

Ye Lang really saw Xiaoxi thoroughly and knew how to blast her away.

Xiaoxi heard Ye Lang say this, and happily clapped his hands, "Yes, what am I worried about now? Its channel report has not come, how can I make a decision?"

"It's better to go and do my business as soon as possible. You can also have a little more time to rest. Goodbye Teacher Ye Lang."

Xiaoxi went out with a happy face, as if the matter had been resolved.

Seeing Xiaoxi's happy back, Ye Lang was extremely happy in his heart.

Ye Lang: Yeah yeah, no one bothers me anymore. This is too rare. The things I worried about these days have finally fallen.

Ye Lang now feels relaxed all over, and feels like he is going to float up.

Ye Lang: In such a good mood, I should have a game to make myself more happy.

Ye Lang just opened the exciting battlefield and saw that he actually had a lot of private messages.

Since playing games, Ye Lang has never received so many other than one or two private messages to invite games.

At first, Ye Lang thought it was just some information about the game invitation, so he didn't plan to click it in, so he deleted all of them.

But when he clicked in, he saw that a lot of it was about the latest incident.

"Teacher Ye Lang, we trust you."

"Teacher Ye Lang, we support you."

"Teacher Ye Lang, you have to cheer up! We are all looking forward to your live broadcast."


Most of them were words that encouraged Ye Lang. Ye Lang was also wondering what was going on. What happened before, they didn't do this! Why is it like this this time?

The more Ye Lang thinks about it, the more it feels a bit strange that this information comes. Although they are some people who often play games with them, they also understand what Ye Lang is like. This time, why did they send so much encouragement? if.

Ye Lang: Did they make an appointment? Or have you heard some news about me last month?

Ye Lang quickly picked up his mobile phone and opened Weibo to see if there was any "big news" about his topic recently.

As soon as Ye Lang opened the hot search on Weibo, he saw the first bright words, and the whole person was shocked, "Ye Lang, depression."

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