PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 592: Buckle depression

Ye Lang frowned when he saw the hot search.

Ye Lang: What kind of hot search is this? When did I catch up with depression!

Ye Lang curiously clicked on the hot search.

Ye Lang frowned as he looked at the contents of the hot search.

It turned out that Ye Lang thought that it was useless to explain anyway, so he didn't go to Weibo and didn't post anything. He didn't expect that there was a false rumor that he was already depressed at home.

Ye Lang saw this hot search that didn't exist at all, and it also ranked first on the hot search board.

Ye Lang: No wonder the private messages that I just saw are so strange, that's because of this.

Ye Lang saw the person who released the news, and he said with justification, he also said that he was a doctor in a mental hospital, and he also had a picture of the hospital where he entered.

Ye Lang looked at the photo, and the people in it were indeed like him, but he had never been to that place.

Ye Lang kept zooming in on the photo to see if he could find a clue that could prove that it wasn't him.

Ye Lang watched it for a long time, but the person inside was himself, because he wore such a set of clothes, and they often matched it.

Ye Lang: Did someone buy a set of clothes like this in order to imitate me, and then find someone who is similar to me to take such a photo, just to send me to the hot search?

Ye Lang also went to Weibo to find out the Weibo of the person who spread the rumor. Later, he found that all the messages in that person's Weibo had been deleted.

Ye Lang could only see the message he posted that day in the screenshot taken by netizens on Weibo.

Ye Lang smiled coldly after watching for a while, "Sure enough, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds."

Although many netizens said that the picture is p, there are still a lot of people who believe it. After all, Ye Lang had just happened to fight with black fans before, and this time there was no explanation after this incident came out. No wonder people on the Internet doubt him.

Ye Lang read one article after another, the netizens analyzed him, and some people cut out the video of his previous interview and conducted a series of analyses on his words and expressions to prove that she was suffering from depression.

Ye Lang: Are these people so idle every day? It took such a great effort to prove that I had depression.

Ye Lang is really helpless about these behaviors of netizens, but at this time he can't come out and speak, otherwise it would be another incident.

After Ye Lang saved some of the excessive words and deeds of netizens, and the person who released the news first, printed out the content.

Judging from the Weibo information of the person who first released the news from Ye Lang's family, if he is not fake, he should be a doctor in a mental hospital.

Ye Lang: A psychiatrist, right? Then I am going to see how good this psychiatrist is?

Originally, I was so happy that I wanted to play the game. I was instantly overwhelmed by the news. Ye Lang just wanted to see what kind of person the psychologist was and why he framed him so much.

Ye Lang looked for the location of the hospital on the Internet, and sure enough, all the rumors on the Internet were based.

That psychological hospital was actually less than five kilometers away from his home. No wonder netizens would say that Ye Lang would choose the time when the store had the least traffic, and was very close to it, saying everything was true.

Ye Lang didn't think I was going to take a break, so another thing happened.

But this time Ye Lang wanted to determine if this person was from that hospital, and after the happy mood just now, even if this incident made him a little angry, he just walked out of the studio humming a little. .

Ye Lang didn't dare to call Xiaoxi, because recent events gave him a little "little reputation" on the Internet. If he went out together, he would be easily recognized, so he went alone.

Ye Lang: Since you took pains to be taken into the hospital by me, or I will give you a real one, so that you don't have to worry about it.

Ye Lang wrapped himself tightly, wearing masks, hats and sunglasses neatly. If he weren't really a fan, he wouldn't be able to tell that the person in front of him was Ye Lang!

Ye Lang shook his car keys, inexplicably looking forward to the person who spread the rumors inside.

After Ye Lang entered, a person at the front desk came out to block him, "Hello sir, do you have a reservation, do you have a doctor here?"

Ye Lang looked at the expression of the waiter at the front desk as if he were treating an ordinary person, and realized that this time he was so tightly packed that he did not recognize himself.

The waiter thought that the person in front of him might be a public figure, but he didn't expect that he was the one who had been making a lot of noise with their hospital on the Internet recently.

"Can't I go in for a visit without booking a doctor?"

Hearing Ye Lang's question, the man was visibly shocked, and then he quickly showed his service attitude, "Mr. This is what happened in our hospital recently. If you want to see a doctor recently, you must Make an appointment in advance."

Ye Lang nodded, "That way! What happened to you recently?"

The front desk hesitated and stopped, just saying politely, "We don't know this too well, but the hospital's recent new regulations are just one."

Ye Lang nodded, "Then how can I book your doctor."

"Sir, you can first register the information at the front desk, and we can arrange a doctor for you based on your information."

"Then can I have a designated doctor?"

"This, this depends on whether the doctor is willing or not."

Ye Lang: What kind of mental hospital is this! I want to book a doctor and see if she wants to?

Ye Lang looked around in their store, and there were various certificates and award certificates on them.

Ye Lang saw that there was a sign with many heads of people not far away.

Ye Lang pointed to the place, "Are those doctors here?"

"Yes, sir, why don't you go to see our doctor first, and then come here to register information."

Ye Lang: Then I can go and see if that person is his own doctor.

Ye Lang nodded and walked over.

In front of the board, Ye Lang looked at the top one after another.

Suddenly Ye Lang saw a person's profile picture very familiar.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.