PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 593: registered

Ye Lang quickly picked up the phone and clicked on the Weibo of the person who first spread the message on Weibo.

Comparing the profile picture of the person on the bottom panel and the profile picture of the person on Weibo, it is indeed very similar to the same person, with a similarity of 90%.

After Ye Lang saw the corner of his mouth raised unconsciously, there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes, but the expression on his face could not be seen by others.

Ye Lang: Sure enough, there really is such a person. I would like to see what you can do to spread a rumor like me on the Internet.

Ye Lang returned to the front desk again.

"Sir, have you decided to book a doctor?"

Ye Lang nodded, "You can specify which doctor to book, right?"

"Yes, sir, you fill in this information first. If you are free in the lifetime of your reservation, we will notify you in advance."

Ye Lang looked at a piece of paper handed over by the waiter, on which he needed to fill in a lot of information.

"Do you have to fill in all of these?"

"Yes, sir, just fill in the information above."

Ye Lang nodded, picked up the pen next to him, and did not hesitate to write one in the column above the name, Ye Nan, write the name of the person on Weibo in the column at the hospital doctor’s .

Ye Lang: Anyway, you wouldn't look up a patient's real name. I want to see how you can tell that I have depression!

Ye Lang returned the completed bottom to the waiter at the front desk.

"Excuse me, sir. Recently, Dr. Li has more patients. There are many people who make appointments for him. It may take a long time to wait. Why don't you change to another doctor?"

Ye Lang: Just kidding! I came today for him. How could I change another one? How could I spend the wronged money if it wasn't for seeing what kind of person he is.

"No, I can wait. I heard from my friends that Dr. Li here is pretty good at seeing a doctor."

"Yes, sir, you are here but you are a big red man. Every year those patients who have been cured by him will come to see him and give him some gifts."

Ye Lang became even more curious about the doctor when he saw that the front desk clerk said that the doctor had almost all admiring eyes on his face.

Ye Lang: It turned out to be a big red in the field of psychologists. No wonder many people believe it by posting a few words on the Internet.

Ye Lang sat in a chair, picked up a newspaper and read it.

After Ye Lang waited there for a long time, he still didn't get his account. Ye Lang was almost asleep sitting there.

"Hello, how long will it take me to see that Doctor Li?"

"Hello, sir, there are five people behind Dr. Li who are on the phone. When it is your turn, it is estimated that it is time to get off work, or you will come back tomorrow."

According to Ye Lang’s calculations, it takes at least an hour to two hours for everyone to enter. In this way, it is indeed time for him to get off work. Ye Lang watched as he held a good one in his hand. That small ticket.

"Then what I have lived today is not effective."

"No, sir, ours here is different from other psychological consultation rooms. The number we registered here today can still be used tomorrow, and it will be arranged earlier."

Ye Lang: Oh, this is still very humane, not bad.

So Ye Lang went home first, planning to wait until the next day.

As soon as Ye Lang walked out of that psychological consultation hospital, he always felt as if someone around him was watching him.

Ye Lang's first feeling was that a paparazzi was following him, so he seemed to look around, especially in some hidden places, and would take a close look at whether there were anyone.

After looking around, he didn't find any suspicious people. Ye Lang thought he was worrying too much, so he went back without paying attention.

Ye Lang had just returned home and looked at the phone as usual.

Just after playing for a while, the Weibo system reminded him of new gossip, and the title was "Ye Lang really has depression."

After Ye Lang saw the title, he bounced off his chair.

"Wow, what the **** is this? Why didn't I know that I was suffering from depression? You know all of them!"

As soon as Ye Lang guessed it, he knew that someone was taking pictures when he just came out of the hospital, and there must be nothing wrong with his feeling just now.

Ye Lang clicked on the hot search, and indeed the picture on it was from the hospital he came from, and there was also a short video, it was the one where he was watching if there were anyone around.

And the person who couldn't post it actually explained in the video, "Because I was afraid of being seen by others, I looked at it in a panic. Are there any paparazzi around? Then he drove home quickly."

Ye Lang laughed in disbelief, "Huh, as expected, the paparazzi is different. He can write the script, why should he be a paparazzi?"

After the photo was taken this time, netizens believed that she was suffering from depression and began to worry and bless her in the comment area.

Ye Lang became even more angry when he watched the netizens go round and round by them.

Ye Lang: I must go to see what that person really means tomorrow, why I was detained as a disease for no reason!

Before going to bed, Ye Lang had thought of many plans for him, even the first sentence of the meeting.

On the second day, Ye Lang still wrapped himself tightly, but because his figure was too easy to be recognized by everyone, and the things that went there yesterday have been exposed, there will definitely be people who pay more attention to those who go there.

Ye Lang looked in the mirror, put on two extra pants and a few extra clothes to make herself look more bloated.

Ye Lang: Fortunately, it was in winter. If it were in summer, I would be suffocated now.

Ye Lang looked at himself in the mirror, who was already fatter, "I shouldn't let others recognize me in this way?"

Because of wearing too many clothes, Ye Lang felt a little inconvenient to move.

But these awkward movements have the shadow of a fat man, which reduces people's guesses about him.

Ye Lang went inside and saw that the waiter standing at the counter was the one from yesterday.

Ye Lang: It's him again. If he read the hot search on Weibo yesterday, he should be able to recognize me again today.

After thinking about it, Ye Lang still put the slip of paper registered yesterday in his hand back into his pocket.

"Hello, is Dr. Li free now? I want to call him"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.