PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 594: Finally met

The waiter at the front desk looked up at Ye Lang and said, "Hello Mr. Li, Dr. Li is not available now. There are several patients behind him who have registered numbers. Would you like to book other doctors?"

Ye Lang looked at the front desk clerk's eyes, just like the first time he saw him yesterday.

Ye Lang: Looks like me, he doesn't recognize it well, okay, today's dressing is considered a success.

Ye Lang's heart is suddenly a little excited now, and it feels like he is here to catch a thief secretly.

"It's okay, I want to hang up Dr. Li's number."

The man glanced at Ye Lang in surprise, "Sir, are you sure? Dr. Li, there are several people in line behind."

Ye Lang looked around. There weren't many people around. How could it be said that Dr. Li already had several people registered.

"Aren't there just these few people here? Are these few people named Dr. Li?"

"No, some patients were registered yesterday, maybe they will come today. If you are lucky, you can go in before they come."

"Then how many people have the name of Doctor Li here?"

"Just one person, he just went in, if it's fast, he should come out in half an hour, sir, would you like to try it? Go ahead, maybe you can go in early."

Ye Lang: Even if there are 10,000 people behind him, I will hang his account.

Ye Lang did not hesitate to take the paper from the front desk clerk.

Still looking at the name column, thinking that the name I had had a good time with yesterday, I can no longer use it today, so I wrote "Ye Liangyue" on it, so let's use this name for now.

Ye Lang: Suddenly, I think my head is quite useful, and I hope the people who registered behind will not come too early.

After Ye Lang filled in all the information above, he sat there again reading the newspaper like yesterday.

The newspapers in the psychological counseling area were also particularly boring. They were all about psychology. Ye Lang sat there and watched and yawned.

Ye Lang: If it wasn't for seeing him earlier, I wouldn't have to wake up so early and hang up his account. If I didn't ask for a reason today, I would just stay here.

After sitting there waiting for ten minutes, Ye Lang felt like he was going to sleep. If he hadn't looked at the time, he would have thought that several hours had passed.

After a while, the guy at the front desk came over and patted Ye Lang, and Ye Lang realized that he had gone to sleep.

"Sir, it's your turn, Dr. Li, are you waiting for you now?"

After Ye Lang heard it, the whole person immediately became energetic, and finally it was his turn.

Ye Lang was ready to fight, and he had already figured out how to ask him something.

The big red man is different, the office is still set in the innermost, just afraid that other doctors peeped at his mental treatment methods!

Ye Lang walked to the last office and knocked on the door. There was a amiable voice calling him in.

After entering, he looked at a man in a white coat and smiled at him.

Ye Lang asked him hello, and then sat on the chair in front of him.

"Hello, how do you call it?"

"My last name is Ye..."

When Ye Lang talked about his surname, he obviously saw the whole person shake and looked at him in a little panic.

"The name is Liangyue, the kind-hearted Liang, the moon of the moon, you can just call me Liangyue."

With this one-stop introduction, most people can't think of a fake name.

Doctor Li breathed a sigh of relief when he heard his name, and returned to his amiable smile just now.

"Liangyue? Why are you packing yourself so tightly, can you take it off in front of me?"

Ye Lang pushed his sunglasses lightly, pretending to be panicked, "Uh...can you not? I don't want others to see what I look like."

After hearing this, Dr. Li glanced at him and smiled, "Yes, I respect you, but since you are my patient, sooner or later I will let you take the initiative and let me see what you look like."

Ye Lang: Oh, I have confidence in my medical skills.

"I heard that Dr. Li is very good, so I wanted to give it a try."

Hearing these words again and again, Dr. Li smiled contemptuously. In his eyes, Ye Lang, like those on the Internet, came to him because of recent hot searches.

"Young people still have to have their own ideas, don't others just say what they do?"

Ye Lang smiled contemptuously at her through the mask.

Ye Lang: If you didn't say that on the Internet, how could I know your existence! I thought I really came to see you, oh no, I just came to see you.

"Say it! What do you want me to help you with?"

In that person's eyes, Ye Lang came and watched exactly like those people on the Internet, but in fact there was no problem in his heart.

Ye Lang: Since you said I was depression, then I want to know how do you see that I am depression!

Ye Lang pretended to be weak, "I, recently heard some people outside say bad things about me, but I didn't make any comments, they said that I was suffering from depression."

It appeared on her face again, with the contemptuous smile just now, "What is the logic? If you don't refute their remarks, do you have depression? What do those people think?"

Ye Lang: Haha, you can still say something like this, isn't it you? What about me on the Internet, I don't reply, isn't it the first one to come out and say I have depression! I also want to know what you think?

Ye Lang almost got up and patted the table when he heard his words.

Ye Lang pretended to be scared again, and held on to his sunglasses, "Because, when they said about me, I would argue with them for a long time, but this time I remained silent. Say I am sick."

The man sitting across from the hospital suddenly looked at him closely.

Through the sunglasses, he could see his face close, and he felt a little panic.

Ye Lang: I'm so tightly packed, can he still recognize who I am? Isn't it? Did I expose my identity so easily?

After that Doctor Li looked in front of him for a while, he sat back and said, "I don't think there is any problem with you. If you can be more confident in yourself, you are more normal than those people."

Although Ye Lang was relieved that he couldn't recognize his identity, his heart became even more mad.

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