PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 626: So love will disappear

Ye Lang didn't hear what was said in a daze, he just wanted to chase the person who had just made footsteps.

I didn't hear Ye Lang's reply in a daze, and still asked persistently: "Ye Lang, why do you say?"

"what why?"

Ye Lang was a little puzzled. Did he just say something? It seemed that he didn't say anything, he had been chasing people all the time.

"Why I and Tuantuan are bait."

Ye Lang laughed when he heard this question. "What else can it be because of you two cooking. In this case, the target of others is you, and they will definitely expose their position."

Hearing Ye Lang's answer, and still ridiculing ruthlessly there, they felt a bit wronged in a daze, "Then what if we are both killed?"

"Don't worry! The liar and I will definitely help you get revenge, so please go with peace of mind!"

"Ye Lang, so love will disappear, right?"

Ye Lang laughed again, "No, it didn't disappear, but it never happened."

After a while, the two of them changed into Paradise Resort.

Don’t let Ye Lang remind you that the two of them naturally picked up things on the ground, just like two rookies who just came to this material-rich place from some small place next to them. They didn’t even consider whether there was any people.

Ye Lang was relieved when he saw their location, either on those small roads or on the large open space.

Ye Lang: Sure enough, the two of them are suitable to be a bait. See what they are like now. If it looks to others, they are two rookies who came to this place.

The danger of the Paradise Resort has not been eliminated. I dull and the two of them were just picking up things so freely. The film looked a little worried, "Um, dull you guys..."

The liar Ye Lang heard wanted to remind them and immediately stopped him, "It's okay, just let them be there."

The liar looked at Ye Lang with a little puzzlement. He didn't understand why he wanted Dadao to take this risk, but now that Ye Lang was his master, he was too embarrassed to refute him.

Ye Lang led the liar to the highest place in the Paradise Resort, where they opened their magnifiers so that they could clearly see what they were doing.

When the liar went to the roof, he would understand why he would let Dadao do this in the future.

"Damn, you two pretend to have a fire accident, and then continue to pick up your things. Remember to pick up more medical kits."

After hearing Ye Lang say this in a daze, he instantly understood what Ye Lang and the others were doing here.

But Tuantuan was still immersed in material joy at this time, "Damn, do you think I want to change a gun? There is a 98k here, and I don't want to change it to this gun."

"No, it doesn't matter what gun we use now. You should pick up more medical kits according to Ye Lang's words, otherwise it will become a box for no reason."

Tuantuan was still a little bit forced, "Ah, why? Isn't there no one here? How could it become a box?"

He sighed helplessly and didn't understand what Tuantuan was doing just now.

Dazed: What's wrong with this Tuan Tuan, why is his IQ in this round completely offline, like a fool.

I pretended to go into the fire and said, "Did you not hear what Ye Lang was talking about? Is there anyone here?"

"Ah, what!"

"Yes, the WeChat here hasn't disappeared. Just go to the fenced place next to you to pick up things. You will be beaten down later, and there will be a place to hide and you won't be replaced."

DaDa had already looked away, and completely regarded himself as a bait. Ye Lang would do whatever he said.

Since the two of them had been picking up there for too long, even if someone thought they were Yelang and the others, seeing them picking up things so clumsily and going out of style, someone would think that they were also rookies.

Ye Lang: Are the people who play rainforest maps so smart now? Didn't they even see them foolishly to bait them? No, they didn't come out to fight when they saw such a dish.

Just as Ye Lang was still wondering why no one came out, the liar was also very puzzled and asked him, "Teacher Ye Lang, why hasn't anyone come out yet? This is a bit unreasonable! Looking at them in a daze like this. Someone should come out and beat them."

"I think so too, but they can't tell. Maybe they've already run away. Wait a little longer. If they don't come out, we will go down."

As soon as Ye Lang finished speaking, he heard a cry from Tuantuan and saw his blood stick, which had turned red.

Ye Lang: What happened? Why did Tuantuan suddenly fall down? Where is this person? Just better, no gunshots were heard.

"Teacher Ye Lang, the gunshot was at that location. I remembered whether you saw it? Why didn't I see it just now."

"I do not have either."

Ye Lang was very confused. He opened the background and looked at some houses not far away from them. He checked every place where people might be hidden, but he still didn't see a single person.

Tuantuan immediately ran to the back of the wall, and ran over to help her up.

"Oh, why is it still hitting me? No, we have to change place."

Ye Lang saw Tuantuan climb into a house.

Ye Lang: Is that guy hanging up? Why can't I see his gunshots at all? Where is it?

Ye Lang's goal now is not to look at the surrounding houses. The place he looks now is to make the resort a little far away, on the other side of the hill.

Ye Lang: Even Tuantuan can climb behind the wall. It seems that the opponent must be on the mountain.

"Liar, it is estimated that the person is on the mountain. Open the magnifier and take a look."

Ye Lang looked at the mountain. After a while, he didn't see a single figure.

Ye Lang: Isn't it? Isn't it on the mountain? If he was in the Paradise Resort, how could I not see its gunshots? This is a bit unlikely. Could it be that he was farther away?

"Tuan Tuan, the person hit you just now, do you know where you are?"

"I don't know where he is, but looking at that direction, it should be quite far away. My side shows that his gunshot is not in the Paradise Resort, but in the 250 direction."

Ye Lang: 250 direction, isn't that just on the mountain, but no one can see when I turn on the magnification lens?

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.