PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 651: Passed out

"No, his thing has nothing to do with me, that is his thing."

After hearing that, the man looked at Xiaoxi in surprise, as if he couldn't tell.

"Mr. Ye, really?"

Ye Lang looked at this person who should also be a very gossip, and nodded a bit difficultly.

"How could it be that I didn't know Xiaoxi. How could she be so rich and deduct so much money?"

When the man saw Ye Lang listening to him, his face became a little dark, so he immediately changed his words, "Mr. Ye, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this."

After Ye Lang heard it, his head got bigger.

Ye Lang: No, no wonder this person seems to be familiar with Xiaoxi. No wonder the two people have such a good relationship. It turns out that these two people are so similar and gossiping.

Ye Lang immediately shook his hand, "Don't, I won't tell people anything, there are things I won't tell people."

The man laughed, "Yes, there is nothing, Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will be rotten in my heart since this incident."

After the man finished speaking, he wanted to push Xiaoxi away quickly.

Ye Lang saw that they were leaving, and this matter had been completely misunderstood by that person. Besides, that person didn't seem to be the kind of person who kept his mouth shut.

"Wait, speak clearly before leaving."

The man looked at Ye Lang in surprise, "Mr. Ye, I promise I won't tell anyone else."

Ye Lang didn't have time to call them back, so the man pushed Xiaoxi away quickly.

Ye Lang saw them suddenly disappear in front of his eyes, and even felt that the incident had never happened before.

However, Ye Lang still clearly understood that this matter has already happened, and it is developing in this bad direction.

Ye Lang: It's over now. This matter is going to be difficult to solve. How should I explain to him now? And, who is that person just now? No, I can't think about it like that. Maybe Xiaoxi will explain to him. They have such a good relationship. ,Most definitely.

The next day, if Ye Lang hadn't seen Xiaoxi, he would have almost forgotten what happened yesterday.

"Xi, has the matter resolved?"

"What's the matter, did you ask me to do something again yesterday?"

Xiaoxi looked at him dumbfounded, and Ye Lang felt even more terrifying.

Ye Lang: No, you wouldn't even have to explain to others after you were taken away yesterday, would you let others misunderstand you like this?

Ye Lang looked at him again, hoping Xiaoxi would say "It's resolved" confidently.

However, Xiaoxi still looked at Ye Lang with a look of confusion, "Teacher Ye Lang, did you solve something, did you say it yesterday? Why don't I remember?"

Ye Lang: It's miserable. It seems that it hasn't been solved. It's just been misunderstood by others. Now I can explain it.

Ye Lang was very broken and covered his face with his hands, "Did you explain the matter after get off work yesterday afternoon to that person?"

After Xiaoxi heard it, she looked at Ye Lang in surprise, "What, Teacher Ye Lang, you didn’t ask me to explain it, and you said it before. Don’t you let others know about it? After leaving the studio yesterday afternoon We went home separately."

I originally had a little hope for Xiaoxi in my heart, but now it is completely, completely wiped out by her words.

Ye Lang's whole person is very broken now, and now the only hope is to put it on that person, hoping that that person can do what he said last night and not talk to others.

Xiaoxi looked at Ye Lang's collapsed expression and didn't know what was going on. He thought it was Ye Lang who was unwell.

"Teacher Ye Lang, are you unwell, do you want to rest?"

Ye Lang felt uncomfortable when she heard her voice, and didn't want to tell her at all, just waved her hand.

Xiaoxi saw that Ye Lang was not in good condition, so he didn't dare to say anything.

In the afternoon, Ye Lang saw that there were always a bunch of people piled up in the studio. He didn't know what he was talking about, but he immediately dispersed after seeing Ye Lang.

Ye Lang was a little flustered seeing this kind of love money.

Ye Lang: This situation must be something that happened in the studio. First, it was someone else's business, because he is the boss. It is normal to see the boss come and walk away. The second possibility is this. It has something to do with me.

Ye Lang thought for a while and felt that something was wrong. If this matter had something to do with him, there would be only one situation, and that would be the matter last night.

Ye Lang immediately called Li Yu. Although he wasn't very gossip about this kind of thing, he still knew something about it.

"Li Yu, what have people been discussing today in the company?"

Li Yu didn't dare to say anything when he heard it, and looked at Ye Lang.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Lang knew that this matter must have something to do with him, otherwise he would not look the same.

"It's okay, you say, what are you talking about today."

Li Yu looked at Ye Lang and didn’t hesitate anymore, “I don’t know what’s wrong. This morning someone spread that you used money for Xiaoxi to hire her to bribe others to buy you a notice, so you received Wei Nai’s advertising."

Ye Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Ye Lang: What, what's the situation, Wei Nai’s advertisement was indeed received because of him. This is true, but what do they think, I am such a handsome and talented person, how could I need money? Bribery, really.

Seeing Ye Lang's surprise, Li Yu said, "Well, Ye Lang, I still want to ask if these are true?"

"What did Xiaoxi say."

When Li Yu heard this, he was very surprised, "What! Is this really? Wei Nai was really bribed by you, no way, when did you do such a thing! Why did you even tell me? No?"

Seeing Li Yu's horrified expression, Ye Lang sighed helplessly, "No, you believe this too, do you think I will use money to make announcements? Do I need fame so much? If I take money to go. , It’s better to have fun with the game."

When Li Yu heard it, he sighed in relief and patted his chest, "Hey, that's fine."

"But, it's not right, then why did they say they saw Xiaoxi took a big bag of money in your office last night, don't you tell me that this and that bag of money belongs to him."

After Ye Lang heard it, he looked at him in surprise, how could he even know this.

Ye Lang: No, that's all about it. Whatever you see, you are obviously just a person. As expected, it's hard to control people who are good with Xiaoxi.

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