PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 652: How to punish him

Ye Lang stood there watching him and laughed twice, and asked, "First tell me what you said today. Let me listen. What are you talking about? ?"

Li Yu nodded and looked at Ye Lang with a little doubt, "Now everyone has two opinions. The first is that you give Xiaoxi money and ask him to bribe some companies. The second is that you and Xiaoxi Liang Personally have an improper relationship, and then you give her money."

Ye Lang: Isn't it? People nowadays are so thoughtful? I think so much about one thing, do they think of all kinds of diseases for me as soon as I fall.

Ye Lang smiled coldly, "Couldn't there be more than these two theories? Logically speaking, they should be, these two theories are the most people say."

Li Yu looked at Ye Lang in surprise, "How did you know? There are indeed some sayings, but they are just one or two people talking, and there are some things that I really don’t know, and I don’t know if it is possible. Tell you."

"Let's talk, I'll just listen. Anyway, what you are talking about is a joke in my eyes. When you are finished, I will tell you this. What is it for?"

Li Yu became more interested when he heard Ye Lang want to tell him the reasons for all this. After all, this is what he wants to hear.

"Some of them said that you should give Xiaoxi the money for things you folded outside and ask him to settle things."

Ye Lang casually picked up a book on the desktop, opened it and looked at it, "Go on, what else?"

"Also, they said, you have promised that if the Weinet company will shoot you an advertisement, you will give them money, saying that it is your agreement on these matters, and that you have a lot of money and you want to help people."

When Ye Lang heard the last one, he nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, this last thought is quite good."

Li Yu smiled awkwardly, "I also think their last idea was good, but nobody said the last one, because no one sees you to help others with this kind of good deeds, they will definitely not say it! "

Ye Lang nodded and said, "Indeed, our descriptions are all unconvinced, and I don't want to say anything when I see others."

Ye Lang looked at Li Yu standing there and said no more, "Go on! Isn't it there?"

Li Yu thought for a while, "It should be gone. Anyway, these are all I heard, and I'm not that gossip! Discuss these things with them, basically working there with me, occasionally they say next to me Just say it, I heard it."

Ye Lang nodded, "Well, do you know who spread the rumors?"

Li Yu was very embarrassed after hearing Ye Lang's question, and frowned, "This, I don’t seem to have heard who said it, but every one of these things happened when I came to work in the morning. Isn’t it because you saw it last night?"

Ye Lang sighed helplessly, "Last night, when you got off work yesterday, didn't I come back yet? Don't you know?"

After thinking for a while, Li Yu patted his head excitedly, "Yes! There were not many people left in the studio when I got off work yesterday, and you haven’t come back yet. You came back after we got off work. Then how did they see them leaving your office with money? Is there really someone working so hard and working overtime?"

Ye Lang raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at Li Yu, which also made Li Yu feel a little scared, as if Li Yu was the one who walked the rumor.

Li Yu stood there and was trembling with Ye Lang's sight. He was also very puzzled inside, "Ye Lang, why are you looking at me like this? I haven't done anything that hurts the world and reason?"

"Why are you so nervous? I'm just looking at you."

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "Okay, then what did you just do? Watching me scared me to death, making me seem like the person who walked the rumor."

Ye Lang sat there thinking.

Ye Lang: I must know who the rumors are spread. Who else is besides the one from last night? Only he knew about the entire company last night, that is, he saw it alone.

Ye Lang’s problem now is that according to the current situation, I can’t call Xiaoxi over. If she is asked to come to the office, this matter may become darker and darker, and the people in this studio will also use this. Gossip.

I have been sitting there melancholy, turning the pen in my hand, how to punish the person who spread the rumors, and now he only knows what that person looks like, he doesn’t know what his name is, how to find him There are so many employees in the studio?

Li Yu saw that Yi's brows were getting tighter and tighter, and he couldn't help frowning after Ye Lang. He didn't feel melancholy with himself, just melancholy with Ye Lang.

After a while, Li Yu saw that Ye Lang seemed to have forgotten his existence, and suddenly said, "Ye Lang, didn't you say you want to tell me the reason for this matter?"

Ye Lang had already fallen into deep thought, and was suddenly startled by Li Yu's words.

"Oh, you are still here, I almost forgot, you are still standing here, I thought you were out."

Li Yu heard Ye Lang say this and looked at him suspiciously.

Li Yu: What! Standing here by a person my age, you said you forgot about me, didn’t you, I was also called by you, you just stopped talking when I finished speaking, I thought you were thinking about how to talk to me ?

When Ye Lang was thinking about it, he didn't think of Li Yu at all. Now that Li Yu sees it, he feels that he should get used to it a lot, and Li Yu is much more reliable than Xiaoxi, but it cannot be denied.

Ye Lang: Yes, isn't there Li Yu? Can he help me with things? He knows a lot of people in the studio. There are more people than me. These things can be left to him.

The melancholy on Ye Lang's face has completely disappeared, and he smiled at Li Yu, "Li Yu, do you know more people in my studio than me?"

Ye Lang saw that Li Yu was hairy behind his back, and said with a little fear: "This should be it. After all, I often contact them outside. Compared to sitting in this office, I should know more than you. ."

After Ye Lang heard this, he happily clapped his hands, "Then this will be easy."

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