PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 728: Kill those bitches

Ye Lang listened.

Good guys.

This is a tie-up with the people on the other side.

But how did they tie up with each other.

At this time, the self-proclaimed Lu Xiu continued to tell Ye Lang his story.

"Didn't we grab the clothes at the beginning?"

"My own teammates have two rascals who grabbed the clothes and didn't want to help others to grab the clothes. They sold them directly and we drove the car and ran away with drugs.

"Then they are on the other side"

Linger listened very carefully.

"Fuck, those two sand sculptures, we scolded them, and they walked over there. It is estimated that we scolded a lot. They didn’t want to listen. They silenced us and they didn’t say anything. Just looking at the map, they really crossed the bridge, but they didn't go far, and their team logos became gray together."


Brother Ye asked a very stupid question.

"No, they were knocked out by people on the other side"

"Maybe the people on the other side thought it was Ye Shen?"

Linger asked.

"How is it possible that the names of my two teammates are both a team of numbers. Although Ye Shen’s teammate ID is not remembered, everyone knows that at least those two are names with pure English letters. People look at their IDs, and everyone wants to wait until the end of the game to ask if the two of them have recorded the songs that Ye Shen sang. As a result, my teammate was beaten and supplemented by the other party, and the other party did not hesitate at all."

"??? When did I say I was going to sing to my teammates?"

Ye Lang looked dumbfounded.

"Isn't that possible"


"So, it has been confirmed now that no one on the other side intends to let go."


"Even though those two guys were very unruly, they finally opened up wheat to remind me and another teammate not to go to the other side, and then they sighed and went offline."

"They, they sound so embarrassed, they finally grabbed the'safety certificate,' and they drove along with their wishes in vain."

"Indeed, I have to thank these two cubs for exploring the way for us."

Lu Xiu sounded helpless.


Now the dinosaur army is in a mess.

The other party is waiting to harvest vegetables on the other side.

The ghostly appearance on my side really makes people unable to raise fighting spirit.

"Then I will ask you one last question"

Ye Lang spoke after listening.

"Well, Ye Shen, you ask"

Everyone was listening to Ye Lang's words, didn't they have finished talking? Ye Lang wanted to ask any questions.

Ye Lang paused for a few seconds.

"Do you want skin?"

At this time, the people here are either those who originally felt the atmosphere about the affairs on the other side, or those who had already felt very negative about the game.

Now after hearing what Ye Lang said.

There was a little light in his eyes slowly, and his fighting spirit arose.

Who doesn't want these out-of-print limited skins?

Who doesn't want to be calculated, abandoned, and betrayed?

They just feel that they are incapable of completing it, and there is no way to achieve it.

But now Ye Shen asked.

Then it means that Ye Shen hasn't given up yet.

"Isn't it 48 people across the bridge?"

"Isn't it just the poison ring behind you is pressing hard."

"Isn't it because people are in a mess nowadays."

"How can this stop us?"

Ye Lang was impassioned.

"We are going to kill those **** on the other side now"

Mu Ren, who had not spoken, spoke up.

"Yes, let's kill the group of **** on the other side"

Tuantuan clenched his little fist.


Now Ye Lang finally has his own team.

Plus his team of ten people.

Ye Lang's plan was actually not like this.

This situation is indeed a surprise.

Because Ye Lang's initial plan was to bring Ling'er and the others here first.

Wait until they have solved the group of guys who grabbed clothes before.

Ye Lang told Ling'er and Ye Ge about his identity.

It stands to reason that it should be possible to win over these two people.

At that time, I will be a group of five people.

In this case, the fight can be somewhat responsive.

At the same time, Ye Lang could also see how his identity would react after Shuiyou knew it.

The result has now gone through such a toss.

Suddenly there was a team of ten on his side.

Although it is a bit less compared to 48 people.

But it can be considered a force.

But Ye Lang really didn't know how they would react if he exposed his identity to other people in the Dinosaur Legion.

After all, the people around me and my experience are quite special now.

They have now chosen to be with themselves.

But who knows whether other people will have the same idea with them is a question.

At this time, Ye Lang planned to send a try on the south side.

"I will sing the songs I told you, so prepare to go."


"I have a question before I go"

Ling'er spoke faintly.

"What's wrong, sister Ling'er, you say"

Ye Lang didn't understand what Linger wanted to do.

"Can you pull me and Mu Blade up first, we're almost gone, really almost gone"

"Ah, this, here comes"

Ye Lang and Ye Ge hurried to pull people.

It was embarrassing.

Just talked.

I completely forgot that there were still two people kneeling on the ground at this time.

These two people have been listening to Ye Lang's speech.

Did not pay attention to his health bar.

Until Ye Lang said to go.

They realized that they were still kneeling on the ground and not getting up.


After saving the two.

Ye Lang took everyone here to Painan.






Ye Lang started to sing with everyone.

The name of this song is "Immortals".

Other aspects are hard to say.

This song is truly unique in terms of boosting morale.

The players on Ye Lang's side were full of enthusiasm.

At this point, I'm ready to wait for the place and have a big fight.

But they didn't go far.

The sound of the vehicle came from nearby.


The nearby players were planning to fight Penan.

As a result, gunshots came from behind the butt.

They all rushed over to find out.

At this time they entered the range.

I heard Ye Lang's singing.

have to say.

It sounds really refreshing.

But I don't know if I heard about Goethe or I met Yelande.

Although the two sides have not spoken yet.

But basically everyone present was until Ye Shen himself.

After all, this song has never been heard before.

It sounds so nice.

And appeared in this round.

Basically, there is only one possibility.

This is Ye Lang singing.


At this time someone asked.

"Well, yes"

Ye Lang stopped.

Replied to the other party.

But Ye Lang has not had time to speak.

Someone spoke up.

"Damn, what do you guys who follow Ye Shen mean by hitting him quickly, isn't there any problem? After solving Ye Shen, let's go to the opposite side and fight for melee weapons. Isn't he good?"

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.