PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 730: Troubleshoot

It didn't take long for Ye Lang to lead people to the planned housing area.

Ye Lang began to observe from a distance.

Speaking of which, the other party is on the opposite side.

But who knows if there is anyone on the river bank.

So Ye Lang chose to be more careful at this time.

There is no harm in being careful.

But Ye Lang soon found out.

The other party didn't seem to know whether it was counseling or being honest.

Anyway, there is really no sign of people coming and going near the house on the river bank.

"What are you here for?"

Suddenly a crisp voice came out.

Ye Lang was taken aback.

Where's the kid?

He remembered that there didn't seem to be this number in his team.

"who are you"

Simple and straightforward.

Ye Lang was too lazy to guess.

"I am a harmless green dinosaur, what can I have in mind?"

"This voice is so cute"

"so cute"

Linger and Tuantuan couldn't help it.

Ye Lang held his forehead silently.

Really are.

You can't just feel relieved just by hearing the sound.

Who knows the origin of this little girl.

"Don't worry, girl, where are your teammates?"

"My teammates are gone, and I am left. Brother, your voice is so good, it looks like Ye Shen's."

It sounds pitiful.

Ye Lang also felt that the other party was a girl whose teammates had been killed.

But Ye Lang still kept an eye on it.

"Ah? Really? Haha, I am known as Xiaoye Shen in my circle of friends, should my little sister be with us, we are all good people"

"You think you can trust someone who says you are a good person. Don't be afraid, little sister, we are not bad people."

Ye Ge corrected Ye Lang's statement on the side.

"You two are naive, sister, don't leave them, sister will take you to eat chicken, we are our player organization that is going to run drugs, if you miss us, you have to eat drugs."

Linger couldn't stand it anymore.

"Yes, I haven't heard that some bad guys will call themselves bad guys."

Tuantuan interrupted.

Ye Langxin said that as for, he is really not a bad person, is it so difficult to be a good person these years.

at last.

After Linger finished speaking.

This little loli slowly walked out of her hiding place.

It is indeed the clothes of a green dinosaur.

Tuantuan and Ling'er have completely determined that the opponent must be a hapless little dinosaur who lost his teammate.

Maybe their teammate was killed by Ye Lang.

Tuantuan and Ling'er have already started chatting with each other.

But at this moment, Mu Jian stood there and paused in the direction where Little Lori came out.

Ye Lang also noticed this.

After simple thinking.

Ye Lang understood Mu Jian's thoughts.

"It's okay, I'm watching it"

Ye Lang spoke with all wheat.

At this time, all Mai quieted down together.

Because just now, only Tuan Tuan, Xiao Bing, Ling'er and Ye Ge were talking in all wheat.

That Xiaobing is the name of that girl.

At this moment Ye Lang suddenly said such a sentence.

It seems a bit abrupt.

"Brother, what are you talking about"

Xiaobing spoke up.

Although Ye Lang did not reveal his identity.

But Xiaobing could almost see that this person looked like the one taking the lead.

Because basically everyone follows Ye Lang subconsciously.

After all, outside of Xiaobing, they all knew that this person was Ye Shen.

It's always right to follow Ye Shen.

"Oh, this. I just watched our brother Mu Blade aiming at the other side. I told him, after all, we don’t leave now. The other party definitely wants to ambush us when we pass, so I told him not to bother with this."

"Look, look, I said don’t look, you still look"

At this moment, Mu Jian deliberately took the gun and stared at the opposite side.

A look of wanting to snipe people.

"Oh, that's it, it's actually good to be careful, right"

"I think Sister Bing is right"

Ye Ge first responded.

"Okay, OK, why don't I say it?"

Ye Lang said he gave up.

Poor at this time, Mu Blade was acting in order to cooperate with Ye Lang.

Shaking around in the nearby housing area.

Ye Lang first asked the three people on his side to start investigating the nearby housing area.

Ye Lang thinks this is necessary work.

After all, it would be embarrassing if someone stabbed him back when he started fighting.

Binger should have followed Ling'er.

But this little girl just wants to follow Ye Lang.

As a result, Ye Lang has also become a four-person team.

At this time, Ye Lang's exploration progress was the fastest.

Because Ye Lang didn't stop at all when entering the house.

Every time Tuantuan and Mu Jian walked in the forefront.

Ye Lang followed them with a M762 in his hand.

Originally Xiaobing followed Ye Lang.

But at this time she ran faster and faster.

It didn't take long to rush to Ye Lang.

"Xiaobing, don't you search for houses here yourself",

Ye Lang asked.

"None of the room doors here are open."

"I'm definitely afraid to search, I'm alone, what should I do if someone in the stuff is unkind to me?"

"Then you are not careful now?"

"Isn't there you, you protect me, I am not afraid."

Xiaobing took Ye Lang and the others farther and farther.

"Captain, let me try if the other party is asking you to enter the urn."

Xiaobing's footsteps suddenly slowed down.

"Well, go"

Ye Lang noticed this detail.

Xiaobing just paused.

But she did not ask Ye Langmu edge what this meant.

At this time, after getting permission from Ye Lang.

Mu Ren left the team.

He jumped into the river.

Until I saw this scene.

Xiaobing said.

"Captain Captain, what is this guy going to do?"

"Oh, he, he's going to try if the person on the other side of the river will directly do it when facing only one person crossing the river. I don't want the other party to wait until he puts us in the past. Too passive"

"Then you are not worried that your teammates will not come back"

"This is for the team"

Mu Ren answered Xiaobing's question in All Mai.

"Brother Mu Blade is awesome"

Xiaobing praised.

At this time, Xiaobing and Ye Lang were finally going to the northernmost house.

The others had already been pulled apart by Ye Lang.

I don't know if there is no one talking or the distance is not enough.

At this time, Ye Lang could no longer hear their discussion in all the wheat.

For the words Mu Jian just said.

In fact, Ye Lang deliberately did it.

You know Xiaobing, but I don't know if Ye Lang has teammate Mai.

Ye Lang let Mu Blade pass.

It's actually a pun.

Just want to see Xiaobing's reaction in front of him.

Although Tuantuan strongly rejected Ye Lang's distrustful behavior in her voice.

But Ye Lang still made this decision for everyone's safety.

In fact, Ye Lang was basically sure that he would definitely not shoot across the river.

Because Ye Lang was driving vehicles when he came over here.

As long as the other party is not stupid, he must see it, or at least hear it.

At this time, because of one person's probation, the other party will not expose himself.

Ye Lang didn't let Mu Blade go deep.

In order to prevent Mu Jian from really encountering each other, the other party had to do it.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.