PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 74: Ye Lang showed his face, everyone was sh

It is for this reason that only a few of them can go to the scene to watch the game this time.

Most people still watch the match through live broadcast. There are official live broadcast rooms for this match on Huya and Douyu live broadcast platforms.

At this time, the official live broadcast rooms of the two game platforms have gathered a large number of viewers.

This time, the anchor Fengyun Contest has already launched crazy publicity some time ago. Douyu and Huya are the largest live broadcast platforms in China. The joint competition is naturally very high.

And although this time is not a formal professional competition, there are several top professional players participating, and the scale should not be underestimated.

Among them, there are more familiar professional teams, 4AM, OMG, 17, SSS...

Each of these top professional teams in China has at least one or two players participating.

Many fans gathered in the live broadcast room, waiting for the start of the game.

Soon four o'clock arrived, and the game opened on time.

Leading the way are two hosts, a man and a woman. Walking onto the middle stage, the hostess smiled and said: "Welcome everyone to watch the PUBG Anchor Contest jointly organized by Douyu and Huya."

The male host immediately answered: "Thank you for Haitian soy sauce, Chou Tuan takeaway, and Xixi, Liuwei Dihuang Wan for your strong support for this competition..."

All the businesses I read are sponsors of this competition...

The audience was very disgusted.

"Go on, I won't buy any of these things you read! You don't need any of them!"

"Who brought the Liuwei Dihuang Wan advertisement here? It's too much!"

"Why do you accept any sponsorship?"


After reading the list of these businesses, the hostess made a gesture, and an understanding forum appeared on the screen.

"Hello everyone, I'm here to explain Yoyo."

"I am a hippo!"

This time it was still a man and a woman who were responsible for the commentary, greeted in front of the live broadcast.

Honest gentleman: "This commentary is really white... really professional!"

Let me do it: "Upstairs, I'm ashamed to point you."

Tao Susu: "Yeah, where is the little brother Ye Lang? I want to see the little brother Ye Lang!"

In the official live broadcast room of the game, there were fans from all walks of life, and Ye Lang's fans were of course also present.

They were all very anxious and wanted to see Ye Lang show his face.

After the two commentators greet each other, as soon as the screen turns to the contest area of ​​the contestants, each contestant walks to the designated area of ​​the contest.

The two hosts will introduce them when they see the more well-known players.

"The little lion of the OMG team is playing now, and the captain of the OMG team, who has the title of the only K-God!"

"Now it's the'heavyweight' prostitute teacher PDD..."

"This is the walking position... the walking position... the Wuhu Dasima who is invisible when the ghost knife is opened!"


The two hosts looked at the consistent contestants and picked a few representative introductions.

Pikachu girl: "Huh? My brother Ye Lang, why hasn't he come out yet?"

Spades k: "Yes, where is the little brother, waiting online, urgent!"

Willow fluttering: "Are you talking about Ye Lang, the sniper **** who is in the limelight recently?"

Slam Dunk: "Please call him Yeshen from now on!"


In addition to the anxious audience, Yo-Yo on the other side is also very anxious, why haven't you seen Ye Lang?

She was quite curious about Ye Lang's looks!

Suddenly, a tall and tall figure appeared in the picture, incompatible with the others, so dazzling...

The deep eyes and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, like a three-dimensional facial contour like a knife, as if people will be deeply attracted by just looking at it...

Yoyo was shocked: "How could it be him!"

Isn't this guy the handsome and shameless man who just drove him off?

In the official live broadcast room of the game, barrage scrolled.

"Who is this man? I feel that my appearance is threatened!"

"Sisters, let me, this man, I'm greedy for his body!"

"Who is this person? Why haven't you seen it before?"

"Couldn't... he is Ye Lang, right?"


Some viewers in the live broadcast room guessed, marveled, and sighed...

Finally, the hostess started to introduce.

"The one who is entering now is the newly emerged God of Sniper, that is, Ye Lang, who is called Ye God by everyone!"

"In addition to being an excellent game anchor, Ye Lang is also an excellent original singer!"

The hostess was also extremely surprised when she saw Ye Lang's photos, and she couldn't imagine that anyone would be so handsome.

In terms of appearance, Ye Lang is definitely the most handsome existence in the entire gaming circle!

Tao Susu: "Wow! He is really a little brother, really handsome!"

Pikachu girl: "Brother Yelang, I want to give you a monkey!"

Mo Xian shy: "Ye Lang is my husband from today, whoever opposes me and who is anxious!"

Taozi: "Starting to turn fans today!"


In the live game room, the audience was very excited, of course, most of them were girls.

After seeing that Ye Lang was so handsome, they became Ye Lang's little fans for a while, shouting one by one to give Ye Lang monkeys.

Ye Lang certainly didn't know this, he walked to his position silently and came to his seat.

At the backstage of the game, Zhang Qin was watching the reaction of the live broadcast with his mobile phone. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw those female fans frantically brushing Yelang's barrage.

Sure enough, face value is justice. After this time, Ye Lang will definitely gain a bunch of female fans...

If Ye Lang gets a good ranking, it will be even more perfect!

On the other side, the general manager of Funny Fish Live is not so good-looking.

A seedling as good as Ye Lang was actually preempted by Huya Live!

What a pity!

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations on signing a newcomer with unlimited potential."

Chen Bin, the general manager of Funny Fish Live in a suit and leather shoes, said with a smile to Zhang Qin next to him.

Zhang Qin responded with a smile: "It can't be that good seedlings have been dug by teasing fish. Doesn't Chen always want to dig a wall again?"

The tone was calm, but the sword was tense.

In the past two months, a major anchor of Huya's live broadcast was dug into a funny fish by Chen Bin in front of him, which made Zhang Qin worry about it.

"No, no, that's definitely not."

Chen Bin quickly denied: "It's all voluntarily by the other party, it's not a dig."

"Ha ha…"

Zhang Qin sneered.

Chen Bin touched his nose, thinking that this woman is still so petty.

In the live broadcast screen, all the contestants have come to where they are.

They have logged in to their game accounts and are ready to start the game.

All the contestants are waiting for the competition. There are a lot of spectators watching this game, and being able to show their faces is also helpful for future development.

The picture appeared on the podium, and Yoyo said with a smile: "Now that all the players are ready, it can be seen that the participating players attach great importance to this competition."

In the screen, the contestants kept flashing above, all of them looked serious.

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