PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 742: Go to the finals

"Oh, brother, then you shot too abruptly. Obviously you can't hit anyone, and you may expose your position. Let me tell you, as a ten-year old fan of Yeshen, I sincerely suggest you You should see the situation clearly before shooting."

"Brother, did you drink?"

Ye Lang has very reason to doubt that this brother might have drunk something.

But he can live in the clothes of a green dinosaur until now, it feels outrageous to think about it.

"Drinking? Drink, where are you, I'll find you"

. . . . . .

Ye Lang didn't know what to say.

"round and round?"


"Did you just hear it, it looks like a man is talking"

"Yeah, I seem to have heard it too, but I think I have hallucinations"

Ye Lang is somewhat skeptical of life now.

This is very meow.

What's the situation, brother.

Could it be that I was so tired yesterday.

And did you wake up today?

How could there be hallucinations?

How can I feel more dreaming?

This is so special.

Ye Lang somewhat wanted to put his next shot on this person's head.

at this time.

Ye Lang heard a sound from all the wheat again.

"I wiped it, didn't I just let you drive with them? Didn't I tell you not to move when you get to the place"

"I'm telling you, the people in this round are too bad. I just met someone who couldn't fire the gun. I..."

"Did you drink something on my table?"

"What's on your table, what's on my table, why are we so clearly divided?"

"It's okay, you go into the house and sleep quickly, be good, I'll cook breakfast for you, and I will call you up when I'm ready"

"Oh, then I will sleep again"

Then Ye Lang heard the sound of snoring.

Yelang is a bit silly.

It's not just Ye Lang at this time.

All the people in the wheat who could hear the sound were dumbfounded.

What is this person?

"Cough cough" Suddenly, Ye Lang heard the female voice in the conversation just now

"My boyfriend is drunk, let's continue, let's continue"

? ? ? ?

"I'm rubbing?"

"Sister, your boyfriend is really a talent"

"Yes? How can I not compare to him? I want someone to coax me too, I..."

Da Da Da Da.

That buddy was interrupted by gunshots halfway through the conversation.

Then there is no more.

It was Ye Lang who shot a green dinosaur on the side of the person in front of him.

The opponent's marksmanship should be good.

The level is still relatively high.

He knocked down a man with a gun.

At this moment Ye Lang saw the person in front of him slowly turning his head.


The man almost couldn't hold back from firing.

"You are?"

He asked Ye Lang.

"We are the ones you want to save"

"Ye Shen?"

When the other party heard Ye Lang's first sentence, he immediately recognized Ye Lang.

Ye Lang said that I was so touched.

The man Ye Lang didn't think it at first.

But now it is obvious...

Was drunk?

What is this special drink?

Why do you dizzy so quickly.

"Yes, I am, thank you"

"It's okay, is there anyone on the court now"

Ye Lang looked around.

A lot of people fell on the ground.

It can't be said to be a lot.

But five or six people.

They are scattered in different positions of the abdominal muscles.

In addition, the people who Ye Lang wanted to make up before directly jumped and killed.

So everyone who was ambushing by the other side should now be dealt with.

Good guys.

Looking at a group of fallen players on the ground.

Ye Langjin originally determined that the other party should have separated the remaining two groups now.

So many people fell to the ground now.

There are no signs of other people's activities nearby.

So this is the most likely thing.

Ye Lang quickly made up the opponent.

The other party arranged personnel in this way to protect the survival of his team while trying to reduce the number of Ye Lang's side.

Ye Lang didn't say that the other party's goal was achieved.

Now Ye Lang's lack of personnel is very serious.

Ye Lang had time to check with the players who were still alive at this time.

At this moment, Tuantuan, the number one brought by himself, Ling'er, Nie Bing, Ye Ge and Lu Xiu were heard.

Nie Bing and No. 1 are now a one-man team.

Ye Lang opened the map and looked at it.

Now the safe zone is firmly on Penan's side.

"Let's go, Ye Shen, get in the car first"


At this time, the poison circle has become more and more painful.

So the girl just drove the armored car she had driven.

It is indeed an armored vehicle.

There was really no problem with the voice Ye Lang heard before.

But now Ye Lang is a question in his head.

How is this going.

Where did this group of green dinosaurs emerge from,

But it is very correct to leave here as soon as possible at this time.

After all, the other party dared to let people come out and kill him at this time.

So basically it can be certain that the other party is still likely to continue arranging people to come over.

Now Ye Lang's gunshots continued for so long.

Whenever there is an opponent's eyeliner nearby.

Kenneng now knows where he is.


These people who fell to the ground and were compensated are all likely to speak with the opposite.

The other party should have mastered the first data long ago.

So Ye Lang hurriedly greeted the people on his side to get in the car at this time.

Ye Lang soon followed the girl in front of him who claimed to be Yixue to see their car and the last green dinosaur.

Ye Lang immediately poured out his doubts.

"How did you come here?"

"Are you the players near Penan before?"

"Are all your airdrop vehicles fired by yourself?"

"Are you attacking the person opposite Painan?"

"Just three of you can beat each other"

Ye Lang's questions were all poured out.


There are also some somewhat strange questions.

"Miss, what does your boyfriend drink?"

"Miss Sister, is your boyfriend drinking wine"

"Sister, did you drug your boyfriend?"

After Yixue heard it, it was regarded as a black line.

"It's alcohol. I definitely didn't take the medicine. What medicine did I take with him? He was drunk every minute with his amount of alcohol. What medicine did I take with him? Isn't alcohol better than medicine? That's how I took him back "

? ? ?

Wei is really a rather ridiculous answer.

Why did you kidnap him like that?

"By the way, as for the Penan thing you asked, let's talk about it later, let's consider how to enter the circle now?"

"This is a problem. There should be not many people in the top and bottom corps now, but if they are all in the circle, we can't get in with such a small number of people."

Another green dinosaur agreed after hearing what Yixue said.

"We have a car now, but this car is not fast, and the fuel consumption is relatively high, we want to detour from the other side of the training base should not be very realistic"

Ye Lang opened the map and looked at it.

Soon he had his own destiny in his heart.

Although the other directions of the training base look much better than the bare downhill.

But it is very likely that the opponent has arranged a lot of manpower to defend.

On the other hand, detouring to the other side of the training base, the armored vehicles with slow speed and low fuel consumption may not work.

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