PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 743: The Past of Penan

Since Ye Lang is here.

The current driver immediately changed to Ye Lang.

However, Ye Lang's skills have no specialization in armored vehicles.

But this stuff is a stable batch.

It is usually difficult to see someone driving this thing and something goes wrong.

Ye Lang has already decided on the route to the training base.

At this time, they drove a small search in the nearby housing area.

What they need now is to supplement their throwing objects.

The medicine Yelang is still very sufficient.

Although the current poison is somewhat painful.

But it's worth it to search for throwables.

At this time Ye Lang was driving.

While listening, Yixue answered the questions raised by everyone just now.

Ye Lang slowly understood what happened to the things he encountered before.

"The fellow, the fellow"

Nie Bing was very pleased.

Because now everyone knows.

This is another team from the other side who came to help.

But they also lost a teammate.

Ye Lang has to say that things really sound outrageous.

It turned out that the two teams of green dinosaurs in Penan before.

One of them is Yixue's team.

The other team was the people who believed in Yixue's dinosaur army after passing Yixue's self-certification.

Ye Lang had to say that the self-certification methods that Yixue and Nie Bing thought of were a bit similar.

But it is also somewhat difficult to achieve.

It turns out that the so-called need to leave the yellow dinosaur clothes in order to leave here is actually nonsense.

When you really believe them and throw your clothes unprepared.

Wait until you are done.

They will tell you.

In fact, they don't need clothes at all.

They came to help from across the river.

They are really weird.

All I thought of was this **** method.

As for which team believed their green dinosaurs.

In fact, the first reason was because they were wearing the clothes of yellow dinosaurs from the other side of the river. They asked these people for green dinosaur clothes.

This wasn't really a deal at the time.

This is simply a benefit.

So this team threw their clothes over at the request of the other party.

Then because it was the time when the yellow dinosaur clothes were in demand.

Then a team of fierce green dinosaurs came out and cut their trade.

Both of them were overturned by the other three.

But the other party did not kill.

Just let the yellow dinosaur throw his clothes off.

Then he took the clothes and left.

Then Yixue was forced to wear the green dinosaur clothes that the other party had changed.


The hapless brothers and sisters complained to each other.

Only then did I learn that this is what happened.

So they are together.

As long as we can find another team of volunteers.

Then under the certification of the two teams.

Yixue's team can gain everyone's trust.

There is no need for such a team to come through this weird way.

As a result, Ye Lang turned out to be with someone at this moment.

When Yixue faced Ye Lang's rhetoric, it was not uneasy.

But he didn't know how to make Ye Lang believe them.

But now I think about it.

If you are here, just follow Ye Lang and hit the bridge.

Then talk to Ye Lang about identity.

That basically just needs to be mentioned.

Ye Lang was a little surprised at best.

Unfortunately, the deal is done.

Ye Lang had already left.

And facing the team that was eyeing his side at this time.

The two teams were so lucky to explode that the Lengtouqing team took out the flare guns they picked up at the start.

Shots were fired outside the safe zone.

They actually wanted to arm themselves to help Ye Lang and the others.

I hope that two teams will take the lead to help.

Can arouse the emotions of players here.

After they said something, they retreated to Painan's side and expressed their position.

Others who were originally near Painan saw that they had stepped away.

So he squeezed into Painan directly.

One by one they probed their brains in Penan's house.

At this time, the opponent's defender near Painan saw that the opponent had shot out three armored vehicles in a few strokes.

Then the other party directly gave up the plan to wait until the attacker was halfway away.

This is still a fart.

When the time comes, the opponent's armored vehicle will land.

Just such a little waterway in Penan.

On the bridge, on the side, and driving directly from the waterway in armored vehicles.

The defenders felt pressured to think about it.

So the defenders chose to strike first.

Limited reduction of local vitality.

Avoid an all-out attack when the opponent landed short.

Coupled with this seemingly impatient behavior that the players who just entered Penan looked around.

The other party thought that they couldn't wait to get started.


Since you are so impatient.

Then we will fulfill you.

After they experienced a brief discussion.

It was shot at the same time.

Players who were suddenly beaten here must have been trapped.

But the other party blocked himself.

Now it's still working directly.

It seems that Ye Shen was right.

The other party simply doesn't want to think about what has been said beforehand.

So the public sentiment was angered for a while.

It is tolerable and unbearable.

Then he shot back here.

Come this way.

Penan was completely fought.

But now the two green dinosaurs waiting for the airdrop to land are terrible.

They are now the focus of each other's care.

After a period of stubborn resistance.

They still did not have time to withdraw safely to Painan.

After they finally heard the sound of the armored vehicle landing in the smoke bomb.

Get in the car without saying a word.

At this moment, they just saw Ye Lang killing the enemy.

So ready to defect.

and so.

They lost their way in the smoke bomb.

Dumped into the water.

At this time, the firepower in Penan swept over.

So they can only run away at an angle.

At this time, the player who originally guarded the waterway had already ran to help Ye Lang's defender.


The people in Penan were beaten by the attacking team and could not be chased.

The person guarding the waterway is not there yet.

The three people ran from one side to the other in a daze.

Then they went to the place Ye Lang said at the time.

As a result, when I drove, I heard gunshots here.

So they came here.

It happened that the person who ambush Ye Lang was fighting with Ye Lang.

The next thing is what Ye Lang knew.

Ye Lang now knows what happened to the people of Painan.

It is estimated that after they could not fight, they gave up the idea of ​​attacking from Penan.

Then, seeing that there were so many people eliminated from Ye Lang, he drove to Ye Lang from the ground.

A car on the ground can be much faster than an armored car that is 20 yards in the water.

So Ye Lang first met the player who came here from Penan.

And because of the fight in Penan.

Their medicine can only be consumed, and they can't lick the bag.

Then there was this phenomenon of violently running poison in a large area.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.