PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 744: Plan, charge

Ye Lang, who finally clarified the ins and outs of the matter, took a deep breath.

This year of water friend is really the most tidy he has ever seen.

And also the most outrageous water friend.

These one by one.

Maybe fighting will not work.

But in terms of whole flower life.

No one can match them.

Ye Lang had already arrived near the training base in his armored vehicle.

At first, Ye Lang worried about the other party's plans for ambushes and sneak attacks near the training base.

But Ye Lang cautiously drove all the way and found nothing unusual.

So Ye Lang shared his thoughts with everyone.

They are now passing from the south side of the training base.

Because at this time the other direction of the training base has been enveloped by the poison ring.

In the north, Ye Lang had to circle around the boss.

By the time Ye Lang and the others passed by, I didn't know what happened.

And Ye Lang looked at the fuel gauge.

Expresses very worried about the amount of fuel in the car.

In addition, once the transfer is on the way, the opponent will be blocked.

I am afraid that they will be beaten severely before they reach the predetermined location.

Although the armored vehicle has super high armor.

But when Yixue and the others came over, these three cars had already been beaten.

Now if he is attacked by the other side for a long time.

It won't last long if you want to come.

So the best route into the training base is this straight route into the circle.

After Ye Lang determined this direction.

I got out of the car and observed the surrounding situation.

At least it seems that there is no problem for the time being.

"Let me talk"

Ye Lang turned on all his wheat.

"Big brother, please speak"

"Yeshen, tell me"

Everyone responded.

"We will be these three cars later. Aim at the two small bungalows directly south of the road below, and drive directly, but before again, we must arrange the smoke bombs on the road where we are going."

"At that time, capable drivers must park the vehicle sideways, so as to ensure that the bunker we can use can block your own body. But what I am talking about is the task of two drivers besides me."

"At that time, I will also drive an armored car, but I will park this car about five meters away from your car. One time as if the opponent throws a lot of objects, we will use it A place tossed"

"When we captured two of the bungalows, we immediately threw away smoke, blocked the view of the main road near the warehouse, and concentrated fire on the warehouse."

Ye Lang told the rest of the players about his general plan.

Now they are nine people.

Later, they will have to deal with the defense of 13 opponents.

But considering the situation of the opponent's current defense.

Ye Lang's remaining teammates gave a special explanation.

"It must be fierce"

"Start now!"

Following Ye Lang's order, it was issued.

Smoke bombs began to be thrown down from the hillside.

Thick smoke rose.

The sound of the vehicle's activation immediately rang.

This is the start of the armored vehicle.

At this time, the actions of the armored vehicles still carried out Yelang's details.

That is to increase his speed to a certain level before rushing into the opponent's attack range.

At this time, the sound of the other party's shooting has already sounded.

But Ye Lang didn't even plan to keep anyone to frame a gun.

The poison circle has come.

Now this circle.

The person with the gun will die if he can't hold it for long.

So now Ye Lang chose to charge with all his staff.

Da da da da da da da da.

The other party's gun was aimed at the smoke from Ye Lang's side.

Although Ye Lang's car has not arrived yet.

But the other party has already started to wear cigarettes.

Ye Lang has too many plans.

The other party was not sure whether Ye Lang would make the kind of direct people to run away first.

Then the driver behind drives the vehicle as a bait.

So the other party chose the simplest and most direct action.

Whether you come in or not.

I started shooting.

I exchanged my bullet for your smoke bomb.

And the resources of the rain forest map.

Especially the resources of the training base are very rich.

After the opponent has collected nearby resources, the most indispensable thing is bullets.

At this time, the sound of snapping bullets rang out from Ye Lang's shell.

But hard armored vehicles will not be swept and bombed as easily as cars.

At this time, the acceleration of the downhill is used.

The armored vehicle has reached its maximum speed.

at last.

The two armored vehicles ahead jumped directly after reaching the predetermined position.

Players have already held their guns while the vehicle is still sliding.

Be prepared to deal with possible enemies at any time.

But until Ye Lang stopped the car.

No one shot at the opponent's near point.

Ye Lang stepped forward.

Quickly glanced at the situation inside the small bungalow.

No one has been seen for the time being.

Although for this reason alone, it is impossible to judge whether there is anyone in it.

But Ye Lang had already determined that there was no one inside.

The other group of people who wanted skin really didn't want to take the risk on their own.

So there was no one standing there.

Ye Lang felt that something was wrong here when he heard the gunfire while driving.

The following are the most effective locations to intercept incoming vehicles.

But there was no gunshot from here.

So Ye Lang realized that something might not be right.

And Ye Lang just had a startling glance.

Although there was no one inside.

But there is something dark on the ground.

Ye Lang didn't even think about it.

This is definitely gasoline.

Ye Lang remembers the power of gasoline too much.

So Ye Lang quickly reminded the people around him.

"Don't enter the nearby housing area"

Just when the players didn't know why Ye Lang said that.

Ye Lang took out his gun.

Aim at the ground from the window is two bangs.

Then Ye Lang hurriedly left the window.

Then there was a raging fire inside.


When the opponent arrives at this time, no one wants to be eliminated.

That's why the other party set up such a trap.

Once Ye Lang entered these housing areas.

Prepare to take this as a base point to capture the training base.

Then even if the defenders may not have an angle, use bullets to ignite gasoline.

But they are absolutely capable of igniting gasoline with thrown objects.

Only then did the teammates around Ye Lang understand Ye Lang's operation.

"These people are too insidious, right"

Yixue shuddered.

Her idea just now is if there is no one here.

They occupied the premises and then slowly entered.

But now it seems that maybe every house in the training base is not necessarily safe.

Maybe you think you have entered a safe bunker room.

But if you are not careful, it will become your morgue.

This feeling of excitement was rendered to everyone present.

Everyone now has the spirit of twelve points.

Come and observe the environment near you.

Da da da da da da da.

Ye Lang's team heard the sound of shooting.

Many players began to explore the ground and buildings nearby.

Many buildings instantly burned into flames.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.