PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 75: Yoyo and Ye Lang's leg?

Soon the camera appeared on Ye Lang, causing the audience to exclaim.

"So handsome! I feel like I'm wet!"

"Husband Ye Lang, I love you!"

"You never know how proactive they are in front of good-looking men."


The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled one by one, and girls fans kept scrolling through the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The two commentators saw that the game was about to start, and immediately introduced the specific situation of the game.

This time the competition is the latest 8442 competition system in the world, which greatly improves the viewing and competition.

In the 8422 competition system, the first place that means eating chicken can get 8 points, the second place has 4 points, and then the third and fourth places get two points.

Such a system is undoubtedly encouraging players to fight. In the usual system, as long as they enter the top 10, they will get very impressive scores.

However, this time, in addition to the top four, players in other rankings have no points to get, which cuts off some players' good intentions of reaching the finals.

The entertainment anchors participating in this competition couldn't help but smile when they heard this new competition system. They probably won't get a point.

Especially the people like Daidai and Tuantuan were originally going to be strict. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to be in the top ten. There will still be points to get.

As a result, only the top four have scores, and it is as difficult for them to get to the top four!

Prior to this, the official did not disclose that the 8422 format would be adopted, which caught many contestants by surprise.

Of course, some professional players seem very calm. The 8422 format has long been popular internationally, and their teams have already been trained during training and have experience.

Ye Lang doesn't matter, anyway, no matter what the format, as long as he survives to the end, he kills the most!

Ye Lang's idea is so simple and rude!

Soon, all the players are in preparation.

The dark-skinned commentator Hippo asked Yoyo at this time: "This time the Fengyun Competition is full of stars. Who do you think is the player who hopes to win the championship in this competition?"

Youyou quickly said: "Brother Hippo, you laughed, how can I know the champion of this competition, you must know that there are a bunch of top professional players."

The commentator Hippo smiled and asked in a different way: "Haha, which player do you prefer?"

Yoyo curled her lips, this question seemed a bit offensive.

After thinking about it, Yoyo smiled and replied: "I am more optimistic about the nearest newcomer."

Hippo was taken aback for a moment: "What you said... Could it be Yelang, the sniper **** who is in the limelight recently?"


Yoyo nodded.

Hippo smiled: "I think you are because he is handsome."

It has to be said that Ye Lang's appearance and temperament are just out of the ordinary compared with other contestants.

Youyou bulged and said, "No, Ye Lang is not a vase, he is very powerful."

"haha, really?"

The hippo smiled meaningfully.

You are not optimistic about the presence of so many professional players. You have to be optimistic about a new anchor who has just emerged.

Isn't this what the face is?

Superficial woman!

Inside the official live broadcast of the game.

"What's the situation? Does this Ye Lang and You You still have a leg?"

"I seem to have found something incredible!"

"Nonsense, little brother Ye Lang belongs to me!"

"This Ye Lang is really handsome, but in terms of skills, I am afraid he is still not as good as the captains of several teams."


In the live broadcast room of the game, the barrage scrolled one by one, because of the words you just said, Ye Lang was being discussed.

I have to say that Ye Lang is the most popular anchor during this period. In less than a month, the popularity of the live broadcast room exceeded 5 million.

And he is a newcomer with no foundation, this kind of thing is simply unheard of.

And the most surprising thing is that all the top professional teams in China are inviting him to join, and his strength is evident!

Moreover, this person not only only plays games, but also sings very nicely. He also writes his own songs...the key is to be handsome!

Many advantages are integrated into one, and it attracted the attention of many people at once.

It is foreseeable that after this competition, Ye Lang's popularity will turn up again.

Of course he doesn't know this now, he is preparing for the game excitedly and it will start soon.

This is the first time he has participated in such a formal large-scale competition. Every opponent he encountered is either extremely popular or extremely powerful.

Just eliminate one, the reward is not covered!

Soon the 30-second countdown ended, the game began, and the route appeared in front of everyone.

Yoyo said: "All of these routes from bottom to top, from the airport to S City, are an ordinary and relatively common route."

Hippo nodded: "It is true, and this route passes through a lot of major resource points."

The route quickly flew over the airport, and players jumped off one after another.

"Great God, Lan Zhanfei, and Ding Dong all jumped to the airport. The three of them are all very powerful. It seems that the battle for hegemony at the airport this time is not easy."

Yoyo said like this.

This time the airport was the first to bear the brunt. However, due to the different nature of the game, many players were more stable and did not choose to jump to the airport, so this time there were only six or seven people jumping at the airport.

And six or seven people have certain strength, not the kind of entertainment anchors that resemble dull and tuantuan.

If that's the case, jumping to the airport is purely a gift.

Ye Lang looked at the route and hesitated for a moment.

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Lang chose Port N and jumped towards Port N.

Port N is located next to the airport, which is also one of the most competitive places.

For Ye Lang, participating in the competition is to kill people!

Eat chicken if you don't kill, is it still called chicken?

With his proficient skydiving skills, Ye Lang quickly landed on the container.

This area is his favorite area in Port N. The floor is made of steel, which just fits his "reckless" style of going straight!

The first thing after landing was to find a gun, and an sks sniper rifle appeared in front of him.

Unlike the 98k, the sks sniper rifle is a continuous sniper. Although it is not as powerful as the 98k, it cannot achieve a shot headshot, but it can win in a row.

In today's professional arena, the sks sniper rifle is much more popular than 98k, because the fault tolerance rate of bolt sniper such as 98k is too low.

If you can't kill with a single shot, you basically miss the best chance to eliminate the opponent.

After getting the SKS sniper rifle, Ye Lang looked up at the sky, and a parachute appeared in his field of vision.

"If you have a friend from afar, why not send a bullet?"

Ye Lang quickly raised the sks sniper rifle in his hand, and now his 98k proficiency has been upgraded to sniper rifle proficiency, no longer restricted by weapons.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.