PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 756: Ghost mission of the system

Ye Lang hummed a little song and wiped his hands.

Sit down on the sofa.

The screen of his phone has gone dark.

Since the game played this afternoon is so exciting.

The system was still ding-dong, and the ding-dong sounded endlessly.

Now my rewards should be very rich.

Ye Lang didn't touch his cell phone.

Instead, he silently exhaled the system panel.

"Yeah, host, have you finally heard me?"

Ye Lang has a black line.

The voice of this system sounds a bit bitter.

I haven't called it for a long time.

Besides, it usually doesn't jump out on its own.

But Ye Lang didn't dare to say that directly.

In case this guy gets angry.

What to do if you make yourself short.

"How could it happen? Look at my job, I will come to you, right? I'm your loyal host. I'm so touched, do you want to face me?"

Ye Lang decided to tease it.

But the system does not buy it at all.

"Theoretically speaking, you are talking face-to-face with me now, but if the host is still not satisfied, I can provide face-based services while you are asleep, but the fee is randomly shortened by 20 cm."

After hearing this, Ye Lang had a chill.

Your system.

How bad thoughts are so much.


This is too cruel.

Even the hair can't stand it.

Ye Lang touched his head.

"Farewell, goodbye, I don't want my head to be bald, if my hair is gone, who will cover my handsome face"

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking [Cheeky Mastery]"

? ? ? ? ?

This is also OK?

and also.

What kind of ghost skill is this.

"Is this thing still unlocked? Isn't this a skill that I should have brought in from the beginning"

"It seems that the host is very clear about his own position. It is very important for people to know themselves."

Ye Lang snorted disdainfully.

"Your system is getting more and more glib"

Ye Lang opened his panel.

Player system of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds nightmare.

Host: Ye Lang

Age: 22

Game skills: [Sniper rifle proficiency advanced skills] [Physical proficiency] [Visual proficiency] [Throwing proficiency] [Motorcycle proficiency] [Perfect hearing] [Accurate aiming] [Pan proficiency] [Jedi boxing master] [Game Consciousness proficiency] [Punch pressure proficiency] [Skydiving proficiency] [Strong proficiency in case of strength] [Aura suppression proficiency] [Proficient in aura suppression] [m416 Critical proficiency] [Leave no room for proficiency] [Mixed into enemy camp advanced 】

Realistic skills: [Seiyuu skills] [Guitar skills] [Fighting proficiency] [Foreign language proficiency] [Bajiquan proficiency] [Basketball proficiency] [Piano proficiency] [Cooking proficiency] [Light power proficiency] [Actual proficiency] [Go Proficient] [World-class singing skills] [Martial arts acting skills] [Talk show skills] [Instrument skills] [Legal knowledge] [Pet raising] [Intimate idol] [Best tutor proficient] [Story master proficient 】【Cheeky Mastery】

Items: Good Luck Lianlian Soda Drink, Memory Capsules, Pills for Washing Marrow and Bone Cutting, Strength Recovery Potion, Huanggang Secret Roll, Expired Healthy Instant Noodles...

Nightmare value: 123647 [Redeem] [Raffle]

Ye Lang was very speechless after seeing it.

This system really squeezed in such abilities as [Cheeky Mastery].

What is this called?

But Ye Lang still likes the above [Advanced Level of Mixing into Enemy Camp].

This should be unlocked during a fight.

I just don't know which wave of people Ye Lang was lurking in to unlock it.

After all, Ye Lang feels so handsome today.

This kind of undercover is too good.

But until Ye Lang saw the back.

I saw the item column.

and many more.

Did I see something strange.

Expired healthy instant noodles? ? ? ?

Ye Lang almost didn't lift the table.

Can this stuff be called healthy instant noodles after it has expired?

Is this healthy?

"I said system, your expired healthy instant noodles are not very kind"

Ye Lang was indignant.

"Ah, this ah, the quality assurance function of the system was updated at that time, so there was a little problem with the previous items. Isn't it just instant noodles and other junk things? The host shouldn't care about it."

"No! I care, I care very much. I went bankrupt that day, or I was left out with nothing to eat when I was surviving in the wild. Then I would live on this instant noodle."

Ye Lang is eloquent.

The system was silent for a moment.

"Okay, I will compensate you with a nightmare value of 10,000 to make up for your loss in the lottery"

Hey hey.

Ye Lang's tricky plan succeeded.

I am very happy.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill [Survival in the Wild], progress: 03000, please complete the host as soon as possible, otherwise the host’s ten skills will be cancelled due to the host’s feelings of deceiving the system"

Ye Lang: Meow meow? ? ?

What the hell.

"Why did I acquire this skill? I didn't do anything, what did I deceive you?"

Ye Lang wanted to cry without tears.

Emotions are also very agitated.

Acquiring skills is a good thing.

But this punishment. . .


"The host reminded the system that the host does not have the ability to survive under special conditions, so the system gave the host this skill when the host is kindly caring for the system to work."

"Warm reminder: This skill host will get its primary form ability in advance"

Ye Langxin said that you were afraid that the host himself would be killed violently in the wild and the system would not end well.

Otherwise, how could it be so kind.


What deceive the feelings of the system.

This is obviously revenge, this is public revenge.

"If you really consider my survivability, why don't you let me practice how to deal with natural disasters?"

Ye Lang whispered.

"Thank you host for reminding, the system will consider it"

? ? ?

"Don't don't don't, you just pretend to be farting, thank you, really no need"

It is not difficult for Ye Lang to imagine that this system is likely to throw himself into the desert sandstorm and eat dirt.

Or one day Ye Lang fell asleep and there was an earthquake.

This is horrible.

Resolutely not.

Ye Lang spared no leeway and slapped the system flattery.

"Look, you have such a good system, and the things you consider are flawless. How can there be faults? So these things are not faults, they are superfluous. Otherwise, what can make our handsome system make mistakes such low-level What's wrong?"

"The host seems to be right, so forget it"

"Then look at this [survival in the wild]?"

"The task sent out is the spilled water, and it can't be collected. The host please ask for more blessings."


Ye Lang originally wanted to see if he could add something fun to his ability to eat chicken.

As a result, the system has made such a thing for him now.

Ye Lang now only hopes that he can give himself something useful through the lottery.

Ye Lang still remembered that there seemed to be a show that made people survive in the wild in his last life.

Who are the people who participated in the recording?

The former survival instructor of the Special Marine Corps.

But what about yourself?

Ye Lang thought about his profession.

Well, play games, sing, and work in the entertainment industry.

Now suddenly put yourself into this sub-program? ? ?

Ye Lang remembers that there is no such program in this world.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.