PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 76: A bunch of Yelang wives!

After a while.

A kill reminder caused everyone's attention.

"The player yelang killed the player huyaTV-tulafu with a sks sniper rifle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +666!"

666 nightmare value?

Ye Lang was overjoyed. As expected, these people are valuable!

Yoyo said excitedly: "The first kill of this game has appeared!"

"Let me just say, Ye Lang is not a vase!"

After seeing Ye Lang, Yoyo was very happy.

Soon the director switched the camera to Ye Lang and played back the scene of the killing of Turaf...

When everyone saw Ye Lang landed, they got the sks sniper rifle, and then directly took Turaf away who had not landed!

The most amazing thing about this is Ye Langyuan's super-human skydiving and landing speed, and accurate marksmanship!

A peanut: "666, this is something called Ye Lang."

Old Hei of the Gentleman Group: "Poor Turaf, he was eliminated like this, he is my favorite anchor!"

Lu Zhi slashed the tree: "It's awesome, it's no wonder that so many professional teams invite this Ye Lang, it is indeed not easy!"

Tao Susu: "Hehehe, my brother Ye Lang is so awesome!"


The director quickly switched the screen and gave a close-up of Turaf who had just been eliminated.

It's just to see Luff's face full of consternation. He really didn't expect that he was eliminated from the beginning!

Turaf was a very popular anchor on the previous panda live broadcast platform. He signed with Huya after the collapse of the panda platform, and his popularity in Huya is also very high.

And his strength is also extremely strong, not inferior to the professional players at all, he is considered the most popular player in this competition.

As a result, Ye Lang was able to solve it with just one shot, which was really hard for everyone to believe.

Hippo said: "Sure enough, there are no vain people under the reputation. Ye Lang has recently been called a sniper god, not a vain name."

Youyou smiled triumphantly: "Of course."

Hippo suddenly said jokingly: "I praise Yelang, why are you so happy?"

"I..." Yuyou said suddenly, "I...I am Ye Lang's fan, it's normal to be happy for him!"

"haha, really?"

The hippo smiled meaningfully.

"Although I don't deny that Ye Lang is very strong, but this time there are a lot of masters in the competition, not to mention the champion, even the top three may be difficult to reach the sky."

Hippo didn't feel that Ye Lang could really win. This time the match was different from usual. So many professional players were there.

When Yoyo heard Hippo's words, she was immediately unhappy: "That's because you still don't understand his strength. Anyway, I am optimistic about him. I think he will definitely be able to make the top three this time."

Originally, Yoyo wanted to directly say that she would definitely win the championship, but she swallowed it back because she didn’t even believe it...

The hippo laughed, the relationship between the two is definitely not simple, I am afraid they have a leg...

The audience in the live broadcast room also came out to tease after seeing this scene.

A cup of Wang Qingshui: "Unexpectedly, Yoyo is also a woman who looks at her face. I am still waiting for the big lottery to draw. Now there is no chance..."

Wolfberry vacuum flask: "I can't be envious, but if I have the handsomeness of 1% of Ye Lang, why is it single?"

Wife Ye Lang: "No one should **** my husband from me, he belongs to me!"

Cupid girl: "I'm going, why are you moving so fast, I also want to be Ye Lang's wife!"


In the official live broadcast room of the game, suddenly a bunch of "Ye Lang Wife" users appeared...

I could see the male animals in the live broadcast room with envy...

When can I get this treatment?

The game continued, and fierce battles took place in various places.

Because this time the game adopted the 8422 format, the elimination points accounted for a larger proportion, so many players did not hide it, and chose steel guns as soon as they landed.

Among them, the most intense battle is the airport. This time the airport has jumped six or seven players, all of whom are extraordinary.

Especially among them are the captain of the domestic giants 4AM, the captain of Great God, and the so-called genius Ding Dong.

Another blue warfare is also not simple, and his strength is not lost to professional players.

"Now the airport is in full swing, Lan Zhanfei has been eliminated by Tinkerbell, and the other players are basically eliminated. Only Tinkerbell and Great God remain."

Yoyo looked at the game screen and said, "I wonder if Ding Dong and Great God will meet?"

Hippo analyzed at this time and said: "Obviously, Great God and Ding Dong already know that each other is in the airport. They should both be afraid of each other."

Sure enough, in the subsequent game, Great God and Tinker Bell did not bother each other and left the airport directly.

Neither of them is 100% sure to win each other, if so, then stop fighting!

Look for a few soft persimmons outside. Isn’t it fragrant?

Be aware that in addition to professional players, there are a lot of entertainment anchors and some sunset red players in this game, such as Da Sima and PDD...

For professional players, these people are just casual!

Ye Lang on the other side has already won three heads in Port N, and these three people have earned him nearly two thousand nightmare points!

This made him extremely satisfied, and he made a profit!

Sure enough, I still have to participate in this kind of competition more in the future, the more the better!

This time there were not many players who jumped to Port N. After the three were eliminated by Ye Lang, and other players were fighting each other, it was already extremely silent at this moment.

After taking a look, Ye Lang left directly.

He has very good equipment now, an AKM assault rifle and an m24 sniper rifle!

Not long after leaving Port N, Ye Lang soon met a "very poor" player.

When Ye Lang passed by, this man just crawled out of the grass, with only a green hat and an s686 shotgun under his body.

"Meeting is a fate, send you to the west!"

As soon as he saw the other side, Ye Lang knew that he must be an entertainment anchor. He was afraid that he would not go to the big resource point and compete with others for resources, so he could only squat in the wild.

"Fuck! This man has such luxurious equipment!"

"It must be a master, hurry up!"

The player on the opposite side saw Ye Lang look like a god, and knew that he was not the opponent, so he turned his head and ran away...

Ye Lang smiled slightly, slowly raised the m24 sniper rifle in his hand, opened the quadruple mirror, and pulled the trigger lightly!


A 7.62mm bullet was ejected from the muzzle with a tongue of flame instantly!

After a while!

The player who tried to escape spouted a burst of blood on his head, and then slowly fell to the ground, leaving only a corpse!

"The player yelang killed the player douyuTV-daidai with a m24 sniper rifle in the head!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting the Q coin red envelope!"

Too late to complain about the Q coin red envelope for rewards, Ye Lang saw that the eliminated player was actually an old acquaintance...

At this moment, he cast a bitter look at Ye Lang...

Brother, how did you succeed!

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.