PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 77: And the fate of the sunset red team.

That person turned out to be dumbfounded, which is a coincidence...

But the other party's wretched look just now looked a little bit stubborn, and when I think about it carefully, it does seem a bit dazed...

Due to the problem of the competition venue, Dida and Ye Lang were sitting in a position where they could see each other, so Dida cast a bitter look at Ye Lang...

How wronged, how wronged...

Ye Lang could only shook his head, and replied with a very regretful look...

I didn't know it was you!

Can't blame me!

Of course, even if he knew it, Ye Lang was sure to kill him.

E-sports, regardless of gender!

Catch is kill!

After all, they are all nightmare values!

Ye Lang and Daida looked at each other, and they happened to be captured by the director's camera and appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Seeing this scene, the live broadcast room of the game boiled instantly.

Rambo Bikini: "I just saw something. The two of them were flirting, flirting, and dancing... They must have a leg!"

Pirate Wang Lufei: "Two days ago, the anchor also took the old woman and Yoyo to play games together. It turns out that they got together a long time ago!"

Tao Susu: "Oh, don't talk nonsense, Ye Lang is just taking them to eat chicken!"

The man with a horse: "Fuck, fuck! I've eaten chickens, is this okay?"


The barrage of the live broadcast room is rolling. Ye Lang certainly does not know what happened in the live broadcast room. He has already arranged several stories by fans...

The story of a love triangle between Diaoyuyou and Ye Lang...

The screen turns, and the camera appears in P City.

Yoyo was a little shocked and said: "As expected, 17shou, who is known as the lord of P City, has eliminated five players!"

This time there were many players who jumped to P City, including 17shou.

To talk about the dominance of P City, 17shou deserves it. In just a few minutes, he has won five consecutive heads!

P city is already empty!

Although the five people don't seem to be many, you must know that these five people are all technical anchors and even professional players with extraordinary strength!

Ordinary entertainment anchors don't dare to jump into this kind of place, and basically fall into a box.

Hippo said with appreciation: "The number of kills in 17shou is now the most in the entire game. It seems that this time he has a good chance of reaching the championship."

Youyou frowned for a while: "Brother Hippo, you are a bit arbitrary. It's too early to say this."

"What's more, Ye Lang's performance is not bad. He now has four heads, only one difference from 17shou!"

Yoyo couldn't help but speak for Ye Lang for a while, which caused another uproar in the live broadcast room.

Tiga Altman: "It's a real hammer! These two people definitely have a problem!"

Brother Erlonghu: "Fuck! Ruthless! My goddess, how can you fall in love with others?"

Honest gentleman: "Yoyou has begun to protect the calf."

Tao Susu: "Hey, stop talking nonsense, OK, Ye Lang brother and she are just ordinary friends!"


When the broadcast was directed, the camera was turned once again, and Ye Lang was driving a motorcycle at this time, rushing to cross the bridge!

There was a player lying in ambush in the middle of the bridge. When everyone saw the person's game ID, they all laughed.

This person is the famous anchor PDD, known as Saozhu and Teacher Whoring, and was a first-class professional player in League of Legends.

But in the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, PDD is completely at the level of soy sauce, and Da Sima and Sao Nan are called the three silly Jedi!

"Sao Zhu is okay this time, but he will still lie in wait."

"It feels like he is going to be cold!"

"Don't tell me, from this position, maybe it really made him successful!"

"Is PDD going to rise this time?"


"Ya'er, why do you drive so fast?"

When PDD saw the motorcycle whizzing from the opposite side, it hurt for a while.

Ye Lang drove too fast. With his marksmanship, he was not sure to aim and hit...

"No matter what, such a good opportunity can't be let go!"

PDD made up his mind, and then immediately poked his head out of the bunker. As soon as he appeared, Ye Lang's attention was caught, and he speeded up for a while!

"Boom boom!"

PDD had already pulled the trigger at this time, and a series of bullets flew towards Ye Lang!

It's a pity that they all hit the ground, all of them failed, and none of them hit Ye Lang!

This touching marksmanship!

"I lost it and couldn't hit a shot?"

PDD panicked for a while, and saw Ye Lang suddenly changed directions and drove his motorcycle toward him!

"I lost it, your sister!"

PDD hurriedly hid, and shot Ye Lang at the same time!

Finally, a bullet hit Yelang's third-level armor, and blood spurted out.

When PDD saw that he finally hit, his expression changed, and Ye Lang had already arrived in front of him on a motorcycle...

The next second, crushed over him!

"The player yelang eliminated the player PDD with a motorcycle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare worth +1121!"

More than a thousand nightmare points!

This was unexpected to Ye Lang!

I didn't expect PDD to be so valuable!

At this time, there was another burst of 666 in the live broadcast...

"666, awesome, that's all right?"

"This is definitely an old driver, nothing wrong!"

"Motorcycle God Yelang, you know what?"

"My husband is so handsome, I really want to sit in the back seat and hug my husband's waist!"

"Upstairs, don't be a fan of the brain, okay?"


Barrage scrolled in the live broadcast room. Obviously, the audience was surprised by Ye Lang's driving skills.

It’s not uncommon for a car to hit people in this game, but it’s very rare to drive a motorcycle and hit people at such a fast speed.

Hippo was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Ye Lang not only played well with sniper rifles, but also good in other aspects."

Youyou smiled and said at this time: "I told you a long time ago that Ye Lang's strength is very strong, he has no obvious shortcomings, and his strength is very balanced."

The game continued, and more and more players were eliminated.

The first circle was just finished, and the number of survivors in the game was less than half.

Under the stimulation of the 8422 competition system, the players seem to be more desperate. Under this system, murder is more promising than Gou.

After Ye Lang eliminated PDD, he drove across the bridge, parked the car in a hidden place, and then Ye Lang hid.

How can such a good opportunity not charge a wave of tolls?

After waiting for a while, a jeep appeared in Ye Lang's field of vision. He was about to cross the bridge!

The distance was still very far, Ye Lang had already picked up the M24 and opened the quadruple lens and started aiming!

At this time, the director turned the camera to Ye Lang's body. When everyone saw the player driving the jeep, they laughed again.

Yoyo couldn't help but smiled and said: "Why Ye Lang and Xingyanghong team are either destined, just eliminated one, now there is another one."

Hippo said: "He is driving a jeep, and the speed is not slow, it is not so easy for Ye Lang to hit."

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.