PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 771: Bullet Depression

But Ye Lang didn't know.

None of his good friends were intimidated, and the entire plane came here.

The slow pace at which players are being eliminated is not because someone has gone outside.

It's because of another awkward reason.

That is the resource.

Resources are a big issue.

Maybe you have a gun after landing.

Maybe you have occupied a safe zone in your place briefly after you finish fighting.

But there must be few bullets in your gun.

It’s even said that some people may have run out of bullets,

As we all know, a gun without bullets is not as good as a crowbar.

Therefore, the players are sure that most of them are as long as the bullets are used up, and the next gun found does not use the bullets of the gun in their own hands, the players will directly throw things on the ground and pick up this one without hesitation. Gun from the bullet ground.

It is not uncommon for a full M4 to be replaced with a zero UZI in training bases.

But no matter how you change the gun.

How to save blood.

But you can't change it. At this time, ninety-nine people have landed in this place and are robbing resources with you.


A problem soon surfaced.

That is, there are not enough bullets.

Such a large training base.

In normal times, who would dare to say that there will be insufficient bullets in a fight here.

But switch to this game of Ye Lang at this time.

If it's gone, it's gone.

Although unbelievable.

But now the resources of Autism City seem to have basically been raided and there is nothing left.

Most of the players kept a few bullets left in the gun for themselves.

But soon there will be players who have not picked up the gun at all holding a crowbar and ramming it.

You must grab it if you want to see someone.

Because few people are even poorer than them.

So the autistic city just went through a short period of peace.

Suddenly gunshots began to be heard from various places.

Another group of players were eliminated.

But the elimination method in the elimination record is getting more and more outrageous.

The few that are relatively normal are those who use rifles, spray guns, submachine guns, and even pistols to kill players.

However, these people only accounted for a small part.

Ye Lang soon saw someone used a sniper rifle to wipe out a player.

This is so special.

Did you take out the sniper rifle so soon?

In fact, Ye Lang also thought about using a sniper rifle.

However, now the autistic city is so chaotic.

I don't know how it died after being close to that rifle.

Then one thing soon changed Ye Lang's view.

There was a burst of laughter from the model from the noisy all the Mai.

"You chase me, can't catch up, eh, give you a punch, hahahaha"

Ye Lang soon realized one thing.

Either the last shuttle bullet in the player's magazine has been finished.

Either you want to save it for fighting with Ye Lang.

As everyone knows, Ye Lang is now on live broadcast.

The delay has not been opened yet.

Now Ye Lang has cleaned a quarter of the second floor after landing. Basically, the audience and the water friends know.

So Ye Lang had plenty of bullets in his free hand.

The reason why everyone came to this place was to get rid of Ye Lang.

Ye Lang hasn't dropped yet.

I emptied the bullet by myself.

Isn't there no chance to face Ye Lang with a gun in his hand?

So at this time the players in the city formed a tacit understanding inexplicably.

The last bullet is left to Ye Shen!

And the result of what they did.

Ye Lang saw the strange kill records one by one.

The player cod roll knocked down the player's black fertilizer with his fist, the player cod roll was knocked down by the player Sen Luo Wanxiang with his fist, and the player Sen Luo Wanxiang was knocked down by the player Xiao Xiaohui with a fist headshot.

Looking at the current elimination scene, Ye Lang can almost make up a palace fight drama.

But Ye Lang now feels that this situation is not good at all.

There are indeed a lot more players in the training base.

It is even said that it has reached its limit.

But the speed of elimination is too fast.

Ye Lang was in his usual game at the time.

If the number of kills is more.

Ye Lang can kill more than thirty.

And if more than 30 players were resolved by Ye Lang in Autistic City.

Start with the thirtieth player.

That's the treatment of a player with a nightmare value of 10,000.

Under this temptation, Ye Lang tried his best to let the players come to the training base.

But the situation at the training base now appears.

If Ye Lang is inactive more often.

Fight more.

It is very likely that Ye Lang can't even make twenty of them.

Ye Lang didn't care about three or seven twenty one when he thought of it here.

Hit as you say it.

Ye Lang carried the gun and walked up from the closest stairway.


At this time, I heard Ye Lang's footsteps.

A player lying on the ground immediately turned his head.

Raise the gun and shoot.

Da da da.

Da da da.

Ye Lang quickly gained another 10 nightmare points.

Ye Lang continued to patrol the main building.

The players in the main building suffered immediately.

Their goal is indeed Ye Lang is good.

But they also didn't mind stealing the **** of the teams that were busy fighting with Ye Lang and had no time to care for others.

It's all over and over again.

The players in the main building were quickly cleaned up by Ye Lang.

So far, Ye Lang had already held 17 heads in his hand.

It's very close to triggering the second streak bonus.

Ye Lang didn't stop at all.

Going out with a gun, I started preparing to teach the old boxers who survived outside.

"Brothers, pay attention, Ye Shen is about to come out, take out your gun, take out your gun, don't be stingy with your bullets, it's time to let them shine and heat."

"Brothers, you'd better stay in your own stronghold. I may not care about you when you are in the house, but you are going on the road. I'm sorry, you will be regarded as Yeshen by me right away."

Ye Lang is naturally driving all the wheat now.

Hearing the shouts of the players at this time can be described as a black line.

"Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous"

"It's over, Ye Shen suddenly found out that this group of people is a group of people"

Ye Lang sighed.

But the eyes are slowly clearing.

You must not run around.

It's not good to be beaten to death by others.

You can give me all your heads.

At that time, my lottery plan can rely on the strong support of my good brothers.

But Ye Lang was very happy now.

But in fact, Ye Langque deliberately put on a very uncomfortable expression.

"Oh, don't do this, it's so meaningless to play like this"

"Surely some of you have no bullets. Take it with other people. They all have it. What's the use of stealing me? Have you ever hit me?"

Ye Lang was full of voices and expressions.

It looks like it is bewitching the players.

But the players have said that you don't give me this set.

Or everyone hangs up from now on.

See the difference when the circle comes over.

Either Ye Shen will come out and be beaten obediently now.

Please bookmark: ( The literary update speed is the fastest in the player system of Chicken Nightmare.