PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 797: Vigorously miracle

However, although the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their very upset.

But the picture transmission in Yelang's live broadcast room has ended.

The main purpose is to reduce Ye Lang's burden, so Ye Lang does not carry many modern equipment.

This way of satellite transmission like this consumes a lot of power.

Therefore, there are not many scenes.

The column group is just to give the audience a taste in the process of recording.

When Ye Lang came back from the end of the recording.

After the pruning review of the column group.

Only then will the final version be presented to the audience.

In addition to power consumption now.

This is another reason for the short picture transmission time.

Otherwise, everyone will see what they can see now.

When the show comes out, the heat will definitely not be particularly high.

Now I leave a lot of suspense to the audience every day.

When it's on the air, it will definitely have a hot effect.

But Ye Lang, the person involved, was very calm and calm on the surface at this time.

But the heart is not particularly relaxed.

Because it is different from the documentary I watched.

He didn't find a suitable shelter at all after strolling around.

Although there is still a lot of time before night.

But it is impossible to get out of a cave by yourself.

Besides, he is alone.

Without tools.

Ye Lang didn't know how long it would take him to complete the project.

Isn't it?

this place.

How could there not even be a natural cave or cave?

Ye Lang's skills let Ye Lang know that he must not just be outside or find a relatively cool place to rest.

Whether it is exposed to this kind of sunlight now.

Still exposed to possible wind and rain.

It's not a good feeling.

It is certain to get sunburn under the sun.

Not to mention being exposed to wind and rain.

In this case, the impact of illness on survival is very large.

At that time, it is not just a physical illness.

It will also have a lot of psychological impact.

no solution anymore.

Ye Lang now has several options.

Or just go inland to see if there is a suitable place.

Or it's just punching a hole in the wall.

Either find something to give yourself an arrow and a simple refuge.

After thinking about it, Ye Lang thought it was easier to get a suggested shelter first.

But here comes the problem.

At that time, Pei also brought a knife in his last life.

The system also mentioned sharp items in its own skills this time.

But now it’s not very realistic to put it here.

Because Ye Lang now has neither knives nor so-called sharp objects.

Now let Ye Lang prepare the wood.

It is not an easy task.

But none of these things can't do it.

So Ye Lang was heartbroken.

Immediately found two stones on the land that looked pretty good.

Take out one of them.

Put it on a big rock.

Then the other arm was raised high.

He slammed down the stone placed on top of the big rock fiercely.

The result came down a few times.

Ye Lang's tiger's mouth was aching.

But the two stones are still in peace.

Ye Lang shook his head to calm down.

Then speak.

"Ahem, we are now looking for a suitable tool that can cut down trees or branches, but I just showed you a wrong demonstration. This method is impossible to obtain reasonable tools. At least relying on human abilities should not work. Finding another stone with a higher density than this kind of stone to polish the stone in the opponent's stone is more reliable than my current behavior."

Ye Lang hurriedly rounded the field.

He didn't expect that he had used the essence of Bajiquan on this.

Cooperate with your own force.

Operations like Ye Lang's opening and hanging didn't work.

It's no wonder that no one of the previous life's Bei Ye and De Ye did this.

Just when Ye Lang was about to find some thick clam shells or stones that weren't so dull.

Ye Lang found out.

Above the big rock that I used to raise the small rock.

I abruptly let myself shake off a piece.

Although the disconnected part is very irregular.

It's a bit bumpy.

But the edges of the cross section are still relatively sharp.


Ye Lang silently bent over and picked it up.

"Um, it seems that we were lucky, we accidentally picked up the tool we wanted, haha"

Ye Lang picked it up and ran.

At that time, he held the camera in his hand and prepared to put it on his head again.

He is unwilling to give up.

He looked back at the stone he had just hit.

As a result, I saw such a scene.

But this scene happened to be missed by the camera.

Ye Lang thought he had picked it up by accident.

Vigorously miracle.

Vigorously miracle.

Ye Lang looked at his bloodshot mouth.

This wave is not a loss.

But Ye Lang really didn't want to do it again.

Once again, when the natural environment didn't affect him much.

He is about to cause internal injuries to himself.

Ye Lang polished the stone a little at this time.

Then introduce the audience to what they want to use.

While looking around.

Because the program team said that if Ye Lang wants to save energy and concentrate, he can save it for later narration and dubbing without introducing it on the spot.

So Ye Lang didn't say a lot. .

Ye Lang had already found some hibiscus and palm leaves.

Ye Lang scratched the bark of the hibiscus with the sharp side of the stone.

Then tore the bark off.

The bark is perfect for rope.

Then Ye Lang found four Y-shaped branches that were not too thin.

There are also some trunks of moderate thickness.

Then, in a shady place near the Bund, I prepared to build my own simple shelter.

Ye Lang follows the knowledge that his skills bring to him.

It's just that Yelang added one extra branch to each side of the branch that was used to support it.

Because it is really impossible for him to cut down the more suitable tree trunks in a short time.

Although Ye Lang's physical strength and strength are different from ordinary people.

But Ye Lang used the broken stones in his hands to collect these pieces of wood for a very long time.

In the end, Ye Lang first spread two layers of dried palm leaves on the top of his refuge, because the dry weight is light, and it also has enough such effects and the ability to keep the inside dry.

On the outside, Yelang is covered with a layer of fresh palm leaves.

This is for waterproofing.

But it was getting late.

Ye Lang didn't have the time to think about making a fire.

He found a long branch and knocked some coconuts down.

It's best to take a fluke.

Run to the beach and turn over the stones.

As a result, nothing was turned over.

I found a broken iron can accidentally.

Ye Lang had to lower his request again.

Go to the top of the stone and buckle the conch one by one.

Finally returned to his simple camp.

Ye Lang took back his clothes after spreading the hay.

Ye Lang cruelly ate several raw conch shells.

The result was a few mouthfuls.

Ye Lang resisted the feeling of vomiting, picked up the stick and went to the tree to knock the ripe coconut.

Ye Lang, who ate coconut meat again, let out a long sigh of relief.

The coconut meat of cooked coconut is not as unpalatable as green coconut.

And compared to eating raw conch, Ye Lang even thinks coconut meat is delicious.

Please bookmark: ( The literary update speed is the fastest in the player system of Chicken Nightmare.