PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 810: Immersive gaming experience

After Ye Lang ate and drank enough.

Suddenly I remembered a game I haven't touched in a long time.

Ye Lang hadn't played the game for so long really couldn't help but want to play.

Now I finally came back.

How could it be possible to go to bed.

The reason why Ye Lang only got up to start the computer now.

It was because Ye Tan'er caught Ye Langqian's warning before.

Must let him play early.

Ye Lang naturally agreed in front of Ye Tan'er.

But after confirming that Ye Tan'er had gone to school.

Ye Lang was also worried about a hammer.

As a result, Yelang's computer hasn't turned on yet.

At the studio.

Huya over there.

There is also the team over there.

Greetings were sent one by one.

Ye Lang couldn't help but reply.

After Ye Lang had finished the greetings with them one by one.

Ye Lang couldn't wait to enter the account and entered the game.


Ye Lang was not happy.

"The system, how do I feel that the game scene and feeling have not changed at all now"

Ye Lang was in the game interface at this time.

Ye Lang is to prevent fans from discovering that he is secretly playing.

So I used my own trumpet.

Ye Lang is now entering the previous interface in the game.

The queue hasn't started yet.

At this point, the whole game seems to be the same as usual.

That's why Ye Lang asked the system.

"You haven't entered yet, you'll know when you enter"

The system also seems to look very much anticipated.

So Ye Lang clicked to start the game.

Single in four rows.

After waiting for tens of seconds.

Suddenly Ye Lang heard a prompt.

Immersive game matches have been applied.

Ye Lang hasn't figured it out yet.

Suddenly, it went black.

But Ye Lang didn't open his eyes for a few seconds.

Ye Lang has now entered the game.


It was inside Karakin.

"Woc, what's the situation?"

Ye Lang looked at the players running around near him.

People are a little dizzy.

He lowered his head and stretched out his hand.

It seems to other players that what Ye Lang is doing at this time is the automatic movement of a character who has not moved for a long time.

That's right.

Just like what the system told Ye Lang before.

The computer desk is far away from me.

The computer is also far away from itself.

Now Ye Lang has entered the game just like himself.

"Ah, fuck, who beat me"

Ye Lang looked back and saw a pair of fists hit him.

Ye Lang bowed his head and turned away without saying a word.

Then he fisted back.

Ye Lang's subconscious defensive action made him ring out his realistic skills Bajiquan.

But it can't be played at all.

It's on the screen of Yelang's computer at this time.

It was Ye Lang who squatted down and avoided the opponent's punch, then got up and punched it.

Ye Lang just hit a straight punch.

Just when the opponent was still hammering himself, and Ye Lang was about to fight back.

Suddenly a ten-second countdown appeared in front of Ye Lang's eyes.

Then Ye Lang's eyes went black again.

Everything is gone.

Ye Lang said it was okay.

This beating guy is as if he didn't eat.


Although Ye Lang didn't see him at first.

Ye Lang received a heavy punch on the head.

But Ye Lang's own feeling was that someone touched him.

There is no such pain as it should be.

Then Ye Lang heard the sound of the plane in his ears.

He was really familiar with this voice.

This is the sound of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds preparing to skydive on an airplane.

Ye Lang hadn't recovered his vision at this time.

His hands were tracing left and right.

Suddenly, a holographic map appeared in front of Ye Lang.

It is clearly Karakin's appearance.

Ye Lang waved his hand again.

The map disappeared again.

Ye Lang understood immediately.

I don't have any buttons in it.

So it is possible that many game functions are determined by gestures.

At this time, the flight path of the aircraft was pulled all the way from AIHayik below to BahrSahir.

Ye Lang finally recovered his vision.

Ye Lang found that the plane was full of people.

There are men and women.

Just when Ye Lang was observing.

There was a bump in the plane.

Encountered air currents.

Ye Lang's expression suddenly became a bit strange.

Ye Lang silently lowered his head and glanced again.

No wonder I felt so strange when I first looked at my hands.

No wonder I just felt a little shaking in my chest.

original. . .

I use a female character.

"Why doesn't the system give me my role as a male role by default"

"Because this is set by the host yourself"


Ye Lang really forgot about such a question.

Ye Lang secretly swears in his heart that he must change his gender back.

What a shame.

at last.

Players on the plane kept getting up and jumping towards the outside of the plane.

Ye Lang watched the decreasing number of people in the plane.

Suddenly realized one thing.

I am playing alone.

And so no one can let oneself follow the umbrella.

Ye Lang had to jump by himself.

Ye Lang's adrenaline soared suddenly.

This is so special.

I have never done a sport like skydiving before.

This is so sudden.

Ye Lang was panicking a group now.

Obviously, I have already thought about going to a small place first.

But Ye Lang found that how he could land alive now is a problem.

Ye Lang quickly checked what was on his body.


Ye Lang found that there was a backpack behind him.

If there is no accident, it will be your own parachute.


Ye Lang was standing at the gate of the plane at this time.

Looking down at the ground very far away from me.

The legs are shaking a little.

At this time, a player brushed Ye Lang away expressionlessly.

Then he jumped down.

It disappeared in an instant.

Ye Lang:........

Ye Lang felt that he was too embarrassed now.

Ye Lang waved his hand to adjust the map.

Seeing that the plane has already traveled most of the distance at this time.

Although I know that the others should be normal, I can't see my player at all by the computer.

But Ye Lang still put on a pretense of looking at the map, not deciding where to go.

Ye Lang watched the players jumping from in front of him.

Look at their actions.

It can only be sold now.

Ye Lang touched his whole body.

Of course it's not gluttonous.

Instead, I was looking for the button to open the parachute.

Ye Lang did find one.

I didn't expect it.

Let yourself skydive as soon as you come up.

It's too exciting.

Wait until Ye Lang recovered.

Ye Lang suddenly noticed one thing.

No one continues to jump down.

Is there anyone like me?

Seeing that the plane has flown to the end.

Ye Lang turned his head suspiciously.

At the same time, Ye Lang suddenly felt that his **** was getting a kick. The last scene Ye Lang saw was an empty cabin and an expressionless AI with the word robot on its head.

Ye Lang understood.

I was kicked off the plane.

Players who hang up in normal games are kicked off the plane at this time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah"

Ye Lang lost his voice and screamed.

It's too high.

Please bookmark: ( The literary update speed is the fastest in the player system of Chicken Nightmare.