PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 84: Love is originally a matter between four

After the eliminated Mozi, Ye Lang looked at the new circle of the game.

This time the circle of the game was refreshed on the side of the vice island, that is, near the airport, and now many players are rushing towards that side.

Ye Lang also got on his bouncing car and drove all the way towards Vice Island.

Driving in the wilderness, a motorcycle soon appeared in his field of vision.

Ye Lang's eyes suddenly brightened. He hadn't found a motorcycle for a long time. You must know that only a motorcycle can make him show off his skills.

And seeing the other person driving, he is obviously a rookie...

Because of the steep **** nearby and the complicated terrain, the opponent drove very slowly because of fear of overturning.

Ye Lang parked the bouncing car at a high place, then got out of the car and lifted the 98k in his hand.

Aim instantly after turning on the 4x lens!

After a moment of aiming, Ye Lang pulled the trigger!


A 7.62mm bullet shot out from the muzzle instantly!

After a while!

"The player yelang killed the player douyuTV-fenimo with a 98k sniper rifle in the head!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +211!"

No wonder the driving is so slow.

It turned out to be Feng Timo.

Ye Lang touched his nose. It seemed that he had good luck in this game, and all he encountered was the existence of some relatively dishes.

When Ye Lang’s killing prompt for Feng Timo to be eliminated, the director immediately switched the camera over and played it back

Pirate Wang Lufei: "Hahaha, Feng Timo finally got out of the school alive. I didn't expect to meet Ye Lang, the murderous god."

Hallelujah: "Cowhide, the title of Killing God works well."

Thousands of miles to send Xiangxiang: "666, it's another wave of long-distance shooting and a headshot."


After watching the live broadcast, everyone laughed.

After Ye Lang eliminated Feng Timo, he drove the original Feng Timo motorcycle all the way.

Before long, a figure appeared in his field of vision.

This is a seemingly ordinary player, holding a rifle in his hand, running poison with his legs.

It seemed that he heard the sound of the motorcycle's engine, and the other party quickly hid behind the stone beside it.

Seeing the other party's awkward movements, Ye Lang was almost certain that he was another soft persimmon.

It is estimated that it should be a popular entertainment anchor.

If it is a professional player, it makes no sense to see him and hide.

Ye Lang drove the motorcycle closer. The other party seemed to know that Ye Lang had spotted her, so he cautiously poked his head from behind the stone and pulled the trigger at Ye Lang.

"Boom boom..."

Aggressively, then one missed.

Ye Lang was even more sure of the thoughts in his mind, and this person's skills are estimated to be at the same level.

After a shuttle bullet missed, the other party seemed a little anxious, walked out from behind the stone, and shot Ye Lang frantically.

Ye Lang quickly turned the direction, drove the motorcycle to the back of the opponent at a very fast speed, and then turned again and came to the back of the opponent at a very fast speed.

As soon as the opponent turned his head, he saw that the motorcycle had come in front of him and was crushed by him without any resistance.

"The player yelang eliminated the player douyuTV-tuantuan with a motorcycle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +231!"

Seeing this kill reminder, Ye Lang couldn't help being stunned.

It's really Tuan Tuan...

Tuan Tuan saw that Ye Lang had eliminated her, bulging her mouth, looking wronged.

In fact, she was ready to be eliminated, but she didn't know why she was eliminated by Ye Lang, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It feels like being betrayed...

But it seems that the relationship between her and Ye Lang has not reached such a close level...

At this time, the director gave Tuantuan another close-up, and her expression quickly appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly raised a barrage.

Xiaoxiao Xinrou: "Seeing this expression, I suddenly felt that the relationship between Ye Lang and Tuantuan seemed not easy!"

Your armor doesn't look good: "Obviously, there is a story between the two."

The Great Devil: "Remember that it was a cool summer night with a messy bed, Ye Lang and Tuantuan..."

A few small breaths: "I rub it, it rhymes..."

Tao Susu: "Don't spread rumors or spread rumors. Brother Ye Lang has just led a group to eat chicken a few times, and there is not as much as you think."


The barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling. Since Tuan Tuan is also a very popular anchor, some viewers began to arrange the relationship between Ye Lang and Tuan Tuan...

Don't tell me, some viewers who don't know the truth really believe it...

Lexus: "I wiped a thunder. This Ye Lang is a scumbag. Didn't he say that he has something to do with Yo-Yo? Why is he involved in Tuan Tuan now..."

Licking a dog must die: "Love is a thing between four people."

Lexus: "???"


Of course, Ye Lang did not know the lively discussions in the live broadcast room. After eliminating Tuan Tuan, Ye Lang drove his motorcycle all the way at top speed, and soon came to the east bridge.

The bridge was calm and calm, but Ye Lang knew that in this kind of competition, there was such a good chance that others would not block the bridge, not to mention that there were already a few dead bodies on the bridge...

At this time, the camera appeared in the middle of the bridge. A player hiding behind the bunker in the middle of the bridge was blocking the bridge. Judging from the boxes just now, it was obvious that he had killed several of them.

"It turned out to be Simba, the captain of the old godfather team, that's a ruthless person."

"Old godfather team? What kind of stalk is this?"

"It's the LGD team, are you stupid upstairs?"

"Ye Lang is getting cold."

"Nonsense, my husband is invincible!"


When everyone in the live broadcast room saw the players blocking the bridge, they all raised the barrage.

Simba is very strong, and the hiding place is very tricky, not to mention that he still holds a big pineapple in his hand, which is a weapon known as a "vehicle killer".

Many people in the live broadcast room thought that if Ye Lang had to cross the bridge, the game might be over.

The commentator Hippo then smiled and said: "Yoyou, do you think Ye Lang can cross the bridge smoothly this time?"

Yoyo replied firmly, "Of course, I believe Ye Lang."

"Oh, why do you think so?" Hippo asked.

"Because he is handsome... not... strong!"

Yoyo almost missed her mouth, and quickly changed her mouth.

Pippi Shrimp: "Hahaha, I finally exposed my nature, and Yoyo really is the body of Yelang!"

Zuan exchange student: "Mom, I'm going to have a plastic surgery, so I'll do it like Ye Lang!"

Jedi Wu Yanzu: "Why do you want to make it like him? Is it because I don't have enough noodles?"


The audience in the live broadcast room laughed for a moment when they heard Yoyo's words, and they all flashed up cheerful barrage.

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.