PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 85: Tianxiu, scalp numb!

Both commentators and the audience who are watching the live broadcast are watching Ye Lang.

They all want to know if Ye Lang can cross the bridge smoothly, or if he wants to end here.

During the game, the drug circle was spreading. Although Ye Lang knew that someone might be blocking the bridge, he had to go on it now.

With a twist of the accelerator, Ye Lang shot out like lightning while driving the motorcycle.

The commentary and the audience stared at the screen nervously, for fear of missing a bit.

Ye Lang drove the motorcycle all the way, driving at the fastest speed.

Hearing the sound of the engine from the motorcycle, Simba hiding in the middle of the bridge immediately adjusted his angle and observed the opposite side of the bridge.

A motorcycle appeared in his field of vision, he did not rush to take it, but was waiting for the best time to take it.

He is an experienced professional player and he must do one hit!

Finally, when Ye Lang came to the middle third of the bridge.

Simba flashed out, took the big pineapple in his hand and aimed at the motorcycle, and shot directly.

Hippo said with a pity: "It's a pity, Ye Lang was eliminated like this."

Yoyo was a little unwilling: "Not necessarily, how do you know that Ye Lang will be eliminated, maybe he can fight back."

Hippo smiled and shook his head: "It's impossible. In this case, facing the powerful Simba, plus he also has a powerful pineapple, where do you think Ye Lang hides?"

Youyou was dumb for a while.

This situation is really difficult to deal with.

But the next second.

A scene that made everyone dumbfounded appeared.

I saw Simba in the middle of the bridge was hit by a surging 7.62mm bullet on the head, killing him instantly!

"The player yelang used a 98k sniper rifle to hit the head and killed the player LGD-xin8"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +1122"

The hippo is dumbfounded for a while, what's the situation?

Obviously it's a stable situation, Simba shouldn't mess up.

Even the yoyo on the side was stunned, although she had always supported Ye Lang in her heart.

But the situation just now is really difficult to reverse the situation.

How did Ye Lang do it?

At this time, the director replayed the shot and switched to Ye Lang.

Seeing Ye Lang just arrived on the bridge with his motorcycle, Simba stepped out, picked up the big pineapple and shot Ye Lang frantically.

Ye Lang was hit by two bullets instantly, splashing blood.

However, he ignored it, but switched directly to the back seat of the motorcycle.

Because the motorcycle lost control, the motorcycle fell directly. Because he was sitting on the rear frame, Ye Lang also fell along, taking advantage of this opportunity to dodge a large amount of bullets.

While falling down, Ye Lang picked up the 98k sniper rifle in his hand, instantly opened the quadruple mirror, aimed at Simba's location and pulled the trigger.

Then directly kill Simba with a headshot!

After watching the replay, there was silence in the live broadcast room in the commentary booth.


Everyone in the show is numb!

In the live broadcast room, needle drop can be heard.

After a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded, and 666 rolled.

Budweiser adds soy sauce: "666, this is a **** operation!"

Bullwhip and wolfberry are powerful: "666, this is the **** detail!"

Paratrooper No. 1 Lu Benwei: "I can't wait for your show, but Lu Benwei is willing to go down."

Jedi Horse Jump: "This is definitely the most showy operation of this Fengyun Competition, there is no one."


The commentary Hippo was stunned for a moment, and then he said unbelievably, "This is also OK?"

The situation that was originally mortal was reversed by Ye Lang, and the opponent was killed.

As an experienced commentator, Hippo is also a person who has seen the world.

As a result, he explained the game today, but was slapped in the face by a newcomer many times.

At this time, Yoyo smiled and said: "I have said that Ye Lang will be able to cross the bridge smoothly. You still don't believe it, Brother Hippo, now you have been beaten in the face."

Brother Hippo shook his head and smiled bitterly. After so many years of commentary, it was the first time that he encountered a **** like Ye Lang.

On the other side, Simba, the captain of the old godfather team, looked at the dim screen in front of him and couldn't help frowning.

As the captain of the old godfather team, he certainly could see what Ye Lang had just done.


Simba exhaled a sullen breath, although he was unwilling in his heart, but he was helpless.

The field of e-sports has always been so cruel.

His performance in the last game can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. This time he was eliminated so early. He knew that according to his current score, he had basically missed the top three.

Can only rely on the third game to fight for it.

Then he saw Ye Lang passing by his box, and thought to himself: "This kid is really terrifying, I hope he won't become an opponent in the future."

He already had a plan in his heart. After the game was over, he would draw Ye Lang to see if he could get into their team.

Their old godfather team is relatively well-organized in China.

After solving the problem of blocking the bridge, Ye Lang drove across the bridge, and then found a suitable location on the other side of the bridge to lie in ambush.

According to the current time, there is still a chance to collect one or two tolls.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and couldn't help but flash up the barrage.

Extrajudicial fanatic Zhang San: "I bet on three big oceans, he will never stop people!"

Tao Susu: "Don't question my brother Ye Lang, he will make you doubt life."

Licking the dog must die: "Someone is here, someone is here!"


Just when Ye Lang was in ambush, suddenly a player caught his attention.

This player is also estimated to be afraid of someone blocking the bridge, and instead of passing by the bridge, he drove a yacht around the water.

Ye Lang couldn't help but smile. Whether it was by water or land, if he was staring at him, the ending would be the same.

"Huh, it's actually Lao Zhou..."

When Yoyo saw the player driving the yacht, she was also a little surprised.

The audience in the live room laughed instantly.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be my sister Zhou from society."

"Zhou Shuyi also participated in this competition, I just didn't notice it."

"666, sister Zhou is awesome, she likes her social quotations most."

"I still like her little assistant..."


Zhou Shuyi is a very popular anchor on the live streaming platform of Funny Fish. She is quite well-known, and the audience ridiculed as soon as she appeared in the live broadcast room.

She looks beautiful and was a female team player before. During this period of time, she transformed into an anchor and developed well.

Her personality is a bit like a daze, but she often says some "social quotes", which makes her audience laugh and stomach pain.

Hippo said with a smile: "It looks like she has been targeted by Ye Lang."

"How did I find that the girls in this game were almost killed by Ye Lang..."

Originally PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is a game of prosperity and decay. This time most of the people who came to participate in the competition were men, with only a few girls.

As a result, Ye Lang has eliminated Mozi one after another from the beginning to the present, dumbfounded, Feng Timo...Now he is focusing on Zhou Shuyi...

Is this going to kill all the girls in the game?

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.