PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 91: Ye Lang with six ears!

Seeing that Aluka was eliminated, Hippo couldn't help but say: "Ye Lang still performed very strongly in this game, and has eliminated four players so far."

"Even Aluka, the main player of the 4AM team, was eliminated by him. If 17shou, who is now ranked second in points, wants to overtake and win this game, he must ensure that he eats chicken while not letting Ye Lang enter. The top four are seven more heads than Ye Lang in this game."

"I want to do these is unlikely."

Hippo's words like this meant that Ye Lang had basically secured the victory.

At this time, Ye Lang eliminated the players in the boxing gym and walked out of the boxing gym with very good equipment.

But he didn't find the sniper rifle that he liked the most.

He has a backpack of second class, second class and third class, plus two assault rifles, one AK and one m16.

When Ye Lang left the boxing gym, fighting had already taken place in all areas of Picardo. Because the number of people jumping Picardo in this game was very large, the fighting was fierce.

Players are constantly being eliminated, but at this moment there are still gunshots resounding, and many players are still alive.

Ye Lang carried the m16 assault rifle and came to Picardo's red tall building. At this moment, there was gunfire in the red tall building, and Ye Lang rushed in directly.

There are a few places in the stairs of the red tall building that are very suitable for ambushes, and the ship may capsize with a little carelessness, so Ye Lang carefully took out two grenades from his backpack.

As long as he notices something wrong, he will throw a grenade to explore the way.

At this time, a player happened to be hiding in a corner of the corridor, holding a spray and aiming at the stairs.

The camera appeared on her, making everyone laugh.

Hippo said with a smile: "It turned out to be Xue MM on Douyu's live broadcast platform. This is a very strong girl. I don't know if she can ambush Yelang."

Yoyo puffed up her mouth and was a little depressed. There were not many female players participating in this game itself. Why did Ye Lang meet...

Is it handsome?

Comes attractive?

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room is also brushing the barrage. As one of the few female technical anchors of Douyu live broadcast, Xue MM is still very popular.

And his skills are among the top of the girls, although he can't compare to female professional players like Mozi, but he's no worse than some male technical anchors.

As soon as Ye Lang entered the Red Mansion, he noticed something was wrong upstairs, and a slight voice came into his ears.

If it was before, he would definitely not be aware of it.

Now that he has perfect listening skills, he can't escape any slight sound, so he is 100% sure that someone is in ambush upstairs.

Ye Lang first dropped a smoke bomb and then took out a grenade from his backpack, opened the fuse, and silently for a few seconds.

After a while, a large amount of white smoke appeared at the top of the stairs, and the snow MM who was ambushing upstairs was also a little uncomfortable, and did not dare to move easily, so he moved his position for better observation.

"Finally moved."

Although the sound of Xue MM's moving position was extremely subtle, Ye Lang still listened to her, he had already determined her position!

Just at this time.

Ye Lang moved!

He quickly approached the stairway, and before climbing the stairs, the grenade in his hand came out and threw it upward in a graceful arc.

Xue MM, who was in ambush, heard the footsteps and quickly grabbed the gun in her hand, but did not wait for someone to show up when she saw a dark thing hit her head.

Looking intently, I was taken aback.

I quickly stood up and tried to escape, but the next second there was a bang, and amidst the dust, there was only one box left...

After a while, a kill prompt appeared.

"The player yelang is the player douyuTV-xueMM eliminated by grenades!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +582!"

After the grenade exploded, Ye Lang calmly walked up to the second floor, came to Xue MM's box without rush or slow, and put away all useful things.

Seeing this kill prompt, Xue MM couldn't help but smile.

How did you meet this big demon?

Ye Lang's strength in the first two games is no longer questioned, and is definitely the top category in China.

Encountering such a person, Xue MM can only admit that she is unlucky.

After Xue MM was eliminated, the camera immediately appeared on them and gave a replay.

Looking at the replay, You You said in a puzzled manner: "Obviously there was smoke at the top of the stairs just now, how did Ye Lang accurately threw this grenade at the feet of Xue MM."

Youyou subconsciously thought that Ye Lang didn't know the location of Xue MM, and wondered in her heart, could it be luck?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also puzzled.

399 package night package: "Why can't I understand this operation, is this little brother turned on the perspective hanging?"

Stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes: "Don't talk nonsense, it's impossible to hang up in this kind of competition."

Absolutely old driver: "The upstairs is right, it is really impossible to open and hang up. By the way, on the first floor, what services are available for the 399 night package..."

Tao Susu: "Say my brother Ye Lang is on the hook, watch my little fist beat you to death!"


Brother Hippo saw the puzzled look of everyone, and gave a meaningful smile.

Youyou immediately said: "Brother Hippo, please explain quickly, otherwise they will all wrong Ye Lang and hang up..."

Brother Hippo wiped the black line on his forehead. How could this yoyo take a mouthful of Yelang, can he really do whatever he wants when he is handsome?

Hippo is very envious in his heart, he feels that he is not ugly, but his body shape is a bit like PDD.

At this time, he explained: "Although Ye Lang can't see the situation upstairs, he can judge Xue MM's position based on his voice."

Youyou scratched her hair: "But Xue MM didn't move at all just now, where is the sound?"

Hippo couldn't help but smile: "Are you sure she didn't move? You watch it again."

At this time, the director replayed the scene again, and saw that Xue MM made two subtle movements during the process, one was squatting down from the corridor, and the other was slightly moving the position.

These two movements are not large, and the sound produced is almost negligible.

However, he was noticed by Ye Lang downstairs and determined the location of Xue MM.

After reading it, Yoyo said admiringly: "Ye Lang's hearing is so good, can this be noticed?"

After listening to Hippo’s explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room also raised 66 barrages.

"666, this Ye Lang is the wind ear, right?"

"I suspect Ye Lang has six ears!"

"Husband Ye Lang is great, I don't know if I can hear the love for him in my heart."

"Upstairs, you are enough! The **** has a limit!"


The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.