PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 92: The mentality collapsed Turaf!

After eliminating Xue MM, Ye Lang went straight to the roof of the Red Mansion, and just searched the entire Red Mansion. Ye Lang had an 8x mirror m24 sniper rifle on his body.

The 8x lens was picked up from the box of Xue MM, and the m24 sniper rifle was found when searching the Red Mansion.

Arriving on the top of the building, Ye Lang found a suitable location as a cover, and then turned on the 8x mirror to start searching in Picardo. The red building is relatively high, so the field of vision is relatively wide, making it a very good target spot.

After searching for a while, Ye Lang quickly found a small figure on the opposite hillside.

In the desert map, due to the lack of vegetation as a cover and the open terrain, the sniper rifle can be regarded as an artifact in this map.

The opposite hillside and Ye Lang's location are a bit far away, even if Ye Lang is equipped with an 8x lens, the person on the hillside is as large as an ant in the field of view of the lens.

The camera happened to appear on Ye Lang and saw Ye Lang aiming.

Hippo smiled and asked Yoyo next to him: “Yoyou, do you think Ye Lang can hit with this shot?”

"Of course you can." After speaking, Yoyo asked again: "When did you see Ye Lang missed?"

The hippopotamus wanted to tease yoyo, but suddenly choked.

Thinking carefully, Ye Lang seems to have never made a mistake in every shot since the beginning of this Fengyun match, and he can eliminate the enemy every time...

When the audience in the live game room heard Yoyo's words, they couldn't help smiling and flashing the barrage.

Giao Dan: "Hahaha, it seems that Yoyo has completely become Ye Lang's little fan, speaking for him everywhere."

Cup of black tea: "Why do I look more handsome than Ye Lang, no one knows how to appreciate it?"

Pippi Shrimp: "Upstairs, don't just drink, here is a cephalosporin."

Tao Su Su: "Brother Ye Lang is great, he has excellent skills, he has never missed his hand, and he has a hundred shots!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled one by one. At this time, the director switched the camera and appeared on the hillside who was aimed at by Ye Lang.


Hippo saw the opponent's game ID and was dumbfounded for a moment: "Why is Turaf again?!"

It's no wonder that Hippo will use such a surprised tone. In the first two games, Turaf was eliminated by Yelang before landing twice. It can be said to be extremely unlucky.

The third set was successful, but I didn't expect the two to meet so quickly.

If this is eliminated by Ye Lang again, that mentality will not collapse?

Yoyo was also a little surprised: "Huya actually broadcasted Turaf, he and Ye Lang are really...very destined..."

A man with a horse: "This is more than fate, it is clearly fate."

Pikachu Girl: "I feel that Turaf can't escape..."

A drop of milk is gone: "I wipe it! The distance is so far, I don't believe this guy named Ye Lang can hit it!"

Flying Penguin: "It's right upstairs. If I can hit the fifth-speed electric fan for live broadcast at this distance."

Pippi Shrimp: "Brother upstairs, remember to let us know when the live broadcast comes, and I will give you the rocket!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room was extremely active, a message was refreshed, and many of them were discussing Ye Lang.

I have to say that Ye Lang has a lot of things worth paying attention to. He is handsome, skilled, good marksmanship, and can sing and write songs...

But at this time, most people are staring at the live broadcast, wanting to see if Ye Lang can hit.

When Ye Lang didn't know who the player was on the hillside, he aimed his 8x lens carefully and pulled the trigger after a while!


The gunfire!

A 7.62mm bullet flew out instantly!

Just to see Raf's body suddenly sprayed a burst of blood mist, and the blood bar was instantly evacuated in half.

I panicked for a while and looked at the bald area around me, there was no place to hide... and I panicked even more...

I can only scurry up and down the hillside with snakeskin and want to avoid bullets by walking.

Ye Lang couldn't help but smile after seeing it.

Can you dance with me?

Ye Lang had no intention of dragging him down, and after aiming again, he fired another shot.

This shot hit the opponent's chest again, directly eliminating it.

"The player yelang killed the player huyaTV-tulafu with the m24 sniper rifle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +633!"

Seeing this kill prompt, Ye Lang couldn't help being stunned.

This hapless guy again?

Ye Lang immediately recognized that this is the player who was beaten by himself in the first two games.

You can't blame me for this, and we didn't aim at you on purpose.

After Turaf was eliminated, he saw that Ye Lang was the one who had killed him. He suddenly felt tight in his chest and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

why? Why is this guy again?

Hippopotamus saw that Turaf was really eliminated, and said with a wry smile: "The Turaf player is really a pity. Originally, with his skills, he should be able to get a middle and upper reaches."

"But it's a pity that I didn't get a point until the end of the game."

Youyou answered, "So in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, sometimes luck is more important than skill."

Hippo nodded, and then the camera switched again, this time to Saint Martin at the top of the map.

In St. Martin, Great God's performance is more outstanding, has successfully eliminated six players, tied with the current Yelang in the number of kills in this game.

Ye Lang kept hiding inside Picardo, and didn't move, preparing to wait until the circle refreshed before leaving.

As a result, he waited all the way to the finals, and his position was still a safe area, a proper circle of fate.

In this process, Ye Lang has eliminated four poisonous players with the m24 sniper rifle in his hand, and the number of kills has reached as high as ten at present!

Ye Lang has changed his position and came to the top of the blue tall building. This is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although the red building has a good view, it is not suitable for long time guarding.

Because the windows of the red building are too large and too many points are stuck, in the blue tall buildings, casinos and motels can all hit the players on the red building.

So Ye Lang decisively gave up the red building and came to the blue building. What he didn't expect was that the circle of the game kept refreshing on his side, and the blue building turned out to be the last circle of fate!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Ye Lang had not run poison in the entire game, and they couldn't help but raised the barrage.

Zhou battery branch company: "I want to report, Ye Lang malicious control circle!"

King Zhao of Xifu: "I once again suspect that Ye Lang is the son of Landong."

The eagle eats the chicken: "Ye Lang: It's a showdown, don't pretend, actually Blue Hole is my godson!"

Pirate Marshal White Beard: "Come on, be my son!"


In the final round, it was fixed in the blue high-rise building of Picardo. Ye Lang's position happened to be the position of destiny, absolutely C position!

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.