PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 93: The final battle!

"Ye Lang occupies a blue tall building. This is an easy to defend and hard to attack position. It seems that Ye Lang is likely to complete the feat of eating chicken three times in a row."

The explanation Hippo said with some emotion.

It doesn't sound like a difficult task to eat chicken for three consecutive times, but you have to know that this is not an ordinary passerby game, but a great competition that brings together many professional players.

It is really a terrifying record to be able to eat chicken in three consecutive games like this.

Youyou smiled and said, "I believe Ye Lang can make this history."

At this time, the players hiding in other positions of Picardo finally couldn't bear it, and under the pressure of the poison circle, they ran towards the blue tall buildings.


A loud gunshot sounded.

I saw a splash of blood spurted directly on the head of the poisonous player, and fell directly to the ground as a corpse.

A kill prompt refreshed.

"The player Yelang killed the player OMG-lionk by hitting the head with an m24 sniper rifle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value is +1427!"

It was actually him.

Ye Lang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the first fish he caught was a big fish.

Ye Lang's prompt to eliminate the little lion was seen by others, and combined with the gunshots, everyone quickly arrived at the blue tall building.

You You said: "Now there are only 5 survivors in the game. They are Ye Lang, Weishen, Zhou Lili, 17shou and Lan Zhanfei. The next ranking is very important because there are only the top four. To get points."

Hippo nodded: "From the perspective of the current situation, the remaining players are all restrained by Ye Lang. Ye Lang's terrifying sniper rifle level, once the poison is found by Ye Lang, there is basically no hope. "

Ye Lang had already proved with his strength that his title of sniper **** was not a false name. Under this circumstance, the remaining few people were clearly in a dilemma.

Soon bursts of smoke filled up, and the remaining players who were still outside the circle threw out their smoke grenades, and then charged towards the blue tall buildings.

Several people running poisonous players had surprisingly consistent timing, and they rushed into the smoke almost at the same time. Then there was a melee. Several people shot in the smoke at the same time, and the bullets continued to shuttle back and forth in the smoke.

Anyway, by now, one can kill one.

Ye Lang poked his head out at this time, and suddenly a series of bullets drifted past him, almost shooting him into a sieve.

"Fuck, it almost got cold."

Ye Lang was shocked, and quickly shrank back.

After observing for a while, I found out that the other side was shooting randomly, and I don't know how many smoke bombs they had lost. Even Ye Lang's location was covered by white smoke.

And their weapons are equipped with flame arresters, it is impossible to observe where they are with the naked eye.

This is the case for Ye Lang, and the same goes for the people who run poison. Basically, they fired shots based on their feelings and hearing.

"Boom boom..."

"Boom boom..."

A series of gunfire sounded continuously in the blue tall buildings.

Soon, Lan Zhanfei of the funny fish live broadcast platform was knocked out in the head by the great **** with m416 in the process of dodge.

You You said at this time: "Now the top four in the game have appeared. They are Ye Lang, Great God, 17shou and Zhou Lili."

Since the Fengyun Contest uses the latest international 8422 competition system, only the top 4 can get points, so it makes sense to enter the top 4.

Hippo looked at the standings and said: "The champion of this game is already Yelang. As for the second and third place, it depends on the performance of Weishen and 17shou."

In the first two games, Ye Lang's performance can be said to be quite against the sky. He opened the second place 17shou far in the standings, but the gap between the second and third places is not big.

After Lan Zhanfei was eliminated by the Great God, the 17shou on the other side was eliminated by Zhou Lili.

There were only three people left in the game.

Then the smoke at this time had not cleared, Ye Lang quickly switched out of the AKM assault rifle, and pulled the trigger in the direction where the gunfire came...

In this situation where no one can be seen, one can only judge by sound.

After a bullet went down, Zhou Lili, who had just eliminated 17shou, was also hit on the spot by Ye Lang's burst and was eliminated in an instant.

"The player Yelang killed the player SSS-NB211 with an AKM assault rifle!"

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +1122!"


Zhou Lili took off her earphones angrily.

If he was supporting for a while, he would be able to take second place!

You know, there is a two-point difference between the second and third place!

After Zhou Lili was eliminated, only Great God and Ye Lang were left in the whole game.

After a while, the white smoke finally dispersed!

Great God also successfully ran into the blue tall building, and he directly launched a charge towards the top of the blue tall building, preparing to fight Ye Lang for life and death.

The result of the game has been set, and he was second and did not run.

But he is still looking forward to a battle with Ye Lang.

When the Great God rushed to the top of the building, there was actually an excellent opportunity that Ye Lang could easily eliminate him with his card points, but he did not choose to shoot.

Great God is one of the top assault players in the country, Ye Lang also wants to face him face to face, this is definitely a wonderful and interesting battle!

Hippo said with a smile: "Ye Lang didn't choose to take action when the Great God went up the stairs. It seems that he was holding the idea of ​​a fair fight with the Great God face to face."

"Next, it will be a wonderful duel."

Ye Lang is known as the new rising sniper god. If you talk about the sniper rifle alone, there is no doubt that the great **** is definitely not Ye Lang's opponent.

As for melee combat, it's a masterpiece of the Great God, can Ye Lang win?

The audience in the live room is also looking forward to it!

The originally very noisy live broadcast room also seemed a bit quiet at this moment, and all the audience were staring nervously at the last moment.

This is the final desolation of this game, and it also determines whether Ye Lang can create a record of three consecutive chicken eating!

Soon, the Great God finally came to the top of the building.

Ye Lang, already waiting here.

The moment the two met, they moved almost at the same time.

Raising the guns in their hands almost at the same time, the two kept shooting while changing their postures, and the bullets kept shuttle back and forth between the two.

"Boom boom..."

"Boom boom..."

Ye Lang possesses the body technique skill and is very flexible between dodges, but he was surprised to find that the body technique of the great **** is not below him, and it is also very fast!

When it was too late, Ye Lang directly gave up the fully automatic mode of the AKM assault rifle, directly chose the single-shot mode, pulled the trigger with extremely fast hand speed, and shot three bullets at an amazing speed.

The three bullets flew almost in a straight line, and after a while, all fell into the head of the great god!

Amazing operation!

The outcome is divided!

"Good luck, eat chicken tonight!"

The sign of eating chicken appeared in front of Ye Lang's computer screen.

He succeeded!

The player system who likes the nightmare of eating chicken, please collect it: ( The nightmare player system of eating the chicken has the fastest literary update.