PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 94: Three consecutive chickens, awesome!

Weishen was eliminated and Ye Lang succeeded in eating chicken in the third set.

The audience in the live broadcast room took the lead to react and flashed the barrage for a while.

Pippi Shrimp: "Awesome! Ye God is awesome, the world is invincible!"

Gravity: "666, all three games eat chicken, is this a fairy?"

Yelang Wife Group No. 33: "Our husband is so great!"

Tao Susu: "Little brother Ye Lang is great. What about those who said our little brother can't win before? Come out and get beaten!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled one by one, all discussing Ye Lang, brushing 666, because Ye Lang's appearance was too dazzling.

You must know that this is not an ordinary fish pond game, but a semi-professional game that brings together a lot of professional masters and a bunch of technical anchors.

Eating chicken for three consecutive times in this scale of competition is simply a record against the sky!

At this moment, Ye Lang's popularity is bursting!

Soon the points ranking will be refreshed.

Ye Lang: 65

Great God: 41

17shou: 38


All three games have ended, and the entire ranking represents the ranking of this time. Ye Lang is firmly in the first place, and the great **** behind is directly drawn by 24 points!



This is what everyone thinks at this moment!

Yoyo said with some excitement: "Congratulations to Ye Lang for winning the championship of this competition, and also the killer king of this competition!"

Hippo smiled and added: "It also broke the record of the previous Fengyun Competition. It can be said that it is an unprecedented record of eating chicken for three consecutive times."

The two commentaries were flattering for Ye Lang, and Ye Lang's record is indeed worthy of such recognition.

After the competition ended, the voting activities ended. Ye Lang firmly ranked first with 500,000 votes, and the second place Great God only had 300,000 votes.

In the backstage of the game, Zhang Qin was smiling from ear to ear.

Ye Lang really brought her a surprise. The highest expectation in her heart for Ye Lang was to win the top three, but she didn't expect that he would directly win the championship!

And still with an absolute advantage, won the championship without any suspense!

Chen Bin's face sitting next to him is not so good-looking. It is not a good thing for them to tease the fish to get the champion of Huya live broadcast.

It wouldn't matter if several other live broadcast platforms won, after all, those small platforms are not qualified to be compared with their funny live broadcast.

But Huya is different. This is an existence that is evenly matched with their strength, and the competition between the two is becoming more and more fierce.

After this game, Ye Lang's popularity will definitely rise, and even the strength of Huya will become stronger.

Yoyo glanced at the voting results and said with a smile: "Now that the voting results have appeared, Ye Lang is still number one."

"Let's congratulate Ye Lang for winning the championship, killing the king, and three honors for the vote king!"

Yo You said with some excitement, basically Ye Lang's little fan.

Hippo said with a smile: "Ye Lang is really a surprise player. Before the start of the game, I didn't like him. I didn't expect to set such a record against the sky."

Seeing Ye Lang won the championship, some of his fans were also very excited, and many people picked up gifts in the live broadcast room of the match.

If Ye Lang saw this scene, he would definitely say in pain, "Don't do it here, I can't get the money..."

After the game, Tuan Tuan He Dadao walked over and said hi to Ye Lang.

Both of them only scored one or two points in this game, but this did not affect their mood, anyway, they came to play soy sauce.

They were very happy to see that Ye Lang won the championship. After Dadao and Tuantuan came over, several other girls also took the initiative to come over and greet Ye Lang.

Most of the girls who can participate in this Fengyun Contest are basically big anchors, who actually come to say hello to Ye Lang, and some even want to add WeChat.

It really makes other male players a little envious.

The great **** on the side was a little jealous: "When I won the championship before, these girls were not so enthusiastic."

Aluka whispered in the ear of the great god: "Captain, this guy is so handsome, he will really come to our team in the future, we are under a lot of pressure..."

Not only talking about technology, Ye Lang stopped there, and basically all the focus was attracted by him...

Wouldn't the few of them become foils?

The Great God glared at him angrily: "You are far enough away, people may not agree to join our team yet!"

After this anchor Fengyun Contest, Ye Langnaco really became a hot sweet pastry. Which team does not want such a master?

Even with their 4AM team, Ye Lang might not be able to appreciate it!

The Great God was worried about all kinds of things, and couldn't help but worry about the future of the team. After Gu Cun left, they lacked a powerful sniper!

If there is no one to make up for this position, then these few professional games this year will be difficult to play!

After the game, two hosts, a man and a woman, stepped onto the stage again.

After a few simple words, Ye Lang, Weishen and 17shou, as the top three in this competition, took to the stage to accept the award.

This time, the anchor Fengyun Contest was jointly organized by two live broadcast platforms, Diaoyu and Huya, which are rich and powerful, and the prize money is also quite generous.

The first place can get a bonus of 1 million, and the second and third places are 500,000 and 300,000 respectively.

At this time, the hostess came over and smiled and said to Ye Lang: "Mr. Ye Lang, first of all congratulations to you for winning this competition. Is there anything you want to say?"

Ye Lang thought this should mean something like acceptance speech. Although he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run.

He took the microphone, said a few words casually, and dealt with it perfunctorily.

After that, the hostess will interview the No. 2 Great God and the No. 3 17shou. Although the two have won the rankings, they are not very happy.

After all, there is another Ye Lang on their heads, and he is a newcomer who participated in the competition for the first time...

This somewhat makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

The three of them simply said a few words, Ye Lang originally thought it should be over.

Who knew that the hostess suddenly looked at Ye Lang with a smile, and said: "I heard that Mr. Ye Lang is not only very good at the game level, but also very accomplished in music."

Ye Lang looked dumbfounded, what's the situation, why are you still asking this?

Although a little awkward, Ye Lang quickly reacted and said modestly: "I just sang a few words casually, and I can't go to the Taiga Hall."

At this moment, the audience in the audience suddenly shouted.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Husband Ye Lang, I am your fan, I want to hear you sing!"


The last sound made Ye Lang's hair terrified. Why was a man shouting?

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