Public Enemy

Chapter 215: outsider

> "Well~ Anyway, I have severed ties with him, I am living a good life now, and I don't need his worry. (1_1

"..." By the way, is your relationship really so stiff?

"OK! I won't talk anymore, this is for you." Chen Yi took out a large transparent glass bottle filled with purple liquid and stuffed it into Marisa's hand, "Drink it quickly."

You must know that Marisa has always relied on love mushrooms to increase her magic power. Chen Yi has also tried that thing. It is a kind of "cute" mushroom that ordinary people will definitely be poisoned to death. Although it may not be poisonous to monsters, But for Marisa, who is a human being, it is another matter. Although she has the magic power to resist toxins, the toxins will still accumulate. In case there is a big outbreak one day... Although this may not be the case when the world is paying attention. It may happen, but it is still necessary to take precautions, otherwise, if this happens, you can't hit Siji to ask for someone?

"What is this?" Marisa took the potion that Chen Yi handed over, and a kind of 'collection' desire rose up again, "Could it be drug or something, don't you often do this kind of thing? Scum monster."

"You are... stop talking nonsense! Drink it quickly, this is a potion that can cleanse toxins!" There were many bumps on Chen Yi's head, he grabbed the bottle of potion, Chen Yi forced it into Marisa's mouth , no matter how powerful your magic cannon is, you're still scum...

Throwing the empty bottle casually, Chen Yi clapped his hands, "Go and play with Lingmeng..."

"What!" Marisa looked at Chen Yi who had already left, and saw that there was no change in himself, "Could it be that he was also infected by my father, and he would twitch from time to time..."

Your father will cry when he hears this!

At the sun flower field, Chen Yi tried his best to ignore the attack and receiving in the sun flower bushes, shit! Are all gods perverted? Is Liger exposed? Where did Li Gelu, who often hangs out in the sun flower field, go? Could it be that he was maliciously killed by the emperor because of 'fighting for favor'! ?

Shaking his head, he threw out this nonsensical thought. After placing a huge flying boulder, Youxiang can handle the rest by herself, she doesn't have the ability to give birth to flowers.

Uh... Alright, the next thing is, Chen Yi looked at the crumpled 'engineering sheet'. Monster Mountain... I still don't want to go, there's something like that. Speaking of which, there are quite a few heavenly beings and heavenly daughters. Even if there is something damaged on it, it will be fixed now, eh! Except for the outlier of the Son of Heaven, those heavenly beings who have "no desires and no desires" should not care about their own pigeons...probably. **(..)

Shua Shua Shua tore the paper in his hand to shreds, aha! It's finally over, our idle life... I'm here!

After arriving in the world, Chen Yi found a place to sit up, and began to plan something he had planned a long time ago, taking out a 'virtual world' the size of a marble. Chen Yi began to think about where to put this thing, after all, once unfolded...

"Why are you in a daze here?" Mei Hong who came out of Sizi House asked, looking at Chen Yi who was sitting on the ground.

"Isn't it okay to wait for yours?" Chen Yi put away the things in his hand, it seemed like a good idea to fuse this thing with the big enchantment, and he would discuss it with Yakumo Zi later.

"Who would believe it!" Mei Hong curled her lips, but she seemed to be quite pleased with it. "Don't just sit there, come in."

After entering, Chen Yi regretted it...

Leaning against the window with Meihong, listening to the boring lectures in the room. Chen Yi yawned boredly... Isn't it because he has nothing to do to find trouble for himself!

God! Who will help me! Chen Yi looked at Meihong next to him, who was completely used to it, and shook his head helplessly, since he had already said that he was with Meihong, he couldn't leave.

The eyelids slowly became heavy, as expected, listening to lectures is the easiest way to fall asleep...

"Bang!" There was a clear sound of opening a ladle.

Chen Yi opened his eyes, touched the head that had been hit hard, looked at Huiyin who had a face of resentment, get out of class was over, Chen Yi moved his head, as if he felt that there was something under his head, Chen Yi turned his head, Seeing that Meihong was also sitting by the wall at this time, leaning against the wall and falling asleep, what happened, she also had times when she was 'drunk' on the lap of a beautiful woman.

But Huiyin, what's the matter with you looking so eager to delete me from history?

But looking at Mei Hong's appearance, Chen Yi didn't want to wake her up, so he took out a big umbrella and stuck it on the ground to cover the sun, then turned around, there are so many little friends...

"Could this be the legendary love triangle?" A little friend's voice reached Chen Yi's ears, although the voice was small enough, but...

"I heard it was Teacher Huiyin and Uncle Meihong... My sister was originally together, and then suddenly came out..." Nah! Little children's shoes, if you talk about other people, you can just talk about it at home. It's not good for the person to hear it. Also, were you going to talk about Uncle Meihong just now! ?

"You don't know, Mr. Huiyin is the one who was abandoned..." You brat, you are looking for your own death, Chen Yi looked at Huiyin whose face became more and more ugly, you are going to be in bad luck.

"Class time is over! Go back to the classroom for class!" Look!

But Chen Yi looked at Huiyin's hostile eyes, should he be glad that his history is no longer in Gensokyo? Otherwise, Huiyin, you will definitely do something! Absolutely!

Looking at Mei Hong who was sleeping on the ground, in this hot weather, Chen Yi directly gave up the idea of ​​taking a blanket to cover it up, just cover it from the sun.

The next step is to contribute to the excitement of Gensokyo...

Walking out of the Sizi house, Chen Yi saw that there seemed to be a large group of residents viciously watching something not far away.

Chen Yi is very familiar with this scene! This is the scene every time people from outside enter Gensokyo and are brought into the human world by 'accidentally', and the villagers here seem not to be bored at this kind of time. Whenever such things happen, they will carry out a series of Strong onlookers...

Joining the crowd of onlookers, Chen Yi really saw a young man in modern clothes standing in the middle of the crowd at a loss. It seemed that he was brought by Arturia, did he discover it by accident while patrolling? You're lucky not to be eaten.

This kind of thing should be handled by Reimu, but with her personality, it's okay to meet her, but if she doesn't... have a cup of tea first.

Looking at the young man's mouth constantly nana, I'm wearing it! What the **** did I finally wear, I even met the legendary Saber, what a **** fuck! !

Chen Yi grinned, walked up, patted the young man who was stuck in delusions and could not extricate himself, "Yo! Brother, you have reached a fork in your life, do you plan to settle here honestly or return to the original world? "

"Oh?" The young man looked at Chen Yi puzzled, this is unscientific! The content of this so-called time-traveling text does not match, "Go back? No! Who are you!?"

Chen Yi grinned, well! He has seen this kind of situation a lot, and it seems that the other party regards himself as the same person as him again.

"Just treat me as a guide, and make a choice quickly, stay or leave."

"Of course I stayed, after all..."

"Okay! I got it." Chen Yi directly interrupted him, "If you choose to stay, you can enjoy life in the country."

Chen Yi looked at the young man, although he didn't know what you had in mind to stay, but you chose yourself and you have no right to interfere, right? Unlike Reimu, most of them will directly erase the memory and throw them out of Gensokyo regardless of the other party's wishes...

"Young man, welcome to join the world." An old man patted the young man on the shoulder, "If you are an outsider, report to the village chief first."

Outsiders? Hearing the old man's words, the young man immediately felt that something was wrong. Other than being curious and watching, the people here seemed not surprised at his appearance, as if they were used to it...

"Could it be... there are many others like me?" The young man's tone was a bit dry.

"Of course, but most of them have nothing to do and like to run around outside the village. Although most of the monsters can reason now, most of them may be eaten by outsiders who don't know anything about it." The old man seemed very talkative. , "So, if it's okay, it's better not to run around outside the village. Although there are guards, they can't pay attention all the time."

"So live here well, outsiders like you are very welcome here."

"The monster... was eaten?" The young man regretted it a little at this moment, "Then that person just now, I saw him walking out of the village."

"He! He is a monster!" The old man looked at the young man's green face and comforted him, "Don't worry, he still has a good reputation in the village."

"Is it...? Then he doesn't eat people?" The young man's tone began to kind of world is this! A monster that eats people, a monster that wanders around human villages.

"Well, I haven't seen it, but he often goes to restaurants in the world, and occasionally pays for the guests in the restaurant generously. In short, don't provoke the other party, and it's easy to get along with."

The young man's face was a little tangled.

Opening the door of Lost House, a beam of red light flew out against Chen Yi's cheek, taking away a few strands of Chen Yi's hair.

What caught my eye was the Shining girl who was spitting around with the deviant sword, and Yakumo Zi was rarely sleeping there at this time, drinking tea while calmly looking at the Shining girl who was throwing EAs in the room.

The entire room was cast with some kind of enchantment, firmly restraining the flying EA, preventing the house from being damaged, the one that almost hit Chen Yi just now, probably Yakumo Zi did it on purpose...

Every time Winky Girl releases EA, except for the table where Yakumo Zi is sitting, everything else in the room will be destroyed in an instant, and then there will be immediate recovery, destruction and repair in the next moment? (To be continued..)