Public Executions From King Duma

Chapter 362: Red A and Tohsaka Rin

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Matou Shinji flew, hit the wall directly, and then slipped down like a sticker.

As for doing all this, it was Tohsaka Rin, who had completely broken his defenses and blasted Matou Shinji with a blow of the Bajiquan.

The girl's face was no longer red because she was too shy, but her eyes were blackened with a dead expression. She still had a smile on her face, and said in her mouth the broken thoughts of 'die, die, die'.

Seeing the people around her trembling, Yin Liya hugged her brother Emiya Shirou tightly, expressing that she was too scared.

This reaction was much more intense than in the light curtain image, because although the girl in the light curtain image knew that she had screwed up, she didn't say it, but said it in her heart, so even if it was a collapse and a shame, she even hesitated to throw the blame. Even for his father Tokiomi Tosaka, he was still able to stabilize.

But the real world is different. This is a nuclear explosion in front of billions of people around the world.

When I saw this kind of situation before, Tohsaka Rin was watching the excitement. After all, although she was born in the previous light curtain images, she was only a child, and she showed high light, so although she was a little shy, But also able to withstand.

But it's different now. Die in front of billions of people, and it's completely unbearable after you've grown up.

At this moment, Tohsaka Rin already has a sense of hurrying the end of the world, and don't have the idea of ​​blackening in the future.

For other people in the real world, Rin Tohsaka's current performance not only represents funny, but also represents other information.

That was about Tohsaka Tokiomi.

When Rin Tohsaka in the light curtain image mentioned Tokiomi Tosaka, there was no complicated emotions such as hatred and pain at all, and some were just complaints and helplessness of a young girl towards her father.

Obviously, as the world guessed, Tokiomi Tosaka of the second timeline is not the one of the third timeline, and the third timeline can be described as a unique existence.


In the light curtain image, when Tohsaka Rin held his head and squatted in defense, showing his inner entanglement and depression with cute actions, the camera was also given to the guardian Emiya Shirou, who looked at Tohsaka Rin and couldn't help but feel very funny.

But soon, serious thoughts arose in his mind.

"What's going on, all the memories before this Holy Grail War have been lost, as if it was cut off from the past me... Could it be..."

The image that was divided into two appeared in his mind before, the guardian Emiya Shirou raised his right hand to cover his face, and the eyes between his fingers narrowed: "The part that was divided at that time represented me before this Holy Grail War? It's really dangerous for this kind of thing to happen, unlimited monthly reading..."

Then, Memories Kill is turned on.

The camera picture is very simple, it is the situation where the guardian Emiya Shirou faces Madara Uchiha from a first-person perspective.

Madara Uchiha, who put his arms around his chest, looked indifferent and said in a serious tone: "Emiya Shirou, Infinite Moon Reading is a very dangerous forbidden technique, and even I, as the caster, cannot really control Infinite Moon Reading. Fantasy world."

"Moreover, this time you enter the world of Infinite Monthly Reading, not just Infinite Monthly Reading, but will also use the miraculous power of the Holy Grail to reproduce the fifth Holy Grail War you experienced."

"It contains your memory, your feelings, and the traces you have recorded in history. And this is indeed what we need to do, because what we really need to do is to modify the established through these miracles. History, correct the mistakes of the year, and find the guardian who disappeared."

"I, Hakuma, and the Light of Human Reason will inject their own power, and use the Broken Holy Grail from the previous timeline to realize the miracle of 'reversing the future' from the dreamy past!"

"So, once this miraculous infinite moon reading world takes shape, it will naturally pass through the records of human nature, and absorb the remaining thoughts and remnants of human beings in the records of the light of human nature, which belong to a part of the previous timeline. ."

"Through the miraculous power of the Holy Grail, they will be absorbed in the moment the Infinite Moon reading takes shape, and will act according to everything you have experienced in the Holy Grail War in your memory."

"No, it should be said that those individuals who are absorbed will become part of the Infinite Moon Reading World because of your influence, and so will their cognition!"

"However, as individuals with their own will, they will also act according to their own will!"

"So, Emiya Shirou, remember, not everyone in the Infinite Moon Reading World is a created fantasy, some of them are generated by the remnants of the missing body and the remnant soul, and the actions of those people will be affected by the infinite moon. Reading affects you, and it's out of your control."

"You must achieve your goals in these uncontrollable and unexpected situations!"

"This is what we must go through to achieve the forbidden miracle of 'reversing the future', and it is also the key to our survival for mankind!"

"So, come on! The junior who once wanted to be a partner of justice, now is your chance to save the world!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me and Hasuma, you can really create a miracle in this despair!"

So far, the memory killing is over, and the picture returns to the infinite moon reading world.

His eyes turned to Tohsaka Rin again, and the guardian Emiya Shirou couldn't help but whisper, "So, Rin, is not a simple illusion, but the 'reality' produced by the remnants of the missing body and the remnant soul..."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help showing some complicated emotions.

"Rin, should I say it's really you? I just entered the world of Infinite Monthly Reading, and I was given such a gift, and I was directly divided into two..."

In the real world, when people see this scene, they can understand what the guardian Emiya Shirou has experienced, and this directly leads to countless surprises.

I originally thought that this infinite moon reading world was just a pure and very real fantasy world, just like the virtual world created by artificial intelligence in the movie "The Matrix".

As a result, this thing has such a big background, and even the missing body and remnant soul preserved by the Light of Humanity in the previous time line are included.

Moreover, the broken Holy Grail was also retained from the previous timeline, and it was a key item.

This leads to the fact that not only Emiya Shirou is the real person in the world of Infinite Moon Reading, but it is obvious that many people may be 'real people'.

It's just that this kind of live-action performance is extremely limited, unlike Emiya Shirou who retains his memory and knows all the reasons.

Those who exist in the Infinite Moon Reading World have no other redundant memories, and some are only in the Fifth Holy Grail War, the memories and consciousness they should have during this period.

For example, Tohsaka Rin, according to Emiya Shirou, this girl is obviously the person who was formed through the missing body and the remnant soul, but the way of her existence is that of Tohsaka Rin at that time, as for the memory and experience after that All are not.

It is not known how many similar people there are, but there must be a lot from the known information, and it is possible that people in the entire Fuyuki City are like this.

And it took so much effort to create such a situation, of course, not for Emiya Shirou to relive the past, but to recreate the past in this way and change the future based on this.

Quite magical means, a fantasy world can actually do such a thing, it is incredible.

But obviously just as Uchiha Madara said in Emiya Shirou's memory, this is a miracle they did their best to create.

This is unscientific in itself, and the specific principle is unknown, but since it took so much effort, there is definitely a chance to do it.

This is the magic version of miracles, and I don't talk about science with you.


In the light curtain image, Tohsaka Rin also recovered from the entanglement. The girl looked at the guardian Emiya Shirou, her pretty face blushed a little arrogantly and said loudly: "By the way, who are you?"

This asked a nonsense, obviously to hide his shame.

When the guardian Emiya Shirou heard the words, he couldn't help but smile, and there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he remembered the picture of getting along with each other in the past.

Afterwards, the guardian Emiya Shirou deliberately said in a light tone: "Is that what you said when you first opened your mouth? Yeah, it looks like I've drawn the next lottery again."

This immediately made Tohsaka Rin unhappy, and immediately put his arms around his chest and deliberately put on a pose he thought was imposing, raised his chest and said in an unhappy tone: "What did you say? Well, let's confirm it for now, You are my servant, right?"

Guardian Emiya Shirou: "Servant? Judging from the situation, it should be! However, why were you not by my side when I came just now? This seems to be different from the Servant summoning ceremony I know?"

Hearing this, Tohsaka Rin's expression was a little embarrassed, and then arrogantly said back, covering up his embarrassment: "It's not a bird just out of the nest, don't tell me, you can only decide who is when you open your eyes. His master Then, he seemed to realize that what he said was a bit too much, so he continued to say it immediately.

"Don't talk about these meaningless things, let's confirm one thing first! You are undoubtedly the Servant I summoned, right? So, what class are you, are you a saber?"

When she said Saber, the girl's expression was full of anticipation, and she obviously hoped that her Servant was Saber.

When the guardian Emiya Shirou heard this, he couldn't help but think of a scene from the past.

That was what happened during the Holy Grail War, when the two sides met as Masters during the Holy Grail War.

At that time, Tohsaka Rin said with an envious and jealous Cha Lemon expression: "Damn, you, a layman, can summon Saber. It's unfair that I have been preparing for this for so long..."

Recalling the end of this, the guardian Emiya Shirou couldn't help but sigh: "Should I say that it is Rin? Even if I do it again, it will be the same attitude."

Then, he said to Tohsaka Rin: "I'm sorry, I'm not Saber, but Archer. It seems that the time of your summoning is wrong, so I can't be Saber."

While speaking, he had checked his attributes as a Servant, and he was really summoned as a Servant of the Holy Grail War. As he said, the rank was Archer.

Because Gilgamesh, the hero king of Archer in the last Holy Grail War, was a wall hanging, people in the real world have no obsession with Saber, and feel that Archer is a wall hanging class suitable for guardian Emiya Shirou, after all, he is also a wall hanging , and it is the largest wall hanging in the world of infinite monthly reading this time.