Public Executions From King Duma

Chapter 461: Emiya Shirou: I just want to kill myself

"Shiro Emiya deserves peace, but in order to achieve the great cause of being a partner of justice, he actually signed a contract with the Light of Humanity before his death."

"Based on this contract, Shirou Emiya gained powerful power before his death, surpassed himself, and achieved impossible miracles."

"And at the cost of this, Shirou Emiya will fight as the guardian of the Light of Humanity after his death."

Fujimaru Tachika's voice spoke slowly, and what was shown in the picture was the scenes of Shirou Emiya after he became a guardian, active in various battlefields and in various time and space.

At least in the picture at this moment, Emiya Shirou, who exists as the guardian of the Light of Humanity, is quite handsome.

"Yes, this man is willing to dedicate himself after death and continue to fight to protect mankind and implement justice."

"After all, being able to save other people's lives after death is undoubtedly a very happy thing for this man who never regretted his innocence until his death."

"Since he was unable to save himself before his death, he will practice the ideal of a righteous partner as a guardian after his death."

"Look, Tachibana, this man is so pure, he is different from us, he has worked hard to save others from the very beginning."

Following these words, Fujimaru Tachibana's eyes changed slightly, but it was still dazed.

However, it was different from the previous one that seemed to be purely in a daze, but gave people a general feeling of being in a daze.

Then, the next picture suddenly changed.

The picture that originally looked cool suddenly became very violent and bloody. In front of Emiya Shirou, there was no longer the laughter and gratitude of the rescued, but the corpses, countless corpses, and countless blood.

Emiya Shirou, with a sluggish expression, looked ahead, his eyes trembling, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

"But he's too naive."

"Or, he never understood the definition of guardianship by the Light of Humanity."

"For the Light of Humanity, protecting the continuation of humanity has never been about protecting some people."

"When an existence with powerful power is only to preserve the continuation of the human race, the most effective way to protect it is to directly address the existence that poses a threat to human beings."

"So, from the day he became a guardian, Emiya Shirou was actually a scavenger, a killing machine tasked with obliterating the threat of humanity."

Emiya Shirou in the picture began to show the killing scene.

Cut with a knife, shoot with a bow, stab with a sword.

Use explosives, traps, and treasures.

All kinds of killing methods have been used, and what Emiya Shirou killed included men, women and children.

No matter what kind of person, as long as it is judged by the Light of Humanity as a threat to the continuation of human beings, guardians will be sent to obliterate them.

Such a guardian, to be honest, has absolutely nothing to do with the word guardian in people's cognition and imagination.

Under the premise of universal values, Emiya Shirou's actions are undoubtedly worthy of the name of a butcher.

To be honest, this once again subverted people's cognition and three views.

After all, before that, the Light of Humanity that people knew was a high-level existence, a miracle that made every effort to protect Humanity.

The guardians are the great existences who protect the continuation of mankind through time and space under the light of human principles.

Even if his strength is not good enough, he can't beat a big boss like Aizen Tokiomi, but it will not let people downgrade his evaluation.

After all, the force and the setting are there, and it definitely belongs to the existence that makes countless teenagers and girls excited, and the second setting is full.

In fact, countless teenagers and girls in the real world are eager to join the brilliance of human principles and become a glorious and great guardian.

Even if it is the official, although it is not stated clearly, the favorability of the light of human rationality is far greater than that of destiny.

After all, although Mandate of Heaven is more powerful and mysterious, it doesn't really care about the continuation of human beings in essence.

But the Light of Humanity is different. This is an existence that truly sacrifices everything for human beings.

Therefore, under such a premise, people's cognition of the light of human nature will inevitably add various beautification halos, and imagine it to be taller.

"Deceiving Kangxi"

As a result, the reality tells people - you think too much, the Light of Humanity has never been great.

Just as the Empire was never holy, the Light of Humanity was never holy.

Of course, while causing a large area of ​​discomfort, there are also a small group of people who consider themselves rational and wise who think that such a light of human reason is real and reliable.

After all, protecting people is not a family game, let alone a Hollywood movie.

Just as war often represents the collapse of human nature, in order to obtain the final victory, human beings will infinitely lower the lower limit.

The approach of the Light of Humanity is undoubtedly the most efficient and most in line with the logic of 'guardian' in the true sense.

Kill all threats and wipe out all disasters.

Regardless of gender, age, or age, they will kill the enemy.

Exterminate all enemies and stifle all disasters within a controllable range.

Such action is the correct and conscious choice.

As the so-called can't solve the problem, can it still not solve the people who created the problem?

Therefore, the approach of the Light of Humanity is absolutely right—at least in the eyes of this group of people.

In the light curtain image, Fujimaru Tachika's voice sounded again.

"Eigiya Shirou, this man has finally realized that his ideals have betrayed him after countless killings that he considered unnecessary."

"It's a pity that Shirou Emiya, who was unable to change anything, was filled with remorse in his heart."

"Remorse for the 'Justice Partner' is also hatred for the 'Justice Partner'."

"So, suddenly one day, the man had a strong idea."

Emiya Shirou in the picture fell into a period of struggle and embarrassment, and suddenly thought of something, and he also made a decision.

This decision is also a strong remorse.

"So, Emiya Shirou shouldn't exist. I really want to travel back and obliterate my past self."

It was not Fujimaru Tachika who said these words, but Emiya Shirou in the light curtain image, who said such amazing words himself.

How much resentment does Shirou Emiya have for him, even if he wants to obliterate himself?

Such a will is simply called the will of fire - it is really difficult to understand why such an idea arises?

However, the guardian Emiya Shirou thought so, and he wanted to obliterate his own existence.

People like this are really unreasonable.

However, considering that Emiya Kiritsugu, who is Emiya Shirou's father, has also done something similar, people seem to be able to suddenly understand why there is such an idea - after all, this is also an ancestral art in a sense. .


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