Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 224: If it is true

After Huozhou, Gu Ye knew that the government would definitely not be able to sit still and would release information sooner or later. The terms that he signed with those workers were all three years. After three years, the environment had matured and it didn't matter whether it was controlled.

However, at this stage, we need to be cautious, and being brazen is always bad.

Shengtian, New District.

There are three new districts, one south and one north, and this one is to the south. At the time of planning, it was used as an industrial park for media, electronics and emerging technologies, so rents were cheap and various benefits were very generous.

Li Dong's unit is here, a media company registered for two years.

He is a text editor, and his daily job is to write some promotional soft texts and then post them on the app. Wages three thousand, no car and no house, rented in a broken house fifty minutes away from the unit.

His hometown is in the countryside and he has no economic conditions. His biggest wish is to save enough for a down payment and buy a small apartment. As for love, marriage, and happiness, those are all luxury goods, and I dare not think about them.

That afternoon, after finishing his work, he secretly opened a website and carried out one of the cheapest hobbies: watching the web.

He prefers science fiction and games, and is not too cold about the city and Xianxia. After chasing a few updates, I felt like a book shortage, and went to a push book website to find food.

As soon as I swiped away, I was scared instantly. The homepage is full of pushing a novel called "What Should I Do If I Can Cultivate Immortals".

At first glance at this shame, it is the strong Dongying Qing novel style. He didn't want to click away, but he couldn't hold his hands down, but still poked at the mouse.

About five minutes later, he probably understood the content of the novel: it was about a society with a similar background to reality. Suddenly there was a cultivation environment, the growth experience of the protagonist, and various changes in society.

He was so bored that he opened it and looked at it, but after reading a dozen chapters, he couldn't stop it. In the afternoon, I finished all these two hundred chapters, and added a group of book friends.

The group was extremely lively, and the discussions were in full swing, and even a broken forum was established for everyone to discuss. One of the hottest posts is called "If I Can Cultivate Immortals, Will I Still Obey Ethics and Law?" 》


There are so many in the second year of secondary school, this year is particularly many!

With a little ridicule, Li Dong casually knocked on a sentence: "Slowly, those old guys who said they would obey must be acting genres!"

He didn't take this matter to heart, but after two days, when he went to that forum again, he actually found multiple responses:

"I don't deny that everyone has a dark side inside, but you can't help but admit that there are some people who have strong and perfect self-control."

"A lot of people still like a stable environment. Since it is stable, there must be rules, and there will be disruptors and defenders. So it is not a matter of compliance and personal choice."

"I should be able to observe morality, but not legal. When my level is far beyond ordinary people, it is difficult to pull myself to that level."

"When I was a kid, I stole a neighbor's duck and roasted it. I have never felt compassion for that duck."


Unexpectedly, it was quite topical, and she instantly stimulated the combat effectiveness, or approved or returned.

This kind of person is actually very common. Life is not satisfactory. In reality, it is dull and frustrating. The keyboard is dull, and it is commonly known as a netizen.

In short, the appearance of this book and this forum has brought a little joy to Li Dong's boring life. Several old guys in the forum slipped badly, closed their eyes and pressed zero, playing more and playing less was a fate.

And there are a few more people on his buddy list who have met recently. Two of them are from the same city, one is called "Qianqiu" and the other is "Principal."


Seven days later, the night.

Li Dongwo was in the rental house and just finished a game of battle. His teammates were super pitted and quit. He poured a glass of water, drank it in one breath, and suddenly heard the computer's prompts.

Looking back, Qianqiu sent a message: "Are you there?"

"Is it just hacking, is it all right?" He replied.

"I have a group and want to ask if you want to join, the principal is also there."

"Okay, send it and see."

Li Dong didn't think about it, nodded his head directly, and after a few seconds, he received the invitation to join the group. The group name was: Natural Science Interest Group.

What the hell?

With a black line in his head, he clicked on the consent, and the result went in for a moment, and he was immediately aggressive.

I saw in the member list on the right that all the suffixes such as real people, Taoists, and laymen, and the content of the chat were superb:

"Dear friends, I have made up my mind. I will quit my job tomorrow and visit the famous mountains to find the fairy."

"Wow, I wish you a wonderful journey, every step of the way."

"Well, I am very envious of you. I also want to resign, but unfortunately I am too stressed and weak."

"Don't be discouraged either. Red dust entangles everyone, but the problem of early detachment and late detachment. You ... well, there is a new Taoist!

"Really a new Taoist, welcome!"

"Where is the new Daoyou, report to a fairyland!"

The group boiled instantly, and one by one began to ate Li Dong. Li Dong refused in his heart, and was even a little funny, this is not a secondary disease, this is Nima's mental illness!

"Say hello to everyone?"

At this time, a fellow named Chiaki Tao Aite said.

Got it! He was helpless and had to reply: "Qianqiu, what are you doing? Are you playing?"

"Hahaha, I miss you so much!"

"Ah, it's the most enjoyable part."

The old iron is coming! "

Li Dong was inexplicable, just wanting to chat with Qianqiu privately and then leave the group, and saw a guy named "blue sky marine layman", and clicked and posted a screenshot.

He took a closer look, but it was a Weibo posted by Xia Guo's most authoritative party newspaper organization on July 2.

"[Taoism culture must exert positive energy for national rejuvenation.] Taoism is a religion that pursues harmony. Lao Tzu proposed" Knowledge is common, and knowledge is often said. "Zhuangzi proposed" Taihe Everything, "which is a kind of harmonious thought. Taoism The thinking involves people and people, people and nature, people and society, such as "kindness and unity", "benefit people", as well as "the union of heaven and man", "there is no relationship between the heavens and the good," Wait. This kind of doctrine and kindness fully embodies an idea of ​​equality, which is basically consistent with the "fairness and justice" advocated by modern society ... "


Li Dong is more and more aggressive, in the end want to engage in yarn?

Immediately after that, there was another person named "Real Bai Yu" who also posted a picture, which was a message from the Ministry of Culture on July 15.

"The third extended list of Xia Guo's intangible cultural heritage was announced today, with a total of 54 items, of which 38 are related to Taoist culture. They mainly include: Legend of Emperor Zhenwu (folklore), Wudang Taochacha technology (traditional skills), Wudang Mountain Taoist medicine (traditional medicine), Longhushanzhai dipping technique (traditional skills), Baiyunguan health method (traditional medicine) ... "

Along with this, there are a few explanations:

"There are 1,219 national non-heritage directories, and 311 extended directories. Only eight are involved in Taoist culture. They are Jiangzhou Xuanmiaoguan Taoist music, Wudang Mountain Palace Guandaole, Wudang martial arts, Wudang divine drama, Zhuangzi legend, etc. Etc. Music accounted for half, but things like Taoism painting, fairy legends, fasting rituals, architectural arts, teachings, Taoism, refining, etc. were never mentioned. "

"Haha, knock on the blackboard and make a point!"

"Longhu Mountain, Baiyunguan, Zhaiyi Keyi, health regimen, this is a sub-question!"

"Does the newcomer understand? Newcomer? Newcomer?"


Well, the newcomer was scared.

Li Dong stared at the display for two minutes, as if there was a naughty goblin who was about to crawl out of his heart.

What they mean ... these official messages mean ...

no no! It's an absolute coincidence!

He shook his head, forcibly pulled himself back to reality, and trembled his fingertips and struck a line: "This doesn't mean anything, maybe it happened?"

"The newcomer is still talking hard!"

"It doesn't matter, we still have big tricks, come and come!"

Then, a guy named "Twenty Real People" clicked another crit. News from the Ministry of Education, August 6th.

"Starting from the second half of the semester, traditional cultural interest class activities will be implemented in primary and secondary schools in some regions. In order to promote China's traditional culture, this will introduce and explain the essence of history and culture to elementary and middle school students.

As we all know, the traditional culture of Xia Kingdom is based on the complementation of Confucianism and Taoism, and there are many forms such as Mohist, Legalist, and famous.

Culture is first thought, and then it is derived, such as poetry, fu, local languages, folk music, drama, Quyi, painting, calligraphy, couplets, lantern riddles, shoots, wine orders, rest language, etc ... "

As soon as this picture came out, there was a puppet in the group.

"How's it going?"

"How about, have you refreshed your worldview?"

"How about? Calm down?"

"It's over, the newcomer is scared to death!"


Li Dong stared at the display again ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ as it was ten minutes ago. It was just that little naughty in his heart was more active, and he took out the blood-red soft flesh vigorously, then raised his head, and strove to pull out the blood vessels, and then found out his hands, feet, and body.

In the end, it completely occupied its own chest and issued some kind of command. At the same time, the education and ideas that he has received over the past two decades are stubbornly fighting madly.

He choked a cigarette, his cigarette **** flickered in the light and dark, and after half a ring, he barely tapped six words: "What if it was fake?"


For a moment, the crowd in the group also seemed silent. But in just a few seconds, the overwhelming text message filled the entire dialog box, row by row and row by row:

"If it's true?"

"If it's true?"

"If it's true?"

"If it's true?"