Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 229: Ghost


In the police station in Xihai Prefecture, a policeman slammed his fist on the table with grief and anger: "For two months, five people have disappeared. They are all unclear and without any clues! , What are you trying to do without sending reinforcements? "

"Don't worry, isn't the director making a report? You also know that going through the procedure is too cumbersome and takes time," the colleague across the road comforted.

"Time! Time! Can we afford it, can those victims afford it?"

The policeman got even more angry and patted the table and shouted. At this moment, when the door of the office was pushed open, an underman came in and said, "Zhao team, found a clue."

"Bring it in!" He stood up stupidly.

"That's it. We first asked Wu Yang's relatives and friends to learn the model and color of her bicycle. Then we called all the surveillance cameras around the lake and found this again."

The men handed over a few color pictures. The Zhao team looked at it, but it was the rear of a jeep.

The trunk seemed to be packed with large things, not tightly closed, revealing a gap. From the gap, a yellow wheel-like thing can be seen faintly.


Team Zhao frowned and asked, "Are you sure this is the car?"

"This bike is a limited edition, with a small number, and the logo is a yellow wheel. I also checked the license plate number of the jeep. It belongs to a trading company in the city. I think it should be checked."

"Okay, let's move now!"

He was also very decisive and greeted him, "Old man, let's go first."

"Well, be careful."

The colleague waved his hand and waited for them to go out. Suddenly his face changed, and he dialed a number when he called the phone: "Hey, director, someone passed."



The electronic door slammed open, and a police car drove into the factory compound. This is a development zone with a remote location and few people. The car drove for two minutes before stopping in front of a building.

Subsequently, three people came down, it was Zhao team and two men.

A female staff member ran out, panicking, "Comrade police, you are ..."

"Let's ask some information, don't be afraid."

Zhao team froze around and asked, "Who are you in charge of?"

"We, our manager is in there, please on your side."

Talking, she took the three of them in, instead of going up, she turned a corner and went down.

"Your office is underground?" A police officer was surprised.

"Oh, we renovated upstairs and moved to the negative office," the woman explained.

The Zhao team listened sideways, and it turned out that there was a buzzing sound, but didn't think about it, and followed to the negative floor.

Below is a large hall with a retro style, with stone pillars on all sides and a dome in the middle, carved with strange patterns. Several people passed through a corridor, the roof of the shed was getting lower, and the women's high-heeled shoes hit the ground, as if the light was a little dark.

Soon, before a door, the woman said, "Inside is the office area, and the manager's office is the second room on the left."

"Okay thank you."

"You're welcome ... hehe!"

The woman opened the door and watched them enter. The previous panic suddenly disappeared, and a strange smile appeared inexplicably.


The moment the door was closed, the Zhao team felt uncomfortable, pulled out the pistol, and reached out to push the door.


He pushed hard twice, and it was locked outside.

The three were shocked and angry, slamming the door, but unfortunately did not loosen. No choice but to hold the gun in hand and touch it a little bit forward.

Inside is a corridor with stone walls on both sides. After passing through the corridor, the style of painting suddenly changed, showing a huge cave.

It is semi-natural and semi-artificial. Holes and stones are connected to form channels. A white lamp was embedded in the wall, reflecting a coldness.

"Be careful!"

Zhao team pursed his lips and opened his head. The two guards guarded him and his nerves were stretched to the extreme.

There seemed to be no one in the cave and nothing was found after walking for a while. Finally, near the end, a deep, dark hole suddenly appeared, and the sound of Sosso was heard.

"Snoring ... snoring ..."

It sounded weird, like an animal panting, or a very heavy gasp.

"Who's inside? Come out!"

Zhao team brushed his gun and shouted, "We are the police, give you three seconds, otherwise you will fire! 1, 2 ..."


Before counting, I heard a roar that sounded like a human but not a human.

Immediately after, he felt the shadow flicker, and even before he felt pain, he found that he was flying high suddenly, but looking down, it was a headless body poking there.


His head fell to the ground, grunting out far away, eyes wide open, and with great fear and wonder.



The two men reacted quickly, and could not bear the grief of the captain's death, and shot with a gun.

For a while, the bullets flew in chaos, and gravel splattered. Several bullets just hit, and there was a stream of cyan blood on the body.

It sighed in agony and rushed madly, tearing them apart in a few clicks.

In just five seconds, all three were gone!


Two fresh corpses had just fallen to the ground, and another bell-like bang was heard from deep in the cave. The monster was stagnant, his fierce face converged, and he stopped moving.

Until this moment, it can't be clearly seen: slender figure, full muscles, turquoise skin, facial features intact, and still maintain the beauty of a young woman, but with black curses on her face.

The most amazing thing is the eyes. It seems that there is still a trace of intellect that is fighting with some kind of demon's power so hard that it looks terrible.

"Don't hesitate that I have used so many divine fluids, my qualifications are really good."

At this time, a few people came out of the hole, headed by the bald head. He held the bark made of a whole bone plate and knocked again.


The monster gritted its teeth, but couldn't resist coming to him and stood obediently. The bald became more satisfied, raised his chin and looked at it, just like admiring a perfect work of art.

"In addition to this ghost man, as well as the cultivation of local religions, there are exactly twelve. Now we can control that thing only after we enter the mountain and find the altar, and restore my ancestors to glory!"

The bald head rubbed the ghost's face, his pupils were blood-red, and there was no concealed madness.

"Mage, the vision of Fire Island is still there. We shouldn't rush into the mountains before we get to the a priori!" Another exhorted.


A bald glanced at him, and his speech was unpleasant: "The mages have completed the ancestral mysteries and applied them to the body to resist the erosion of the vision. Or, are you cowardly and want to shrink back?

The man was startled and said busyly: "Dare to dare, I just worry that I won't find the altar and it will take no energy."

"Huh! Now that the government is moving frequently, we don't have much time. Even if we turn the Flame Mountain over, we have to find that place!"


"Steamed stuffed skin, steamed stuffed skin!"

"Shabu Shabu Shabu, Shabu Shabu!"

"Sweet, one for five dollars!"

In Xiping's snack street, the shops are adjacent and people come and go. Most people are outsiders, and locals never come here to eat. This is the legend "Every city has a street flickering with foreigners."

Long Qiu held the cricket in one hand, and the sweet cricket in one hand.

The child was pitiful to see that he would be happy even by train. No way, what kind of amateur life can a girl who has been wearing a belly before going out of the mountain?

Gu Yan followed behind, holding a copy of leather in his hand, his eyes filled with smiles.

According to the original plan, after arriving in Xiping, they should transfer directly to Xihai. Xihai is an autonomous prefecture in Qingning Province, bordering Huozhou.

However, when he saw Long Qiu's novelty and excitement, and he couldn't bear it, he temporarily changed his mind and spent two days in Xiping.

"Brother, where shall we go for dinner?"

While strolling, Xiaoqiu suddenly pointed at a shop proposal. Of course, he had no opinion, and Huanghuo followed in.

It doesn't matter at all, let the girl order by herself. Fenghuangshan is divided into 20 million each year. Her pocket money is quite a lot, but she has no big money, so she holds the menu and says, "This, this, and this, OK."

"Don't you order mutton and beef? And our local hot pot here is a local specialty and the price is not expensive."

"No, we don't eat much meat."

"Wait a moment, then, just fine."

The waiter saw her adorable and had a very good attitude. Not long after, the meals came to the table, a scalp, a ravioli, a jelly, and a plate of pancakes.

Gu Yi tasted two bites each, and only smashed a piece of pancake to start chanting, praising: "This noodle is good, and the oil is also good. The oil should be used. And it is a layer of cake and a layer of oil, otherwise it cannot come out That smells. Hey, what's this name? "

"Dogs pee."


"Dogs pour urine, as written on the menu." Long Qiu bit his scalp.


Gu Xi silently put down his chopsticks, and picked a jelly powder at will, which was ruthless and boring, and sighed, "Xiao Qiu, stay away from Xiao Jing in the future, you have all learned bad."

"How did I fail?" She blinked.

"You didn't learn it bad?"

"What's wrong ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It's just that the name doesn't sound good and the taste is good."

"Then why don't you eat?"

"I don't like bread."


Gu Yan was too lazy to talk about his own heartache, how good a child was, and mixed with little soap for half a year, it became like this? If you continue mixing, it must! Peel off the skin, it's all black!

Long Qiu looked at him, suddenly put down his chopsticks, covered his mouth with a tissue, his shoulders trembled slightly.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Okay, don't laugh."

"Hey, I said why are you so happy?"

Gu Yante's egg hurts, the girl said nothing, she kept silly.

It took a long time for her to look up, and Bai Nennen's face looked like a layer of carmine, saying, "I'm just happy, eh, just happy."