Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 279: Long way

Regarding how the little coriander blew up, in just ten minutes of the existence of the No. 2 machine, Gu Yi touched the characteristics of the deformed body.

The appearance is exactly the same, but without flesh and blood, it is an empty skin. It can execute simple commands and has a low defense force. It is estimated that an adult man can blow a punch with a strong punch.

符 This symbol is valid for three days and will dissipate after three days.

Looking at it this way, the biggest effect of the metamorphosis spell comes out: fake proof of absence! Alas, there seems to be something wrong?

"Now there are not many advanced rune papers. You practice on the yellow runes first. Later, the runes will become more and more important, so you have to be careful."

Gu Gu asked, and asked his girlfriend, "How are you over there?"

"I can't grasp it." Xiaozhai shook his head.

"The same is true of me. I have to draw it several times, but I always feel that my breath is stagnant, which is a short shot."

He was more depressed, saying: "The way to call the wind and rain has always been a fairy house method. Maybe we have insufficient strength. We can't refine it until people are immortal."

What the two of them said was not something else, it was the purple rune-praying for five rains.

They were stuffed in the quiet room, and after a few days of tampering, they had no results, and they could only put it on hold. Fortunately, I felt a trace of the thousands of miles of communication symbols, and after studying it, I could get it soon.

But doubts are here again: the thousands of miles of communication and deformation are both blue symbols, so that the gap in hair function is so large?

They were puzzled, and finally guessed one or two: Either Tianshi Mansion had gone through the waves and the books passed down were wrong; or the role of the deformation spell had not yet been developed.

It may also be infinite, that is, the stronger the mana, the stronger the effect—maybe it can become a clone.

"Well, don't think about it ... Xiaoqiu!"

Gu Xun called Long Qiu and passed three Yishen Dan and five Quxie Dan and said, "You test it first, find out the period of taking it yourself, and run out to me, uh, get it from your sister. "

"Thank you brother!"

Xun Longqiu held Dan Wan with eyes like curved moon, and put them into small gourds.


He called a little soap again, and said, "This is yours. If you are not high, take half of them first, and see if you can withstand the potency. Don't be stubborn."

"It's not high, it's not high ... It's like issuing money, should I call you master?"

Xiao Xiaojing was upset, pretending to be talking to herself, but actually made him listen clearly, and she also collected Dan Wan very well.

Gu Lai was too lazy to pick out his share and left the rest to the head of the household, saying: "The foundation of Phoenix Mountain is getting deeper, but not proud and complacent. We are still innate, and there is a boundless and vast world waiting behind us. explore……"

He paused and solemnly said, "Honestly, I have been eating miracles for the first time, and the immortal is hopeful, but it is also uncomfortable for myself. At this moment, I want to come, but it is a bit arrogant. Somehow, the only way to cultivate the immortal is to have a firm mind and a state of mind. Only when you are well-connected can you be as smooth as you and encourage you. "


This is a good word to tell, the two young children are not naughty, and honestly responded, even Xiaoqing and fat brother worshipped for a few weeks.

They have three or two years of cultivation experience, which is a wonderful blessing. Because looking at the whole country and having such resources and environment, it is also Long Qiu and Xiao Jing.

Congenital is leading the way, and now my brother is about to hit the immortal, and it is inevitable that there will be a "haha, I will be upgraded soon" feeling.

So Gu Yan was alert to avoid their arrogance.

I want to be

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Fiction netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

At the beginning of the year, he talked with Xiaozhai Lanterns, pulled away the cocoon, and pulled out the history of Xia Guoxiu. As mentioned before, there is no immortality in ancient times, only humanity. Humanity is divided into four classes: true, most, god, and holy. Later, the Daoxing of Xiandao became heaven, earth, **** and man.

Tianxian is free in the Three Realms, standing eternal, and watching the universe die. Dixian and Sun and Moon are the same light, beyond the life limit, smile proudly. The gods are wonderful, the magic is vast, and they have a long life. Renxian carrying essence, full life, can live hundreds of lives.

There is also a special kind of cultivating the Yuanshen who does not die. There is a land immortal realm, and a body without land immortals is called a ghost fairy.

There is no such thing as the foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, and so on. There is no egg pain in the middle of building the foundation. In the later stage of Jindan, Yuanying is half a step and the top is the second floor.

Is very old and very primitive division. He and Xiaozhai couldn't be more clear. The gap and promotion between the two realms is so difficult!

Uh ...

"Now many paper mills do n’t approve it, and the pollution is too great. I made a rough check. Generally, the production of packaging paper, cultural paper and household paper is completely different, and it is impossible to share a production line. What about the price? The raw materials also have to be three hundred small, and the working capital is estimated to be five or six hundred. "

In the manor under Laoshan, Laoshui was introducing the situation to the two. His ability is really strong, he can do everything with both hands, and continued:

"However, if we produce amulet paper, the annual output will definitely not be calculated in 10,000 tons. In addition to the issue of confidentiality, it will have to be operated manually. I contacted several masters and initially negotiated. The location is just to the east of the manor. Wait You nod your appropriation. "

呵 "Oh, you are a lizard!"

Xiaozhai was particularly satisfied with his efficiency, saying: "Then give you four million first, everything is done properly. The raw materials will be shipped from the mountain. I will draw a range later, be sure to watch, don't cross the border ~ www. lightnovelpub.net ~ I'm assured that I'm doing things, it's a stability! "Laoshui patted his chest.

The formula of Jain Rune Paper is to prepare a special medicine and add it to the pulp to meet the production standard. The main ingredient of this medicament is still plant and stone, which is not too difficult to find.

"By the way, we still need some talents for planting herbs. By the way, let's take a look, maybe about four or five."

Gu Gu found a small bottle and said, "There is still this, you put an advertisement on the APP, don't ask for it first. If someone really wants to buy, you say a thousand spirit stones."

"Spirit stone?"

Lao Shui was startled and asked, "What's in it?"

"Look at yourself."

Gu Gu handed the bottle over. He opened it and saw that it was two green and mellow, fragrant, forgiving Dan, and suddenly knew. I am afraid that it is a new panacea. If you want to pit people, ah no, find a buyer.

He knows the products of Linlang Pavilion very well. They are commonly used on the mountain, and they are rushing down the mountain, and can be circulated at this stage.

The two sat down for a while and then left the mountain. Laoshui took away the two bosses and drove out to meet a construction team in the city.

车 This car is a new one. It's public money. When he was driving, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything.

I opened it for a while, and the farther away from Fenghuang Mountain, the stronger this feeling.


Lao Shui suddenly stepped on the foot brake and reacted. He looked through the probe of the car window and saw a round of scorching sun and Jinmang shooting. After only a few moments of sight, he felt stinging eyes and flashing various light spots.

"Oh, it's so hot this day!"