Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 418: What about the killer (1)

() "Confucianism violates the law by law, chivalry bans martial arts, and the owner confuses it, so the chaos is also chaotic. Husbands leave the law, while Mr. Zhu takes literature, banishes the prisoners, and the knights raise them with private swords. . "

This passage comes from Han Feizi's "Five Nine".

The maggot is the meaning of worm, which is extended to the maggot that scourges the country and the people. Han Fei described Confucian scholars and rangers as miserly, showing the deep disgust.

Han Fei's argument is correct or not, and no argument is made, but one of the ideas he advocated has valued those in power since ancient times, and that is order.

From ancient times to the present, every period of Xia Kingdom has its own social characteristics, and its consciousness (anti-harmonious) form and legal norms are also different.

In the original social environment, the previous norms can stabilize the order, but as the environment changes, a small complaint can be heard, and a large new inequality emerges—the individual difference between monks and ordinary people.

This is not like the class gap in the past, you have money, I have no money, you have the right, and I have no right. This is a gap in life levels, like people and ants.

The official is not stupid. From the moment the Dafa became alive, he was thinking about this issue. Only then was the exploration of the new world, and the number of monks was very small.

But now it is different. The general situation is basically clear. Fenghuang Mountain and Taoist Temple are accepting students. The population base has increased, and naturally it has become a phenomenon.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be officially proposed to avoid annoying someone. So Xiaozhai said that they have been waiting for us to make mistakes, which is what it means.

Dongyun, in a hotel.

This is a large suite, where Tang Bole's four were kindly sent to the city by the police and have been locked here. Three meals were served without any pressure on the trial.

It's been a day since I started working, the panic period has passed, and the rest is my own thoughts.

"Le Ge, don't worry about it, the mountain will definitely protect us."

It was a petite girl who spoke, and it was she who shouted, we are from Phoenix Mountain!

"That person is not a good thing at first glance. You are also a hero."

"Not to mention that you didn't mean it, you just missed it."

Although they are comforting each other, their performances are different. One is really worried about it, the other is fearless, the other is secretly glad that he didn't do it himself, otherwise he committed the crime.

"I'm fine, I just want to be quiet."

Tang Bole sat on the sofa and answered blankly.

At the age of twenty, it is a big deal to kill and kill anyone. He had a bright future in the mountains and was praised by everyone. He was a little bit floating, but he fell to the ground overnight, his head was empty, and he had no idea.

"Well then, let's go in advanced."

When they saw this, they stopped talking and went into the room. At this moment, a squeaking noise was heard, the door opened, and a woman came in.

She was quite tall and imposing, and the four of them dared not look at each other when their eyes were swept away.

"I'm Jiang Xiaozhai."


A few people were shocked, and Li Lizhen stood up and wanted to pay homage, but was lifted up by a spirit of energy.

"No, I just ask something."

Xiao Zhai leaned on the sofa and said, "You will go through the original, and don't let every detail and every word fall."


The four paused, or Tang Bole spoke, and told it in detail. Xiaozhai listened to it, quickly sorted out the logic, and asked, "You said he suddenly turned around, do you know why?"

"Uh, he kicked me with his right leg before, and it was a bit inconvenient because of the shock."

"No outsider makes a ghost?"

"Probably not. We didn't find anything else."

Xiaozhai nodded and said, "As of now, you are a person who has been killed by fault and has no subjective intention. According to the law, three to more than seven years and lesser cases to three years."

Tang Bole was a little bit confused. She didn't understand what she said. Could she give herself up?

Xiao Zhai did not explain, and said, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I, I shouldn't kill ..." He answered in a low voice.

"Oh, you didn't understand it till now!"

Xiaozhai shook his head and said, "The game is dusty and happy, and I understand that everyone has such thoughts. But before you act, you must think carefully. You let him kick you and calm down the collision Where is this mentally retarded idea? And later, when you saw that person's rogue domestic violence, he was very angry, and wanted to punish, even more mindless.

You do n’t care about this kind of thing, you have to manage it to the end.

You play with him. The man in the court has lost his face, and dare not do anything to you. He will only spit on his wife. When he goes home, he will intensify. Is that your sin?

You either ignored it at the time, killed someone with your back, settled the woman properly, or let it make your own living. Either find the local government and rescue her, the name of Fenghuang Mountain is still a bit useful, they will not sit idly by.

And you chose the most stupid way! "


Tang Bole's cold sweat is not the same as imagined. The concept of this master is a little scary.

"Well, you are in trouble now, and the waves are here, and we are dealing with it. You will stay here first and reflect on it."

Xiaozhai stood up, turned to the petite girl, and said, "You said, are you under the gate of Phoenix Mountain?"


The girl shook her body and almost knelt down.

"Just make a note of yourself and wait for the rules to stand before calculating this account."

Xiaozhai walked out, "Three of you, come back with me!"


Qianzhou, Tianzhu Mountain.

After more than four years of development, Tianzhu Mountain has already bid farewell to the previous tourism industry. Instead, it has become a composite industrial center with Daoyuan, research bases, and mining areas as the core, radiating to the surrounding 12 counties in three counties. The population is millions.

For example, Tianmen Town at the foot of the mountain is now expanding in scale, half of them are indigenous people, half of them are spouses and children of staff, and even new schools have been built to form a “home for everyone”.

Today the sun is just right, the temperature is moderate, and the residents are as busy as usual. No one noticed that a golden light was passing from the sky and fell into the mountains.


A bird fluttered its wings, and stopped carefully and intimately on someone's shoulder, feeling the soothing and natural breath, without disabling the small furry head, and scratching his cheek.


Gu Yan gently scratched his chin, teased like a cat for a while, and the bird flew away reluctantly.

"Well, I seem to be very popular with birds, which is not a good sign."

He shook his head, expressing his dissatisfaction, followed by raising his feet to the ground, stepped away in one step, and walked, "Gu Gu came to worship the mountain!"


The six words penetrated the dense forest and passed directly to Zhu Ling. After waiting for a few breaths, he heard "Dangdang!"

As the big bell struck twelve times, the whole abbey moved, and various people waited to move through it, anxious but not chaotic. Gu Xun walked in leisurely court, soon arrived at the foot of Zhu Ling, and looked again.


Taoists on both sides stood up, went straight up to the cloud steps, followed the mountain gate wide open, and thirty-five friends rushed out. It was Lu Yuanqing who started.

"It's rude to rush to visit."

"Where, please inside!"

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Gu Zheng came to the Taoist Academy, and he naturally attached importance to it. After a few greetings, the crowd took their seats in the hall. Gu Yuan and Lu Yuanqing joined together, and 34 people sat around.

Wu Shan also has a place, although a wine bottle occupies a chair, it looks a little funny.

"Suddenly came, first, to visit senior Wu, and second, to discuss matters."

Gu Yan didn't talk nonsense, and asked, "Have you heard about the killing?"

"Slightly heard."

"What do you guys think?"

"It depends on whether the door rule is large or the law is big." Lu Yuanqing did not slip his head and told the truth.

"Senior Wu, what do you think?" He asked again.

Wu Shan clearly passed, saying: "Cultivation does not violate heaven and peace, but it does not mean that no one will kill. Those rogues will be killed in the old days. I don't understand it now, and I don't praise it."

"Oh, you still."

Gu Yan offered his hand at Jiugonggong and said, "I also bluntly. First of all, my disciples made mistakes, and manslaughters are also killings. They should be punished. I don't protect them. But according to the standard of punishment, I have some ideas. Come and discuss with you. "

"What do you mean ..." Lu Yuanqing's heart moved with some speculation.

"Ordinary people commit crimes, they are governed by law, monks commit crimes, who controls them? Law is about fairness and equality, but it is based on the previous social environment. It is a joke and sentenced to ten or twenty years. Instead, there is a quiet place to practice.

Rulelessness does not make a square, I agree, and I also hope for a relatively stable order.

But I think that the existing standards are not suitable. This is not only Phoenix Mountain, but also your Taoyuan, including the millions of monks in the future. "

Gu Min paused and continued: "Although the Daoyuan is supported by the government, you should participate independently in this matter. You, we, they ... what the new rules are, the three parties will decide."


"Joint invitation from Phoenix Mountain and Daoyuan?"

Jingcheng ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The old man's expression was very surprised, and then he returned to normal, and laughed: "Those people wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to beat, and they didn't want others to be more brutal. They just broke and stood up. It was interesting."

"Don't be interesting! The Daoyuan was unexpected this time and took the initiative to act, wouldn't there be any fuss?"

"No, this matter is indeed important, and they are excusable for doing it."

The old man didn't know what to think, and suddenly sighed: "I still feel that we are very lucky. We haven't met a group of unreasonable and mindless lunatics and idiots. But with their different positions, there must be disputes, so we can only try to maintain stability. Business solution.

This matter is not within my jurisdiction, and I am not in a position to manage it too much ... oh yes, you have to remind those people that any public opinion offensive has stopped, nothing to do! "

(And at night ...)

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