Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 603: Demon also has ambition

For three years of the Xianli calendar, the government had to take precautionary measures and relocate 700,000 people and a large number of resources in Huozhou within a few months to avoid human and property losses.

Alas, don't think that there are more than 700,000 people. Let's take a look at the low-end population.

After that, there was a big outbreak of fire continent. The fire and aura were turbulent, and the red mist was spreading for hundreds of kilometers. Wherever you live, there is no life.

After that, the official dam flooded and flooded with water to delay the expansion of the red mist, and finally reached the level of Huozhou. Otherwise, not only this place, but also the surrounding provinces and cities will be affected.

Later, Wang Ruoxu observed Feng Shui and found that the Flame Mountain is a place where the yin and yang meet, and a strange object will be conceived. Followed by Gu Xun and Long Qiu came here to make Huoyun needles, met the shaman in the northwest, started a war, and saw the appearance of the ghosts.

The chief commander at the time was the old man who often dealt with monks. It is now eighteen years of the immortal calendar. The old man is still in good health and spirit, and smiles kindly at Yun Cun Yun Shu, ebb and flow.

Rao is very admired for this kind of mentality and realm!

Therefore, from beginning to end, the evil spirits only spread within a certain scope. The government officials knew that the core strength of the cultivation world also knew, and the rest was unclear.

At that time, the practice had just revived, and I didn't know much about the concept of the monster in the fairyland. In addition, the Huozhou environment is special, mortals cannot enter, and weapons and equipment are also greatly restricted.

The most important thing is that the government does not dare to act arrogantly. You bombard with missiles, let alone let you die. In case of a fierce change in the fire continent, once again, no one can bear it.

After entering the 2.0 era, the strength of Renxian was revealed to the world, and all parties were trembling. The immortals are so fierce, what does the fairyland look like?

Fortunately, the ghost has been sleeping honestly without any change, and slowly things have dragged on, and some people have even forgotten this.

When the white wolf introduced the situation, the three demon kings looked at each other.

Wicked ghost, the fierce beast of antiquity, the world is out of drought, and thousands of miles away!

Alas, it is also a demon.

Alas, the mentality collapsed instantly. Known as the Seven Demon Kings, they are nothing but human immortal combat power, and went to fight the idea of ​​an ancient beast ...

Alas, too dry too dry! It's better to build a salty and sweet-smelling group of scolds and come here more easily.

"White wolf, that miser is asleep in the Flame Mountain, and it can only be awakened by the shaman ritual. You don't understand witchcraft, isn't it empty-mouthed white teeth?" The black crow asked.

"That's the normal method. We don't care about the ceremony. Let's go and make a mess. I don't believe it. I can raise the Flame Mountain. Can that big guy still sleep?" Tao Hui shouted.

He hesitated to see the three demon, and said: "If this matter is achieved, Xia Guo will be earth-shaking, and the vitality will be severely damaged. We have no choice but to seize resources and seize the Daxue Mountain."

"OK, I will help you."

Although the black crow did not deal with him, he still took care of the big picture. The spider and the panther saw their heads and nodded.

"Okay, then we ambush carefully, just wait for those people to leave ..."

The sound of White Wolf stopped abruptly, because he felt an extremely suffocating breath coming from the hinterland of Huozhou.

He was shocked and thought he had been found, but the next second he found out that this breath had no exclusive target, instead it seemed like he couldn't control it and let it spread and become wild.

"what happened?"

Seeing the surrounding sand, the black crow suddenly got into a lot of shallow marks, making strange and strange noises, spreading his wings and flying high, and looked at the hinterland with his full power.

I saw that somewhere in Huozhou, a continuous stream of energy was released, overwhelming, radiant, with a unique power to fight against evil.

The red wasteland was soaked by this breathless void, and a layer of silver and snow appeared, as if there was a round of bright silver moons there, reflecting the coldness of the four sides.

"Sword Qi!"

The white wolf was even more dumbfounded, and said, "It seems that human beings have one more power, or sword fairy!"


Lake Eding.

Long Qiu stood on his hands and stood on the 10,000 acres of grassland in Baishahua. She is the closest, and the fluctuation is also the most frightening, but those sword qi strikes, and they stagnate in front of them, and they melt away as quickly as the scorching sun melts.

Hundreds of feet in front of her, a stunned sword swelled into the sky, skyrocketed, and smashed into the red clouds, breaking away the fiery scorching of the chaos of fire.

And this sword gas is divided into four directions. Its shape is empty and empty, its meaning is cold and clear, unpredictable, cold and deep, full of heaven and earth.

I don't know how long it has been before, the sword energy has returned to normal, the eight deserted is calm and flat, a long figure appears, the sword is enchanted, and peerless.


Long Qiu arched his hand and said, "The power of the sword fairy is really extraordinary, which has opened my eyes."

She was sincere in tone, because she majored in breezing, and Jian Jue was only used to confront enemies. When she was promoted, she caused celestial phenomena and spring rain. This is a portrayal of her overall mood, including sword hearts, but not all sword hearts.

Bai Yunsheng is different, properly the first sword fairy in the world!

"Thanks a lot for layman."

Bai Yunsheng returned the gift, and he is also a fairy. His title has also changed.

Both of them are light and light, but they know each other well, help others to advance to the realm, and protect the law afterwards. This is a great kindness.

Regardless of his position, he owes a huge cause and effect to Long Qiu.

"The Daochang Realm is here. Will you return to the mountain or stay?"

"Brother Zhang has already returned to the mountain. According to him, the red gold produced by Huozhou is less than 100 kilograms, and wind mines are scarce. He searched everywhere and got two red golds and three wind mines. But in Toxon and other places, It was found that some rough rocks were formed in the deepest depths. He had no intention of digging these treasures.

"I do the same, so I wonder if those people can stop?"

"If you can find it, you can't find it if you can't find it." Bai Yunsheng said.

"That being the case, we will return to the mountain. Oh, yes ..."

Long Qiutun paused, thinking of everyone in Fenghuang Mountain, Zheng Kaixin Xiu Xiu Jiu, Tang Bole Xiu Xiu magic trick. I found five wind mines, and I still lacked a piece of red gold. Then I said, "Can you talk to Zhang Daochang, I want to change a piece of red gold."

"Little things."

Bai Yunsheng agreed without hesitation, and then he arched, "Let's go."


The gold rush has been going on for two to three months. Instead of a slump, it has become even more hustle and bustle.

The first batch of more than a thousand people has found ten pieces of red gold. Four of them were bought by the nobles. I do n’t know the specific price. I only know that the sellers reached the pinnacle of their lives overnight.

Another five were robbed by several martial arts after fierce assassination. There is one more piece that I don't know where to find it.

Along with it, there were also several exile criminals who paid tribute and were immediately allowed to leave the country and regain their freedom.

All these things have greatly stimulated monks from all walks of life, and even forces far from the southeast and beyond the border have sent people to hope that they can get a cup of tea.

Of course, the next few waves of players have not been found so far, but the number of natural treasures is small, it should be a small number, no one is in a hurry.

North, Flame Mountain.

The mountain has not changed at all, it is still grassless, stiff, cricket-stretching, hundreds of miles across, and the body is red, like a huge jade inlaid on Akahara.

The fire and aura are the strongest here, and there is a solid red smoke rising over the sky, which has a rather strange beauty.

But at this moment, there were a few weird bodies moving fast, turning into black spots and walking in the mountains, and disappeared behind the rock.

"The monk's breath is so strong. Are the immortals so strong?"

The spider moved eight long legs, such as walking on the ground, and hesitated about the fluctuations just now.

"If I guess correctly, it should be Bai Yunsheng of the Taoist Academy, the first person in the world to repair the sword."

The white wolf completely acts as an interpreter, giving a vote to the poor relatives from the countryside. "Human beings are different from us, they are more about spirituality, and more about mentality. According to their method of division, they are about to achieve immortality and mentality. But not. Demon repair is difficult, there is no so-called Gongfa Avenue, all of which were born with the original talents of spiritual wisdom. Such as my great power, the dark light of the black crow, the poison of the spider, the wind of the black panther.

Although we are powerful, but want to go further, we still have to find our own way like human beings, otherwise it can only be limited to this. "


For a while, the demons were silent, leaving only the sound of rushing to fly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ After a while, the black crow said: "White wolf, you and I are both monsters, but you are the first to receive that The influence of things affects the beginning of spiritual wisdom earlier than us and grows faster than us. Of course, this is not the main reason. When I promised you to step into the human world, I felt that you were good at thinking and would make better results.

But now, I ca n’t understand it at all. I ask you again, what exactly do you want to do? "

"Did I not say that we should establish order in the demon tribe?" Bai Lang said.

"Establishing order, then?" Black Raven stared at him hard.


The white wolves, a two-meter-tall man, strode away and flew far away. He ran sullenly for a while, then spit out three words at random: "Li Yao Country!"


The demon searched for a long time in the flame mountain, Fang stopped in one place.

It's weird here. It might have been the bottom of the valley, but the rock on the ground bulged, connecting the cliffs on both sides, forming a thick and solid mountain wall.

The black crow's eyes glowed red, and he looked inside the mountain wall and said, "It's empty."

"That's right, it must be here," said White Wolf.

"We don't understand shamanic sorcery, what should we do?" Spider asked.

"At the bottom of the cave, there is a pool of yin and yang, which can grow and make it sleep. I do n’t know witchcraft, but I also know that ghosts are good at eating and living for fun. It has been sleeping for thousands of years, Afraid to be hungry early, we took a lot of blood and put it into the pool, and disturbed it again. It is best to wake up, and it doesn't matter if you don't wake up. "

"But where do we get the blood food, we have to be full of blood ... eh?"

The Black Panther was in doubt, and suddenly reacted, and looked at a few brothers, the fire continent was full, all ready-made!

(I'll be here three times this month, and set the flag here!)

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