Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 621: Red dust billowing (1)

"Gu Zhenren just summoned to me just now, intending to let the disciples of the two factions engage in a competition ..."

In the inner hall, Lu Yuanqing introduced the situation to everyone with a strange face. "It is not a joint contest in previous years, and there is no reward, just between us and Phoenix Mountain."

"Does he mean not to be public?" Zhang Shouyang asked.

"Exactly, and you have to choose outstanding disciples before you can participate."

"Where are the places and regulations?"

"The place is in the fantasy world, there is no charter, only one year later, I will know then."


Thirty-two people looked at each other. What the **** is this? Deceive the elite strength of the Taoist Academy, and then wipe it out? Of course it is impossible. Gu Xi is by no means the next generation, but why choose in a fantasy world, or is it so sudden?

So naturally, the topic turned to the illusion that has been attracting the attention of the practitioners since its inception.

"Brother Xi, have you been there to see what happened?" One asked.

"The details are unknown, and roughly one or two can be derived."

Wu Kongtu thought about it and said, "The Tao Yuan and Fenghuang Mountain are also rivals and friends. Before that, there were occasional rivalries, but the relationship was always good, and there was more communication. But after the promotion of the god, the communication was broken.

Immortals, that is, masters of supernatural powers. The supernatural power has not been known, but judging from this illusion, it should be the way to follow the illusion. "

All present are high-ranking, naturally understand the concept of "transfiguration", and Kong Kong Tu said: "So when I came back and meditated, I was basically sure that he should be deducing the world change and want to create things by himself."


The crowd fell silent, and it took some time to digest the content. Wang Ruoxu said suddenly, "Then what is the significance of this battle?"

"Because of deducing the world, there must be a great difference between internal and external time. I estimate that after one year, the illusion will reach a new level. He wants these children to verify the results."

Suddenly Tutu paused, and asked, "Well, how many people have been born to consummation?"

"Four people."

After Shi Yun came to emergence, Zhang Shouyang took over his job as the prime minister's academy.

"Four people ... Phoenix Mountain is almost the same. There should be three or four. Do you remember the East China Sea Dragon?"

Wu Kongtu didn't wait for everyone to answer, and continued: "The world evolved and upgraded, and the dragon was an important sign. At that time, there were six immortals, and the dragon became seven, and the number of days in the seven, which can induce the heaven and earth to sense ... Oh! That illusion is actually So fast, two years, can you reach this level? "

The old man has a close relationship with Xiao Jing, who is a friend of wine and meat, and has the best understanding of Fenghuang Mountain. In addition, he has an unruly temperament and a strange idea, which does not match the temperament of the Taoist School.

He settled the matter in a few words, and everyone was convinced and even shocked.

Counting from the first year of the immortal calendar, to twelve years of the immortal calendar, the dragon was able to be transformed. And that magic array was established early last year, and after another year, the situation in two years can reach 12 years of change.

After listening to Lu Yuanqing, he had sorted out the context, and now he is thinking whether he should answer the party.

Everyone talked a lot, and the opinions differed.

"We have no benefit. To help him evolve the world, who knows what he wants to do? If the Daoyuan is not good, isn't it a cocoon to restrain himself?"

"Although the positions of the two sides are opposite, you and I understand the real character and will never do it."

"We can hone our disciples without discussing life and death. Why not?"

"All right!"

Lu Yuanqing pondered for a long time, interrupted the crowd, stood up and said, "I have decided, He He, Lin Siyi, Fei Yi, Xu Ziying ... and a total of 360 students from the courts, they will go to an appointment to fight a year later!"


Similar to the Taoist Temple, Fenghuang Mountain also had a discussion, but it was much simpler.

Although Gu Yan no longer serves as a director, he is just like the ancestor of Fenghuang Mountain. The entire industry was established in his hands, and he said properly.

So it ’s better than anyway, anyway, this group of people have been too busy lately.

You Yu, Zeng Ke'er, and Zheng Kaixin were the highest in the three, and they were just one step closer. Followed by Tang Bole, Lei Xiao, Yuan Lingshan, Wang Rong, Tao Tong, and Tao Yi. They are still on the rivers and lakes, and they are also one of the dominant schools.

It was a pity that Tang Bole had been delayed for three years. Of course, he had a solid foundation and had a thick accumulation of hair style.

There are 360 ​​people from the Taoyuan, and there are 360 ​​people here, all of them are innate.

The two overlords privately set up a fight without knowing the outside world. It may seem a bit inexplicable, but in fact, it is still the strength, and the beginning is Gu Yan, you have to agree if you want to.


There is no time to practice, it is another winter.

The night was deep, the sky was as dark as ink, and there was no star or moon. Phoenix Mountain is divided into twelve areas, and each area is set up with a small law array, which connects the whole mountain guard array, which is unmatched in power.

As the world upgrades and the world ’s capacity increases, the Phoenix Mountain, which is a node, has become more and more impatient and beautiful.

Today is special because it is New Year's Eve.

For ordinary people, New Year's Eve is still a memorable day, and for monks, New Year's Eve is just one day of the year.

After they visited, the family moved with them and settled in Baicheng. But apart from the disciples and the new rookies, the old people hardly returned home.

Twenty years of spiritual civilization have gone through two generations.

Nowadays, medical technology is extremely developed, which basically overcomes all incurable diseases. According to government forecasts, with the birth of the baby group in the next decade, human life expectancy will reach an unprecedented height, and even continue to develop, the average hundred years old is not a dream.

What's more, the families of these monks are near the water floor, and they often take spiritual things. They are never sick and have a long life. In this context, it is not so important that the so-called family members are happy and their children are filial.


Fu Yan was burning, and Jinyun was surging. A 45-meter-high Jinjiatian will jump out, holding a giant sword, widening and closing, and walking in the forest clearing. Then slammed again, disappeared inexplicably.

An Susu withdrew the rune, Liu Mei slightly clustered, and her mind was obviously not on it.

Her parents were also in Baicheng. They went back and looked at them during the day, and they were polite to each other, making both sides uncomfortable.

This is a question. If your children practice immortality and have great powers, but you are still ordinary people, what attitude would you take to treat them?

Obviously, even if she intended to get close, she could not return to the past.


An Susu sighed, and walked along the road between the forests with sorrow. It's not because of a weak relationship, but for a young girl's heart.

As we all know, this youngest true girl likes Brother You, Brother You was quite close to her before, but then she gradually changed and got closer and closer to Zeng Ke'er.

There are even rumors that after the two were promoted to immortals, they would invite Qiu and Jing to testify and formally marry.

She is restrained and unpretentious. She is not an active person. When she sees that they are happy, she is bored.



The night breeze is soft and the flowers are swaying.

The girl unknowingly walked into a flowerbed, paused, and sat in a chair for a while.

She has been studying art for more than ten years. She is a slender girl with a temperament and clear noodles. At this moment, she sits alone for a month and the fragrance is full.

She lowered her head and looked at her shoes, wondering how long she had been sitting, and suddenly there was an extra pair of shoes.


She raised her eyes in astonishment, and it was Jiang Xiaojing who was flying red.

"When did you come back?"

"Just now, what are you doing?" Xiao Jing rarely lowered his tone, and seemed to be upset.

"Nothing, it's so boring, just sit here."


Xiao Jing looked at the youngest apprentice, knowing in her heart, but this kind of thing is not easy to comfort, and she can only surrender by herself. So as if he didn't know it, he asked casually, "Did you not go home on New Year's Eve today?"

"Back in the day, everything is good for my parents and my brother."

An Susu's voice was low, and her parents had a second child a few years ago.

"Little brother……"

Xiao Xiong sighed, and touched her apprentice's hair. She didn't speak, and a little bit of red disappeared into the night.

How similar is she just to return from Shengtian? My parents also asked for a baby doll, named Jiang Yan, who is four years old this year.

Does alienation make sense?

You sit here, they sit there, across a table, you seem to be an outsider, they are a family of three.

For a child who seeks longevity and a sense of immortality, and a child who is full of cries and laughter and is full of fireworks, which parents prefer?

Xiao Xiong returned to Neishan first. Neishan was deserted, and Changsheng and Jiuru were engaged in daily struggles. Long Qiu studied puppetry in Qingshi Valley.

Then she went to Yingyuan Hall again. You Yu, Wang Rong, and others were participating in the teaching and teaching, and the disciples heard it drunk.

Then I went to Indus Garden, where the big red lanterns were lit, and a few new parents and disciples who were both fatherless and motherless were gathering together to cook dumplings, and drinking games.


Xiao Jingxi smiled and followed the flight out of the mountain to the Phoenix episode.

Every family was reunited, and even Fang Qing, who was far away in Beijing, returned. She was married and had children, holding a fat baby to talk to her parents. Her eyes were tender and she glanced at a man from time to time.

Xiao Jing suddenly felt a little envious ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At the beginning, Gu Yan invited Fang Qing to go up the mountain. The little girl unexpectedly refused and turned to Beijing to study and study. More than a decade later, no matter whether her decision was right or wrong, she should have no regrets.


Xiao Xiong, like a voyeur, looked at it with God for a while before leaving the Phoenix episode.

For a time, the world was so big that there was nowhere else to go.

She is different from others. She has always been like this. She likes the noise and tackiness.

"Going to Qingshi Valley? Forget it, Xiao Qiu will now stare with big eyes ..."

As soon as a thought emerged, Xiao Jingxi died instantly. After thinking and thinking, she simply turned into a thunderbolt and flew to the north, but the target was Ula province.

"This year, that fox can talk."

(Russia draws, Egypt wins ...)