Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 840: Enlighten

How the planet was born, the scientific community can't say exactly.

In the past, it was recognized that in the early stage of star system formation, a large number of material fragments would rotate around the star, gradually cool and solidify, and formed the initial shape of the planet.

Later, there was a saying that the planets were "jetted" from black holes.

Another is that the formation of countless stars is the collision of galaxies ...

Of course in the monk's thinking, these are 炁. The planet was born from maggots, and then became maggots after dying. These qi naturally gathered in cosmic space, forming nebulae, and slowly contracting into discs. The center of the disc gradually gave birth to the original planet, and then gradually developed into a real planet.

此时 At this moment, when Gu Zhe looked past, he saw a magnificent and wonderful disk-shaped nebula full of agility and magnificence.

The Plutonian Nebula is misty, like smoke and fog, and like an ocean full of lights. In the center is a small, dense, slowly becoming solid, like an embryo's original planet.

This is the top resource that even Dixian desires, Xingyuan!

"So strong vitality!"

Gu Guxian sighed with admiration, his eyes were full of its magic, just a distant view.

"It really is a small star. I was fortunate enough to have seen a big star market that was about to be destroyed a thousand years ago, like destroying the entire universe once ..."

Wei Shanjun wants to calm down and show a trace of recollection. It seems that experience has given him an indelible impression.

When the crowd arrived here, they automatically lost the unified organization, scattered in pairs around the nebula. The light of the earth fairy is dazzling, but compared with the real wonder of the heavens and the earth, it is as if the fireworks and Haoyue are competing.

Wei Shanjun also pulled Gu Yan around and instructed: "The mystery here is difficult to extricate once you enter it. Keep your heart in mind and don't have delusions, remember!"

"When will we come out?"

"Each person's relationship is different, it depends on creation, and we will meet again afterwards."

"it is good!"

Gu Gu nodded, and saw that Wei Shanjun put away the black dragon, turned into a streamer and submerged into the nebula, followed his body shape and disappeared.

He flew to the outer layer of the nebula, and found that the gas was thick and solid, containing a large number of material fragments, and spread out layer by layer with the embryo as the center.

He thought for a while, and simply dissipated his body, in a state of complete vaporization, like a ray of light smoke entering into it.

If scientists seem to know, they will say a long list of conceptual terms, but the monks don't have to look at it, they just feel it.

The old Gu only felt that he had entered a primitive and wild and magnificent world, surrounded by chaos and chaos, without beginning and end, like before Pangu opened the sky ... Oh no, it is between the open sky and the unopened, all existence will be unfulfilled .

"The Tao has one life, one life two, two life three, and three life. All things bear yin and embrace the sun.

1 is 炁, 2 is yin and yang, and 3 is the yin and yang phase and all things produced. As mentioned earlier, there are root causes and rules have sizes.

All existence and principles are called rules.炁 is of course the first, then yin and yang, and then a series of derivatives such as transfiguration, five elements, and gossip.

Light and darkness, life and death, geomantic fire, and even a mountain contain rules, because its quantity is heavy and its shape has power ... Further on, it includes the way of human beings, Fuyu, elixir, hatred, Swords and so on, these are the rules.

Here, Gu Yan felt the roots of the origin, the transformation of yin and yang, and the primitive shape of the golden wood, water, fire and soil.

就像 He is like a hungry guy, plunging into the richest library in the world, dizzying, not knowing how to choose.

He wandered freely in the nebula, lingering and forgetting to return. I didn't know how long it had been. He almost forgot the past and future, who he was, and he was obsessed with the idea of ​​the vastness.

Suddenly, Gu Yan only felt drowsy and his thoughts slowed down. Then he was shocked. Thinking of Wei Shanjun's instructions, he adjusted his heart and kept his mind clear.

After a while, he began to look at everything from a calm perspective.

These are natural elements, and there are no artificial runes, swordsmanship, or the like. Theoretically, the more rules the earth immortal comprehends, the more chance there is to penetrate the mysteries of the heaven immortal and make a breakthrough.

Gu Gu continued to linger while trying to fly towards a small group of yin and yang two qi. As a result, the small group of qi suddenly avoided far away.

He froze him, wrapped it forcibly, and tried to absorb it, but the air mass dissipated by himself and disappeared.

"What do you mean? Are you repulsive to me, or am I not enough to understand Yin and Yang now?"

He tried again and again several times, all of which ended in failure. After thinking for a while, he suddenly jumped into the consciousness and seemed to have a subtle connection with an existence.

When Lao Gu moved in his heart, he quickly flew in that direction, the closer he got, the stronger it became, and even a long-lost hot sensation erupted in the spirit, burning like a flame.


Beacon ... Chiyang Jianjue!

He flew for a short time, and sure enough, there was a trace of the same fiery rhyme flowing in the misty and ever-changing nebula.

The old man couldn't wait to think about it, the whole person spread like a cloud of air, and finally wrapped that trace of opportunity slowly.

Uh ...

I found that the news of Xing Yuan spread throughout the longevity world. The big brothers looked down on it, and all were little earth gods, including Zhang Shouyang.

After Lu Yuanqing, he also successfully ascended and joined Longhushan. The reason why Lu Yuanqing didn't explore ~ ​​lightnovelpub.net ~ is because he is the **** of the sun, the **** of the sun is the apex of the inner Dan method, and cannot go any further.

Biandan method was originally a set of coping system created by the decline of human aura, and the upper limit is not high. In the world, the true truth is immense, and when it reaches the upper realm, it is still those ancient repairs that dominate.

So Quanzhen is very embarrassed, saying strong is not strong and weak is not weak.

Lu Yuanqing is a newcomer, and his status is not high in theory. However, he has given full play to his communication skills, received much attention under the Quanzhen Gate, and also became a small official.

At this moment, he was at the invitation of Jiu Ru in Yuxu Palace.

"My father went to explore Xingyuan. Before I left, I couldn't get out of the air. I don't know if there is any news?"

"Nearly a hundred ground gods have gone here, and 46 have returned. Listen to them say that the magic inside is infinite, although it is a bit dangerous, but Gu Jushi's strength should not be a problem, so don't worry."

"When can my father come back?"

"This is impossible to determine. The star source contains three thousand roads, a rare opportunity. If you do n’t understand it, you will come back every day. If you realize a little rhyme, you will linger in it and forget everything."

"So it is."

Jiu Ru nodded, stood up and held the wine, "Thank you for telling me!"

"Oh, you and I will make good, don't hesitate to say anything, I will leave first."

Lu Yuanqing arched his hands and flew out of the Yuxu Palace.

(It's over in one or two chapters ...)